Percy Jackson ( Bound and Chaos )

Jan 28, 2009
It had been another long day for Kirk. Warm up and training in the morning to stay in shape, the rest of the day in his workshop attempting to build a bigger, better, smarter robot. It was weird being on his own. For so long he had always been around crowds of people, Demi gods at camp, Professors of Robotics with his Mother. And while he wasn’t the type to really get lonely, he found it odd how much he missed the noise that comes with company. Almost a full year on his own now, not living with mother, not living at camp. He had reached the age were he could decide weather to continue going to camp half blood as a trainer of future hero’s or go make his way in the world of Mortals.

It was obvious that he had chosen the later option. As much as he loved the camp he could always go visit, or volunteer to help for the summer, but he knew if he stayed to long in that world it would be almost impossible for him to do anything in this one. It was so easy to get wrapped up in the world of the gods and lose touch with the world of mortals, and he felt like there was so much good he could do here. Making robots to do jobs that were to dangerous for normal humans for example.

But still, he thought to himself with a sigh, leaning back in his chair. Living on your own is just so quite…
Azrael stretched as he got out of bed for the day. He hated being at this university but it was a necessity if he wanted to start his business. The only thing that made it bearable was the constant supply of willing sleeping partners, one of whom was sleeping in his bed right now. Azrael smiled as he went about his morning routine as if he was alone like normal. When he was all set for the day ahead he went over to a corner of the room that was hidden from mortals by the Mist. To them it looked like the was a large object filling up the space when in actuality it was the sleeping area for a large wolf.

"You'll make sure our guest gets out without getting into anything he shouldn't won't you Tenebrus?" Azrael asked the dark wolf as he scratched behind its ear.

'Of course Azrael. What kind of Guardian would I be if I didn't keep your privacy intact?' the wolf responded through use of the natural gestures, ear movements, and sounds wolves use to communicate.

"I knew I could count on you," Azrael said as he gave the wolf a hug and went to grab his custom made and programmed laptop, a gift from his Grandfather to help him with his studies. All godly descendants have dyslexia due to their brains being hardwired to read their Godly ancestors native language. Azrael had the unfortunate circumstance of being the descendant of both a Roman and a Greek deity. This made it almost impossible for him to understand anything he read, and also made it extremely difficult to write. To circumvent this, Lupercus had Vulcan and Minerva collaborate to create a laptop that would be of use, with a keyboard that had Ancient Greek and Roman symbols instead of English letters and with programs that converted any language to and from Ancient Roman or Greek. Very helpful for any class that required an essay or thesis paper.

"So today I have my finals in Greek Mythology and Roman History, then it is off to the Greek Camp Half-Blood to volunteer as an instructor for the break. Ah the fabulous life of a grown-up godchild. I miss the adventure of a quest at times," Azrael sighed, forgetting the Fates just loved to screw with the children of the gods.
Azrael entered his dorm room after his last test of the day and sat down next to Tenebrus who was asleep on the couch.

"Ready to go buddy?" he asked the wolf.

'Always,' Tenebrus responded with a large yawn.

"Good to hear," Azrael replied as he grabbed a bag he had had packed for a couple of days with all of the essentials he would need during his break. "Let's head to Long Island."
Azrael had been at Camp Half-Blood for a couple of weeks putting all of his Grecian cousins through absolute hell. Now he was in the camp office sitting at a table across from Chiron, Dionysus, and Rachel Dare. "So let me get this straight. Demigods are being killed off by monsters, a normal occurance. The problem however is that the monsters are using some of Hephaestus's prototypes, which they shouldn't know about. To put an end to this I am supposed to go find The Son of the Flames and work with him in order to find the rest of the prototypes, then find the informant and silence said snitch, and finally get all of the weapons from the monsters who have them. Did I miss anything?" Azrael asked tiredly.

"No that is everything, aside from the fact that you already know the Son of the Flames," Rachel, the current vessel for the spirit of the Oracle of Delphi.

"You should be going Azrael. Lupa sent these to you with a note saying you can thank her later," Chiron said as he handed the descendant of both a Roman God and a Greek Goddess a large bundle.

Azrael opened the bundle and smiled. Within was all of his questing gear. A cloak made from the pelt of the Nemean Lion; proof that at least that monster was still resting before being reborn, a gauntlet made by Vulcan that could become any weapon you could name as well as become body armor, and a whistle that could call any wolf Azrael wished to him instantly.

