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As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
Ah, triplets. God's gift to men with large... wallets.

So what? Not like it would bruise his ego any. And there was quite the ego there, of course, but Tony had known from the moment he met the trio of Swedish bikini models from the day before that there wasn't an ounce of intelligence in them. Perhaps combined, if only for the sake of motor skills. Ah, blondes. Blondes blondes blondes. If only their names had rhymed it would have been perfect. Thankfully they were the type that knew and respected his last name, and respected even more the many zeroes associated with it - their names didn't rhyme, no, but last night in bed they did. He could have called them anything and they'd have been the same buxom piles of giggles. Oh, to have that sort of fun on a daily basis...

Thankfully, he did.

And thankfully he had an excellent personal assistant who was always on top of 'addressing any and all undesireable issues' before he awoke mid-day, which always included waking and escorting out his lady friends from the night before.

It was these thoughts that swam around in Tony Stark's mind as he lay in bed still, king size and with sheets of orange silk. He was still in that hazy state between asleep and awake, when you were thinking, when you were aware that you were thinking, but the desire to join the world wasn't quite yet there. He smiled. Almost yawned, but Tony caught himself. That would end up waking him up more than he wanted, and right now was that warm, basking glow time. Triplets. Triplets that all gave good head, especially that one sister who went down on him in the limo back to his estate. Triplets with ice cream dripping down their rather generously sized breasts, which, of course he had to lick up for the sake of not creating a bigger mess than there already was. Triplets who had seemed as happy to explore each other as the night went on, and as the drinks went on, as they were to explore him.

Thank God he was Tony Stark.

And thank God he had such reliable help, he thought with a smirk, eyes still closed. Pepper had been great last night. Sure she made her usual sighs and eye rolls during the hummer in the limo, or at least Tony assumed, as that was her usual. He'd been busy with two other sisters to entertain, they not leaving him much opportunity to utter anything more toward his assistant than a drink request. And she'd played bartender the rest of the night too, even when the girls were giggling naked on his bed, showing Doctor Tony on the dolly where each wanted to be touched. And the ice cream. She'd been a doll heading out at three in the morning to buy rocky rhode ice cream for their fun. He'd have to give her a raise or something. Something nice. Maybe a cruise? He'd probably go with her, of course. She'd be bored without someone to tend to, naturally. Or too worried to enjoy herself.

Tony finally stretched with a tired smile, reaching to his ey-... hm? His hands had stopped moving. Peculiar. Tony stretched his back and opened his eyes on their own, a bit crusty as their corners were. He yawned but that felt weird as well. First thing first. The playboy cast a glance to his left wrist, trying to pull again. Stuck. Stuck because... becaaauussee... He blinked a few more times. Stuck because it was tied to the bedpost, a white silk rope held taut between the dark mahogany wood and his wrist. Kinky.

Shifting as he lay on his back, Tony looked to his other hand and tugged on that as well, to quite a similar result. Well, that only made sense. It'd have been silly if only one was tied. Inconvenient.

Looks like he and the girls had a bit more fun last night than he could initially recall.

"Phffhr," he spoke out, immediately blinking a few more times when the name of his assistant left his mouth. When the name of his assistant left his mouth, that is, only to be muffled quite considerably by a ball gag held firmly between his teeth. Oh boy. Inconvenient, indeed.

She'd be along soon enough though. And thankfully, were there a silver lining to his current predicament, she'd caught him doing much worse things than this.
Pepper Potts fancied herself a patient woman. She had to be, to survive daily interactions with a billionaire man-child who had a knack for buying expensive things and then accidentally blowing them up. He wasn't a bad boss. Pepper understood that there were thousands, even millions, of others willing and ready to take her place. She supposed she should just suck it up and do her job, playing the nanny, assistant, nurse, and PR all at once to one Tony Stark. Even though it wasn't always pleasant, she had grown to care for Tony during their time together, and he could be somewhat endearing. In a rude, sarcastic, let's-push-Pepper's-buttons-for-fun kind of way.

But everyone, even Pepper Potts, has their breaking point.

Really, the night had been no different than most other nights. Accompanying Tony to an event, watching him ogle and flirt at a trio of buxom blondes, silently withstanding their shenanigans in the limo she was forced to share. If she took deep breaths, she was fine. This was typical Tony behavior. Once she had gotten back to the Stark mansion, she'd been personal bartender for as long as she could stand it, before she muttered that she was tired and slipped off, probably without Tony even noticing. It felt good to settle on her bed with her laptop (she could never go to sleep without doing at least a bit of work), she could finally forget about what Tony was up to on the other side of the house, and focus on other things...

