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Nicknames for a penis

Rubber Johnny
The Bog Of Eternal Stench
Foaming Pork Sword

That little thing that whenever I pull out people laugh like its a bloody Chappelle special.
Blue Stinger
Alone in the Dark
Muscle Bomber
Wii Sports
A Boy and His Blob
Irritating Stick
Dangerous Seed
No One Can Stop Mr. Domino!
Princess Maker
Trauma Center
I typically call mine Paco...Paco really likes to have his taco.

Dongel White Sneezer

Johnny Pleaser

Joe Teaser

The humptacular Hulk

RetroWitchcraft said:
My fuck buddy has gone on to call his "The Truth" because I can't handle it.

wow...can't decide if that would make him egotistical or you legitimately in awe of his humping skills.


Sir Thrustalot
Looks over the names and blinks shaking her head

Dear these really work?..Dodongo made me think of Zelda ocarina of time if I heard that my mind would geek out instead of getting perverted.

"Want to play with Dodongo?" Blinks several times "OMFG YOU PLAY ZELDA?"


I think that would be very interesting....I can maybe see the Ego one working though. <_<;

Although I heard one guy call his Penis "Excalibur"
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