Doing what I'm told (Google)


Feb 14, 2010
Cho gave a soft sigh as she stood behind one of the many pillars of the Quidditch field. Ever since last year she had been stuck under the constant watch and now Draco was ordering her to met him. She received a letter from her parents saying that Draco's father had threatened her parents she knew she had to follow. She hated what was happening as she stood there leaning against the ravenclaw's colors she looked to the grey clouds. It looked as if it was about to rain yet she wasn't sure what she should do. She knew though that no matter what she had to keep Draco happy or her parents just might loose their jobs if not more than that. Her deep brown eyes scanned the school grounds once more. While she could hear the slytherin team's shouts to one another as they practiced she wasn't sure what she was to do. This wasn't something she was prepared for, even as her mind went through everything it could she just didn't have anything that could change the tables around. If she told someone things bad things would happen to her family. She just couldn't do that to them. She knew as the only child in her family and her mother already sick. They were dependent on her father's job. If Draco's father actually got him fired things would get hard for her family. She'd most likely have to stop school or get a job during the weekends if the school allowed it. The wind blew as she closed her eyes against the cold. Already it was getting to be winter. She wasn't sure what or how things would go with draco today but she knew it would be the first step into hell that much she was sure of.
Cho Chang, Potter's little crush. He had tried to get into her pants the year before and Draco had been quite delighted to see the student he hated most fail so terrible. It was amusing as all hell, while Draco had been getting as much attention from the opposite sex as he wanted from third year on Potter was having trouble getting a date with a pretty girl in the year above them. Cho was lovely though, Draco couldn't deny that and there was the added bonus of her family being pure blooded back for multiple generations. The year before he had used a bit of leverage over one of her friends to force Cho to turn on Dumbledore's Army, this was of course while he was working for that old bitch Umbridge and practically running things in the school. This year he didn't have the same power but he was a prefect for his House and still had the power of his family name.

Now he was going to take things further with Chang, he had a job that he needed to do which had been given to him by the Dark Lord himself, and Potter would no doubt try to get between him and the success. But if Potter was distracted by say, Chang teasing him and leading him on for the duration of the year things would go so much more smoothly... and of course Draco would be taken advantage of her himself. She was lovely, so much nicer then many of the ladies in his own house whom he could be fucking on a regular basis. With a smirk on his face he ended his own practice for Quiditch a little bit early, having seen Chang down below.

“Hello Cho.” He greeted her as he approached, brushing his now mused hair back from his eyes and holding his broom over his shoulder. At that moment he was acting like a perfect gentleman despite the fact that her family had been threatened to bring her here. “Why don't we take a little walk, I think the things we need to discuss should be done in private.”
Cho almost jumped out of her skin when she heard Draco's voice. While it was very seductive she knew better than to trust his voice alone. He was very powerful even at his age thanks to his father's name. She couldn't only hope to make this out to be as painless as she could. Turning her head her brown eyes meeting his blue eyes. She knew if he had been anyone else, she would have fallen for his looks. His hair always so light in its blonde tint there was times people thought it to be white instead of blonde. Though as she hard him speak of going for a while she gave her head a nod, not trusting her voice as it might give away how nervous she was. She knew the wrong word towards him could mean deadly consequences, ones that she rather not have to deal with.

"Private might be best" she finally said as she turned her head away her eyes down as her bangs came to cover her eyes. She was uneasy being so close to the Slytherin boy who was really the poster child for the house. He was evil and sought only his own power, much like the house creator before him. This wasn't going to be easy she knew this but one could only hope she might be saved from the true evil that she knew was within Draco.
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