Until he had asked her to be a doll and go get some ice cream at three in the morning. And you know what? Pepper had done it, simply because it was easier than saying no. Tony hadn't even thanked her -- as if the favors she paid him were just part of what she did and not deserving of recognition. Pepper supposed that she was a bit to blame, herself. Too long had she indulged Tony's every whim, never saying no, always biting her tongue and smiling calmly at his ridiculous antics. As she saw the triplets to their awaiting car the following morning (her swift disposal of his one-night-stands was another thing Tony perpetually took for granted), Pepper felt disgusted with herself. Why was she supporting and playing part in Tony's misogyny? Was she really so self-loathing?

She had poured herself a cup of coffee, and made a decision. She would teach Tony a lesson -- but there was only one way to get through to Tony Stark. It was risky, but Pepper knew that she needed to do it... and it would require some preparation...

She re-scheduled his meeting. She stowed a discreet black box under his bed, and then tied him to the posts, confident that he was. She admired her handiwork for a few minutes and then she went back to her room. From the fresh laundry she had plucked one of Tony's business shirts; she pulled it on, along with a pair of black lacy panties, which were barely covered with the hem of the crisp light blue shirt. Wearing it slightly unbuttoned, revealing a teasing glimpse of cleavage, Pepper looked at herself in her mirror. Her red hair was down, softly curled on her shoulders. She held a glass of expensive scotch on her hand and a fat Cuban cigar between her teeth -- she had to stop herself from laughing out loud. As ludicrous as she thought she looked, Pepper knew her plan would work. Over-dramatic Tony would respond to something this theatrical.

Just for the hell of it, Pepper spent some time around the house like that. Lounging on the leather sofa, enjoying her drink, she played a caricature of her boss, affecting her best impersonation as she made sexist comments under a guise of light-hearted sarcasm to a Pepper who wasn't really there. It was all very bizarre -- she was talking to herself -- but, she had to felt rather good.

She didn't go back to Tony's room until about half past two. Pepper opened the door, and saw him laying there, bound, awake, and briefly wondered how long he'd been up; she immediately reminded herself that she did not care. For this to work she would have to suppress her intrinsic concerns for Tony's well-being, at least for now.

"Good morning. Or, should I say, afternoon," Pepper's voice was low and quiet. She closed the door behind her and locked it with a soft click. "You must be so exhausted, after the night you had..." She smiled as she approached the bed. She was still holding the tumbler of alcohol, and she drained the glass before tossing it on rug. "Let me tell you about my night. I had to babysit an immature jackass all night and then pour drinks for him while he took part in an orgy and then I had to go to the store to buy him ice cream so he could lick it off some big fake tits. At three in the morning. I'm a little tired too, Mr. Stark."

Pepper moved onto the bed, straddled his thighs loosely, looking down at Tony with disgust. "Tired of your shit. All you do is take, take, take... You think you can treat women, including me, like objects, that you can play with a few times and get rid of when you're bored... Well, for once in your life, your actions are going to have consequences, Tony." She removed the gag from his mouth and tossed it aside. Almost tenderly, she cupped his cheek -- then she slapped him, hard.

"I'm -- I'm going to show you what it's like to be fucked and used and then thrown out with the trash." Pepper had to fight to keep her voice steady, because, fuck, she was getting turned on. Once, twice, she rocked her hips against him, rubbing herself slowly against his hip. "...Will you be a good slut and obey?" Just saying the words caused her to blush, just slightly, and she felt another twist of arousal deep within her body -- not only that, but a touch of worrying fear, too...this could go horribly wrong, and she could be fired at any moment for sexual harassment. Pepper waited on pins and needles for him to speak.
Clocks were not permitted in his bedroom, nor was sunlight, not unless he decided to pull open the blinds to invite it in. At night, and in general, Tony had a long set of vertically dark blinds that stretched across a grand bay window that he kept closed, not wanting the outside force to rouse him early from his sleep, or in some cases inspire a premature end to his late-night shenanigans. Clocks were discouraged for that very same reason. Anywhere else in the mansion, sure. In his bedroom, though, Tony was a man for whom the world waited - he did not get up until he was ready.

It just so happened he was ready three hours ago.

Ah, the crack of noon.