"Now that you have been enlightened, get out and complete your quest," Dionysus ordered as he took a drink of a can of Coca-Cola he had manifested.

Azrael left the building and went to the Arena where Tenebrus was resting before the next class.

"Time to go buddy. We have a quest to complete," Azrael informed the wolf as he donned his questing gear.

'What must we do first?' Tenebrus asked while stretching.

"We have to find the Son of the Flames, who I apparently already know. The only person I can think of is Kirk, that son of Hephaestus that was at the camp the same time we were so let's track him down and see if he is our man," Azrael informed his companion as he led them out of camp and on towards their current destiny.
Much later that night, since Kirk never moved to far away from the camp, enough time had passed for Azrael to be not so far from arriving at Kirk’s home

Another day, another technological break through. Lucky for Kirk he actually went in early today so he could get done with his quota of work before it was to late. He was in the mood to work on something other than mortal science. As fun and challenging as that was, he still had his love for weapon crafting that he simple couldn’t shake. He had thought about working in the weapon’s industry for a living, He knew that he wouldn’t have a problem figuring out how to make mortal weapons more deadly given his talents as a mechanic and an engineer, but he didn’t like the idea of being the possible cause for more death and war ( even if the pay was good ). Not only that, but he was sure his mom would kill him if he used his gifts for that ‘Dirty science’ as she called it.

No he was much more interested in learning how to make lives easier through robotics. But working on the same topic day after day was dull, he thought to himself as he walked into his house, hanging up his lab coat and stretching out his back. He wanted to work on so old fashion weapon smith-ing. A spear perhaps? He hadn’t made a unique spear in quite some time. He fiddled with his necklace as he thought about the design, possible weapon enchantments he could give it. He wore a simple bronze chain with a small bronze figure of a hammer hanging from it around his neck at all times. Partial because it honored his father, partially cause it honored his mother’s Irish heritage, and partially cause it was his favorite weapon he had ever made.

He was getting ready to go down to his secret bunker/workshop underneath his house when he got a strange sensation flowed over him. An old, familiar sensation…one he had not felt in quite some time. The mist was growing thick. A monster was close. As soon as he thought that a blast of light blew a hole in his wall, outside the smoking hole stood a Cyclops hold what looked to be like a glowing trident. “Hell, that can’t be good.” He swore to himself as the Cyclops took aim with the trident at him and fired blasts of white light, sometimes blasts of highly pressurized salt water, well trained reflexes kept Kirk alive, but the focused and powerful attacks of the Cyclops’s weapon didn’t leave him room of a counter attack. He needed a distraction.
"Tenebrus, now!" Azrael bellowed as the dark wolf launched itself at the Cyclops wrist. While the wolf was drawing the giant's attention Azrael made his way over to Kirk. "Long time no see. Seems you haven't changed. Machines and monsters all around, just like the good old days," Azrael teased the other demigod. The gauntlet on his right hand was subtly glowing and Azrael was holding his cloak in a manner as to cover both himself and Kirk. "Have a plan on how to get that super charged fork away from big ugly back there? Tenebrus may be the most powerful Shadow Wolf I know but even he has his limits and will need to break off his assault soon.
Kirk thanked the gods, all of them, when a large, black wolf attacked the Cyclops and a familiar face showed up shortly afterwards. “Azrael! I must admit, I wasn’t expecting to be so lucky to end up with you as back up, but I wasn’t expecting tall, dark, and ugly over there to show up and ruin my home owners insurance rating either.” As he spoke, he pulled the necklace from his neck, the chain fading away into dust and the small hammer charm growing into a large, two handed war hammer. “I have a few thoughts, yes.” He gave the shaft of the warm hammer a twist, and a compartment opened up on the butt of the shaft, underneath it was a button, Kirk pressed the button, shortly after he did his gerauge door was kicked down by a large walking bronze atomoton, slightly shorter than the Cyclops, it was made in the image of the famous sculpture ‘The Thinker’ “Automated defense system.” Explained Kirk as the large bronze robot tackled the Cyclops and began restleing with it. “That’ll keep him busy enough for one of use to give the killing blow. You want the honors? Or shall I?”
"He destroyed your house so you may have the honors. I'll be your back up plan for if the tin man gets beat, though I doubt that will happen. If you built it it has to be nearly indestructible. I have to go make sure Tenebrus is still in good shape in case he is needed," Azrael said as he headed over to his lupine friend. "You okay Ten? You haven't fought a Cyclops in quite awhile."

