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Looking for you, women :P [updated 8/2]

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Jul 30, 2011
In your bed
Hello, My name is kinda long, so you can just call me max for now. Im not good at making request threads, but i will do my best. A little info on my role playing back ground is about 5 years exp on forums, about 6 months pen and paper (kinda hard to get a group together for one). that being said, i would like to go into what i would expect to see with another fellow role player.

Before i go into that, though, i want to warn people, that i do have a life. I got work, and college. right now, im off for the next three weeks, but then i start school again. and i work about 30 hours at work, so there will be times where i might not respond in a day or two. In this case, please just send me a PM reminding me to respond. Work and College WILL ALWAYS come first.

Now then ..

I expect AT LEAST one paragraph, and basic grammar. there is no post limit, and i am not a grammar nazi. If you are one, I may not be the perfect guy for you, as i do make grammar mistakes. i want long term role playing, no dashin out mid role play, or right after the sex scene. (if there is one) That being said, I think i will go into some pairings. They are very basic pairings, and will add a plot later, as i am trying to get a partner quick and right now, rather than later

Best Friend x Best Friend
Best Friend X best friend GF (or Vice versa)
unpopular guy x popular Girl
anything else really ..

School setting:
Teacher x student
it doesnt matter who is teacher and who is student, but thats the only pairing i will do (thats not already listed under basic) I have always seen principals as old people, and frankly dont want to imagine that O.O

Bro x Sis (step works fine as well)
Father x Daughter
cuz x cuz
uncle x neice
in the incest department, i tend to want the guy older than the girl, however, not too old to the point where its gross ..

fan based:
The force Unleashed
Need for Speed
anything else i have seen/played before, just ask. most if not all of the fan based stuff is original characters.

this topic can get so broad, that i would be typing forever. just ask, and i will let you know.

Now i am going to get some plots out there. i said eventually this would come :p

Plot one: Fantasy -- Morphing role play -- Craving the most
I am a dragon morph, a person that can turn into a dragon, and has dragon like abilities. [[details upon request, i have pros and cons being a dragon, been fine tuning this character in pen and paper role plays so i know he is balanced]] I used to be the honor guard that protected the king. However, the people feared our abilities, and slaughtered my kind. One of my spies were able to warn me, before i came back to the castle from a mission. from then on, I have been a traveling, trying to find out info about the people behind the massacre. while travling, i also have become a one man mercenary.

Thats the background of my character. From there, your character could be someone that wants me to train them, or meets me along the way, or finds me dearly injured, and heals me .... many many things. this plot could go anywhere, and thats why i like it.

Plot two: Fan based -- Naruto -- Craving 2nd most
We play original characters, I am from Choji's Clan [[too lazy to look up spelling for it]] and have some lighting jutsu, as that is my first element. we could be genin, being taught by someone, or chunnin, [[again, too lazy but probably killed the spelling]] and in a squad. I would be cool if you could control 2 characters, because then we could have a full four man cell, however, if not, we can be a special forces 2 man cell. Plot is really open, and can be smut, plot based, or a little bit of both. This is one roleplay i look forward to.

More plots to come.
yes i have, but not any recent ones, nor do i really remember the story line, or character name :s i know i probably just blew that one for ya sorry XD what did you have in mind?
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