But Pepper was late in her arrival, and considerably so. The brilliant billionaire found himself laying there in bed for the next several hours with his wrists held apart, cuffed to bedposts on either side of the headboard, and his mouth fitted with a rather uncomfortable gag. Worse than that, he still hadn't quite mastered working a remote with his feet. Tony spent a good part of those three hours twisting awkwardly while trying to retrieve the device from the nightstand beside his bed. Twenty minutes in, on his third attempt, he ended up knocking the remote to the floor, which in turn condemned him to then laying in bed for the foreseeable future, utterly bored. ...Well, there was still last night to recall and to relish, what of it he could remember at least. It'd been awhile since he'd had triplets. Good lord, did that one with the pigtails - Thing 3, he'd named her - give good head.

"Ah, fher yu ah," he remarked when the bedroom door did indeed finally open. Tony smirked. Inwardly, he noted it'd been at least three months now since she'd last caught him in a predicament like t-

Tony blinked.

"Whh heroh," came his voice from around the gag, the device causing his jaw to positively ache in its numbness at this point. This was...different. He wasn't used to seeing his assistant in anything less than professional attire. The pantless look suited her well - maybe they could make that change officially - though he would have probably put her in something more velvety and purple. Purple would be a good color for her, Tony mused, watching her drink from the glass and discard it, ice and all, onto the carpet. A cigar too? Was that one of his Cubans? And that shirt was his, too, wasn't it? Curiosity abounds.

What was that? Oh, right. She was talking. And straddling his thighs now, which, combined with the pantlessness, made for an interesting development between them.

Lord, women complained. Tony was not some horrible person. They'd loved, nay reveled in joining the club that was the great Mr.Stark's list of conquests. He heard what Ms.Potts was saying, but a lot of her point was lost by the proximity of her lacy panty-covered crotch to his own, and the slight curvature that peeked out the top ofher shirt. Well, his shirt. Would she take it off if he asked for it back?

Tony's mouth stretched awkwardly once the gag was removed. He closed it, opened it, closed it again, then cleared his throat and allowed some saliva to flow again before opening it a third time, likely to spurt out some clever remark - only to be slapped, turning his head with the sharp strike.

He listened to her words, and how her voice was firm, yet tinged with both a terrified and brave feel to it at the same time. He felt the slow roll of her hips, feeling for the first time his lovely assistant's crotch grinding down against him. Tony's head remained to the side. He remained quiet for a few, long seconds, letting her slowly gyrate, letting her experience this surprising desire to seize control. Then, in true Tony Stark fashion, his face turned back to her with the simplest of smiles, his body shifting a bit to become comfortable beneath her, "Why, Ms.Potts...if you'd wanted a raise, all you ever had to do was ask."
A raise. Typical Tony. He thought he was so funny and clever...actually, he usually was (not that she would ever admit it), but Pepper wasn't in the mood for jokes. His condescending tone flared her anger once more. She looked down at him through narrowed eyes. Her palm itched, as if craving to slap him again, but she did not. "This isn't a joke, Tony," she said, quiet, but firm; it was obvious from the tone of her voice that that was it, there was nothing further to discuss there. "I can gag you again, you know." And truthfully, she was very tempted already to do just that. But part of her speculated that it would be more rewarding this way, being able to hear what he had to say, especially once things got going...

Leisurely, she puffed the cigar, and blew the smoke right into his face, unsmiling but entertained. "These are pretty good," she said offhandedly as she placed it in the ash tray on the bedside drawer; for the briefest of moments, Pepper had considered stubbing it out on Tony, but she wasn't that sadistic...and, well, she wasn't sure exactly how much pain Tony liked to mix with his pleasure. (She was perceptive enough to perhaps estimate, but she couldn't be certain. Not yet anyway.)

"You deserve a taste of your own medicine, Tony..." God, this was getting dangerously close to bad porn dialogue, but then, Pepper supposed Tony's entire life was sort of like a bad porno. She decided to just go with it. "Maybe deep down, you want it." Her hand rested on his chest, just left of the glowing arc reactor. She circled her index finger around his nipple, lightly. "Actually, I think you do. So you're going to do everything I say, do you understand?" Fuck, that was a heady thought. Tony being the one at her beck and call, for once. He would realize what it was like to be used and taken for granted, whenever Pepper wanted... For some reason, the idea of fucking him on a balcony invaded her mind; bending him over and making him hold on to the railing as she pounded into him... Pepper felt the ache between her legs begin to intensify, but did nothing about it, yet.