The wolf leveled a wolfy glare at the more than human male. 'I am fine, it takes much more than that thing to stop me.'

"Good to know," Azrael responded with a grin.
Kirk gave a nod, and slipped out from the cover Azrael was providing. He double back, observing how his defensive automaton was handling the Cyclops. Azrael had been right about it being nearly indestructible. It’s offensive abilities were not that great, it was made to be durable as hell, something he made just incase he ever had to defend against non monster attacks, he didn’t want to end up hurting a mortal. Still needed some work though, it’s movements were a little sluggish compared to the Cyclops. Around the time he made it to the back of the wrestling giants, the Cyclops managed to get the trident aimed at the Automaton, with a flash of light the robot was blasted into pieces. The Cyclops took a moment to look pleased with it’s self, giving Kirk the perfect chance to dilver a crushing blow to it’s head with his hammer. The Cyclops’s skull caved in and began to fade into dust, leaving behind the trident.

Kirk looked at the wreckage of his robot, something he had made to be super durable, and it had been taken apart with one blast. “Man…That can’t be good.” He looked over to Azrael “This trident…It’s not THE trident is it?”
Azrael walked over to investigate the trident. "I don't know, but it would make sense if it was. A lot more demigods have been killed recently, mainly due to the fact that monsters are somehow in possession of some of your father's prototype weapons. Do you know if he made a prototype of the trident?"
The news that many demigods had been killed recently struck Kirk rather hard. He had been so warped up in his work that he had gotten out of contact with camp half blood and what was going on in the demigod community. This made him feel a twinge of guilt, he was sure he could have helped save some lives if he had known what was going on. He knew being a demi god was dangerous, but to hear that a lot of them have been dying lately worried him. and the fact that they were dieing cause of something his father made was making his guilt worst.

He pondered the question and nodded his head slowly "Yes, I am almost sure of it. Fathers has a lot of time on his hands and is almost never quite satisfied with his work. I'm sure there are a fair number of prototypes of all the gods weapons of power. But I can't imagine they would be easy to get a hold of, I don't think most monsters would be smart enough or well organized enough to get them." He grave his warm hammer a twirl and it shrunk back down to the size of a necklace charm and put back on. "Come on, we should get out of the open. Lets head down stairs to my work basement, I want to examine this trident more closely. On the way tell me everything you know about whats going on right now with the monsters and weapons."
Azrael nodded before motioning Tenebrus to follow after the two of them. On the way down Azrael filled Kirk in on everything he had been told by Dionysus, Chiron, and Rachel about what was occurring. "So basically what I was told is that demigods are dying. Everyone knows this is a normal occurence but what makes this different is the amount of demigods that are dying and how they are dying. All of them have been killed mainly by what looks like a God's Weapon of Power, yet none of the Gods are missing their weapon. The only conclusion anyone has been able to draw is that someone is outfitting the monsters with your father's prototypes," he said. "I was informed by Rachel that I am to find the Son of the Flames and track down why and how the monsters are getting the prototypes and if necessary eliminate the threat."
They arived down in a rather sizable underground bunker, about the size of Kirk's normal house. It was like a small airport hanger. Just one big wide room, filled with tools and half built Atomotons, and stacks of materials for building, and much much more. "Odd they are sending adults to handle this problem... Normal they have the kinds on this kind of quest. I guess things are really getting to dangerous out there." He commented as he placed the trident on a work table and began to carefully examine it. After a few minutes he sighed "This is my fathers work all right. It's not as strong as the final product, I'd say it's about 1/4 the power...But I can think of for weapons that Demi-gods would have access to that would match something like this." a thought occurred to him suddenly "My father is a pack rat...but he is not dumb, and he hates it when people steal from him. These things would have been heavily guarded. I don't think monsters would be enough to get past a god's defenses...They must have someone really smart and powerful leading them. A rouge demi-god maybe?"
"Nice workshop. Your Dad would be proud of it," Azrael said with a whistle as he looked around. "I know what you mean about the Powers That Be sending adults instead of kids, but I am more concerned about the fact that the Roman and Greek Gods seem to be on the same page about all of this," the mixed breed demigod commented as his friend examined the trident. After the examination was concluded and Kirk finished relaying what he had found out as well as his idea Azrael sighed. "I was afraid you were going to say it was a prototype. As for how they are getting out in the open, we believe that it is a rogue demigod behind it. Any ideas on what we should do next?" he asked.
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