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Key's Drabbles/Challenges

The Shuffle Challenge

This challenge kills me every time. What you do is put your media player on shuffle, pick a character, hit play, then write. You only have the length of the song to write, can't put forethought to it, but *can* finish if you're stopped mid-sentence.​

Shuffle Challenge #1
Song: Springtime for Hitler; The Producers Soundtrack
Characters: Sam, Victor, Sam’s Ma

“Guys! What the fuck’s wrong with you?! You woke me up again and it’s, like… Not cool!”

Sam looked down from his crouch on the porch; his victim spared only by his mother’s bitching. He blinked a few times and shrugged, which gave his friend license to tackle. Both fell to the cement, blinking as though startled, before resuming their fighting.

“Backyard wrestling!” Victor panted as he tried to hold Sam in a headlock.


Shuffle Challenge #2
Song: Drive You Home; Garbage
Characters: Sam, Sam’s Ma, Sam’s Dad

The boy curled up in vomit-stained sheets, tangled in himself. He waited for his mother to slam the bedroom door open and put the belt to him, or his father to scream at the neighbors to take a picture because it’d last longer.

Sam gave his pillow a tight squeeze, covered in half-digested dinner.
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