Maybe just for dramatic effect, she picked up the cigar again, and took another puff as she regarded him coolly. "Your arms probably hurt," she said, and remembering that he'd been tied up for hours now, she did feel a little sympathy. "If I untie you, and you disobey me, I won't be afraid to tie you right back up," she said, rather snappy, like a teacher warning a rambunctious child. If that was the case, maybe a spanking was in order...Pepper's mind was running wild with so many ideas now. "Unless of course, you like being restrained." She smirked just slightly, and played with the knotted rope at his right wrist. "It wouldn't surprise me." Nothing about Tony ever did, anymore.
Tony's face grimaced mildly and turned to a side when she blew the puff of smoke unto it; lord, that was undesirable. He hadn't had much breath in him when she'd blown in, having been about to actually take one, but along with the twist of his features he forced what of an exhale he could manage through his nose, dissipating it as well as one could. "Yes, well, I would hope so. One hundred ten dollars a cigar. Several thousand dollars a box. ...Why, Pepper, dear, I hadn't pegged you as one to enjoy wrapping her lips around such things." His face remained simple, emotionless. There was nothing quite like some good wordplay. "Work, work, work. I've often wondered if you even know how to have any fun."

The slender finger tracing around his nipple gave him a mild shiver, one too noticeable to be denied. Tony went with it, flashing the redhead that simple, cocky smirk that was his trademark, "But Ms.Potts, don't I always do as you say?" Well, no. He usually saw her schedules as a suggestion more than anything writ in stone, but that was beside the point. "Interviews here. Meetings there. Hm... Are you here to suggest that your boss is such a stud that not even Swedish triplets can properly drain his loins?" That smirk was still there. For Tony Stark, the confident, ego-massaging words came as naturally as air. "Does it take a freckled ginger to do it right? All in the interest of my complete and utter relaxation, of course. Who knows what sort of mischief I might get into if I'm not consistently sated. ...Well, you know, I suppose."

Oh, he was aware of what she was trying to do. Shocking as this moment was, Tony was too quick-witted to dwell on it at the moment. Later, sure, this would all be something to think about. For now, she was straddling his lap in nothing above lacy panties and one of his shirts, that no doubt a Freudian show of how she wanted to be his, yet she was playing the tough girl routine. She wanted to be the next 'Stark girl,' did she? Tony regarded her with a curious smile. She was certainly pretty enough, there was no doubt there. Not as chesty as his normal fare, but her soft beauty and firm ass made up for it well. If she wasn't so damn good at her job, he likely would have chanced that employer-employee bedroom romp years ago.

"They do hurt, and I'm not generally the one to be restrained," he stated simply, his voice completely nonchalant, "but the moment you untie me I'm afraid I'll have to spank you for your unprofessional behavior, Ms.Potts." Oh, he was no fool. He was well aware that she wouldn't untie him after hearing such a thing. She was in charge here, yeah? She was a big girl today. And this, this was a game of chess, as much as anything was when dealing with him. "Fair warning." No, he was curious to see how courageous his assistant was. He was curious to see just what she had in mind, and just how far she would go. Curiosity abound.
Pepper nearly rolled her eyes. "Tony, you just don't get it. This isn't about your pleasure...but you can think whatever you want." She longed to take that box out from under the bed and strap on what was inside it; roll him onto his hands and knees and turn the cool, great Tony Stark into a cockslut. She knew, she just knew that he would sound so pretty when he begged for her dick. It made her feel a little dizzy, thinking about maybe wiping the smirk off that face for once.

"As always, you underestimate me..." she said softly. The more he made a mockery of the situation, the more frustrated she became. Of course he would fancy himself still in charge. She'd have to take it to another level to show him that he really, really wasn't. Her fingers closed around his neck, just lightly, her thumb gently stroking his pulse point, relishing in how it seemed to quicken. "I'm a little sick of being taken for granted, looked past as if I'm not really standing there. You would never know what that's like, Tony, because the universe revolves around you, doesn't it? Especially my universe."

She thought about how it might feel to squeeze, just enough to take the wind out of him after a few moments. She thought about doing it while she rode him, the gasping, breathless moan he might make when he came...indeed her mind was a strange and dangerous place right now, as if every unbidden thought she had ever oppressed about Tony was surfacing with lurid detail.

