League of Hotness

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Jul 11, 2011
A small port on the East coast of Valoran...

Katarina clambered across barrels. Garen would not be too far behind. He had chased her all the way through the harbor of the small town, and she was running out of places to run. With all her throwing daggers spent, she had no way of thwarting him. The Noxian would have to escape. Desperately, she searched for an exit.

Meanwhile, in a private tower at the Institute of War....

Morgana crept along a stairway, ensuring know one was following her. At the top of the stairs was a door. The door led to a room owned by her archenemy and sister: Kayle. The fallen angel broke the magical lock on the door and entered to find her sister, not in her usual armor, but in something far more casual, and revealing. The sisters immediately embraced each other. "Oh, Morgana, it's been too long!" cried the angel as her sister kissed her neck. "Yes, but we can't be too loud, or someone will hear!" the darker sister replied. She began to take off Kayle's top, squeezing her angelic breasts.
Garen followed her closely and luckily for him, he had brought the prince with him. There was a dog that followed Katarina's scent. Sure, Garen and Katarina had faced off in the past before, but now with Jarvan here there was no way she would be able to get away. Garen spit into the water. "I hate Noxians." He said to Jarvan who just let out a deep, bellowing laugh. Their armor clanked as they walked. Jarvan sighed. "I will check the pub, see if the locals know anything." He said as Garen let out a solemn nod. As Jarvan started to walk away, Garen saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was Katarina. The metal clanking of his armor grew louder and louder as his speed picked up. Nearing Katarina, he shouted. "FOR DEMACIA!!" He raised his sword, and chased her into an alleyway. There was no escape for her here. . .


Here he was, the famed explorer back at the Institute of war. Ezreal looked at his gauntlets and let out a sigh. It had been so long since he had actually found something worth using and not just selling. That was why he was here he supposed. Shit, the Institute always had weapons and secret rooms filled with treasure and the like, why wouldn't he be able to stumble upon something. After all, he was exploring wasn't he? Just exploring in a place he probably shouldn't be. Crawling up the staircase of a certain tower, Ezreal started to hear noises coming from the tower. Perhaps he had found another type of treasure. . .
Katarina turned to see Garen. Quickly, she used her Shunpo technique to get around the other side of him. In a flash of smoke, she was behind him and running. Heading toward the docks, she spotted a ship leaving port. "Haha!" she laughed as she once again disappeared in a flash of smoke and reappeared on the ship. "You'll never catch me, Demacian!" she taunted as the ship left port and headed straight for Bilgewater. She was sure Garen wouldn't chase her that far.

By this time, Morgana's skimpy top was off as well and Kayle was sucking on her delicious breasts. "Oh yes, sister. Keep going." She moaned as Kayle used her tongue to play with the fallen's sensitive nipples. Kayle stood up completely and hugged Morgana again. "Oh sister," she cried. "I need to feel you on my pussy..." she moaned. Morgana nodded and bent down in delight. She began to rub the angel's pussy through her underwear, causing Kayle to moan.
The man let out a loud groan as she got past him once again. Why could he never close the deal when trying to get that fucking Noxian. He made his way towards the pub where he figured Jarvan was and then managed to find him and grab a table. That ship was most likely heading to a port close to here, and there was not point chasing her, just to scare her off again.

The man heard creaking above him. Getting up from his bed and taking a large drag from a bottle of rum, he grabbed his gun and his sword and moved towards the upper deck. Sneaking around, and pointing his gun at the intruder, he broke the silence. "Yar har har, What do we 'ave 'ere." He said with a glint in his eye and a smile on his face. It seemed the Noxian had chosen the wrong ship to stash aboard. This ship's captain was Gangplank.

The explorer could barely believe his eyes, is what was happening really going on in front of him. He had done battle with both of these champions before on his explorations, though he had only gotten away with stealing something from Kayle. Now, they were at their most vulnerable and it was time for Ezreal to spring into action. Porting through the wall, energy bow ready, he pointed at the sisters with a large grin on his face.
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