She drew herself back to reality. "Tell you what...we'll start slow." Pepper smiled slightly. Slowly, she removed her hand from his throat, and pulled down her panties and set them aside. Then she moved up his body, until she had a thigh on either side of his head, willing herself not to flush from being so exposed to him. She tilted her head and carded her fingers through his hair, the pads of her fingers lightly massaging his scalp. "I trust you know what to do now?" She had no doubt that Tony knew exactly what to do, and that he'd be excellent at it (she was getting wetter just from the anticipation), but this was all part of the game. "Because if you can make me come now, I might go easier on you later." Pepper gave his hair a sharp tug, as if giving him the green light to begin. "I re-scheduled your meeting," not that she expected him to remember that he had one at all, "so I have plenty of time to do whatever I want to you."
Well, this was an interesting development.

The fingers laced around his throat weren't a tight squeeze, but a choke never really needed to be. The simplest degree of pressure against that hollow cavity tended to do the job, in this case halving the amount of air that passed through it. Tony didn't struggle. He looked up at her and simply laid there and listened, digesting over her words as she stroked him with her thumb. ...Should this be exciting him? Because it was. She always had called him the most incorrigible of perverts.

What was that? Oh, right. She was trying to make a point.

That dominance, though, was lost when she temporarily removed herself from him to slide out of those black lacy panties. Her grip hadn't been deep enough that he needed to gasp for air, so he didn't; Tony kept his jaw firm, his body visually steady, and regained that lost breath with two or three slow, full breaths through his nose. By the way, a woman's vagina is a beautiful thing. Do they know that? He mused on this thought, shivering as he watched his assistant rid herself of her underwear, assuming she suddenly found them as unnecessary as Tony had been trying to instill in her for years. "My my," was all the dark-hued brunette added to the conversation, eyeing the small strip of fair red hair that cascaded down her lovely, bare crotch. "I guessed right."

But then she was straddling his face, fingers gripping down into his hair. Employer-employee relations...employer-employee relations...oh, but now he knew her goddamn scent. Their professional-only standing was so over. He shivered again. "Mmn...mmhnn..." The soft sounds elicited from his lips as she ground her crotch down against him, Tony's chin raising up eagerly to meet her. His eyes would have naturally closed here, but he was having too much fun eyeing that landing strip, even in the poor lighting. His tongue swathed across her slit, flat and slow, lapping up her ready juices to leave that smoothly shaven snatch in a thin coating of saliva instead. So this was how she tasted? Lord, he shivered again. After a few slow, steady strokes Tony's tongue folded into itself and started working the center of her lips, going from just lapping at the surface to diving right into her pink. He seemed incredibly willing at this, incredibly willing to eat her out, as if seconds ago he hadn't been refuting her challenge for dominance; in truth, he didn't feel much the submissive simply from doing it. He would have gladly eaten her any other time if only she'd just asked. Right now, though, her take-charge attitude was indeed hot; should her grinding down on his face and her words and attitude all be making him hard as a rock? Because they were.
Well, she had been right. He was excellent at this. The way he used his tongue was nothing short of exquisite, and Pepper did not try to subdue the moan that escaped her as he licked at her expertly. She rolled her hips slowly against his face, rocking down smoothly to meet the thrusts of his tongue. "Yes..." Her voice was a breathless whisper. Fuck, it felt so good. had been a while for her. It wasn't that Pepper had a shortage of suitors - no, she could think of many opportunities that she had turned down in the past few years in lieu of work. That was just it. Work. Tony Stark was her life, whether she denied it or not. Pepper did not have time for any other relationships, and one-night-stands were simply not her style. She wished she could say the same of her boss; which brings us back to the whole point of this situation...

Well, one good thing about Tony's constant string of women: it kept him on form. He was nothing short of fantastic at giving head, and he seemed to enjoy it. Pepper pulled on his hair sharply and groaned. The movement of her hips stuttered slightly. The sounds he was making should not have turned her on so much, but they did, his muffled moans against her crotch only making her heart race even faster. "You like that?" she huffed, and she was slightly flushed with arousal as she looked down at him. "Bitch..." Oh, she wasn't going to last long, she knew that now. The question at hand was whether she should come now, or pull away while she was close; it would be a pleasurable sort of agony and only make her orgasm more powerful when it happened, preferably while she was fucking him... Oh well. There was plenty of time, and she couldn't stop herself from riding it out as she felt the tingle and ache of orgasm, a loud gasping moan ripping from her as she came against his mouth and tongue. In the midst, Pepper wondered why she hadn't thought of this sooner...

With some difficulty, Pepper finally forced herself away from Tony, crawling off him and kneeling on the bed beside him. She was out of breath, panting. He had never looked more sexy, laying there bound with her juices on his chin, his dick clearly tenting his pants, hard just from going down on her. He was a sight. She started to speak before he could go off on some snarky comment about how good he was with his tongue, or something.

"Tony..." Her voice was lighter, more teasing now. She trailed a finger down his chest, pinched his nipple. "Have you ever been fucked? I mean truly, bent-over-the-bed and letting someone have their way with you...a man or a woman... I'm not judging," she added, tracing her finger absently on the edge of the arc reactor now. It was just another part of him (which she loved, goddamn it, yes, she did love him, all of him). She knew Tony loved women, probably more than he loved most other things, and really, the part about men was just teasing, though occasionally she did let herself wonder about her rich and sexually adventurous boss's past. Usually, in the deep of night, in her own bed...

"I think that's what you need," Pepper continued. "To spread your legs like the whores you bring back here and feel it the next day every time you sit down. But of course, if you've never done it before, I'll be gentle..." She almost made a tasteless joke about popping his cherry but kept it to herself. She was classy damn it. "Don't you always talk about how open-minded you are?" Pepper's hand crept to his thigh and squeezed. "Why don't you tell me how bad you want it, and then I'll untie you."
There was a lot to be said of this, of this whole situation. Was she in charge? He was tied up, sure enough, but Tony didn't think so; Pepper had a clear, hungering need to be among the women considered worthy of his bed, so clear that she was here to take it by force. The ginger-haired vagina in his face? That was foreplay. That was frustration coming to a head.


A pleasured sigh exhaled against the dripping pint snatch, sending warmth breath dancing upon her hot, textured skin. She wasn't just sitting on his face like a dead fish, as some women were wont to do, which was a very, very good thing; when she gripped his hair and ground down, he rose his chin and used his tongue to scratch her sexual itch at an angle. When her clit came in contact with his nose he instead pushed his chin down, which brought his nose forward, rubbing back against that sensitive nub. Whenever her fiery landing strip caressed against his face he smirked, just a little, because, well, it slightly tickled. Though she was behind the wheel of this ride Tony was clearly the engine taking her where she needed to go; he embraced that, lapping at her hungrily, groaning hotly against her cunt, kissing, flicking, exploring, and doing every goddamn thing he could to bring her to that blissful peak. At one point she'd even lowered her clit past his nose, close to his mouth, and that was when he made use of his teeth, the absolute carefullest of nibbles coming into play.

Lord, did she ever explode.

Tony licked her furiously as she whimpered, gasped, grunted and moaned, doing as best he could in his tied up position to raise that climactic peak as high as it could go. When she was done, when she shakily slid off of him and knelt beside him on the bed, the billionaire said nothing, allowing her the moment to enjoy. He did, though, give her the calmest, most confident of smiles, with a pair of lips and chin heavily coated in her orgasmic juice.

The lighter voice she started with played right into what he expected; she'd gotten the initial craving out of the way, so now she was going to turn into a sweet kitten for him, huh? She'd probably want to lay on her back and have him take her with the lights on, then cuddle the afternoon away. The pinch to his nipple made him smirk, even lightly chuckle. What came next, though, perplexed him. "No," he said with a similar chuckle, mixed with a quirk of his brow, "that's never been a desire." Men were not beautiful creatures. Bless women's hearts for craving them anyway. And as for the idea of a woman doing such a thing...the initial thought in his mind was an inability to think of someone he'd respect enough to ever allow them such a claim.

But when Pepper continued on about it, Tony's face sobered up quick. No longer was the cocky expression there. His features had grown calm, his eyes open and alert, listening to every word she said. She was...serious? And it didn't sound like she meant to give him a choice either. Tony shivered. He shivered more even as he felt her hand gliding to and then squeezing his thigh, coming oh so close to the tent in his long red silk pajama pants with a generously sized damp patch at its top. Tony's brown eyes centered on hers of blue. Oh my. She was serious.

He wasn't going to beg for it. Did she forget who she was dealing with? Tony Stark was a businessman; he would negotiate. "This doesn't get out," he stated simply, "and you'll be very gentle." But that was the tip of the iceberg. Looking Pepper in the eyes, he continued, his voice calm, "Afterward, I get to take you the same way, Red. And I'm not restricted to that same promise of gentleness." Oh, no. Not at all. He would make sure her asshole ached and burned. He would make sure it hurt to sit for the first two days, and was awkward after that for at least a week. "So, what do you say?" He did smile again, now, curiously to her. As awkward a thought as this whole sudden thing was, Tony was already looking forward to taking charge over her once her turn came and passed. "Do you want to go back to being a simple boss and assistant, or do you want to be open-minded too?"
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