Captured After the War

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Sep 9, 2010
Dominic Rockwell Had everything he could possibly want, a year after the final confrontation between the Dark Lord and Harry Potter and the Death Eaters ruled everything, those who opposed them tended to suffer quite a great deal. Since then he had risen quite quickly through the ranks of the Death Eaters, the Malfoy families fall from favor had left quite a bit of an opening for those who were ambitious and willing to do just about whatever they wanted. Dominic fit that role perfectly, he was a pure blood, wealthy as his now dead parents had owned the Daily Prophet, and quite devoted to advancing himself anyway possible. Since the Dark Lord had risen to power, now in the open though not acting as Minister, he wasn't interested the day to day running of things but only expanding his power. Already it was rumored that Death Eaters were beginning to spread through France, encouraging Pure Bloods to align themselves with the Dark Lord unless they wanted to face his wrath... within a few years all of Europe would be under his control and with Dominic's ambition he might have a great deal more power, possibly become a Minister in his own right.

Right now though he was taking some time to reward himself, to get what it was that he had wanted for the last year. Those Pure Bloods who ran rather then obey the new rules were in for a rather unpleasant life, the young men would die while lovely young women were enslaved and handed off to loyal pure bloods for the purpose of teaching them how one should behave and of course to produce more Pure Bloods. In some special instances some half bloods and Mudbloods got the same treatment.

On more then one occasion in the past Dominic had been able to get his hands on one of these blood traitors but he had held out. The twenty eight year old Pure Blood had been looking for one particular young lady, seventeen year old Ginerva Weasley, also known as Ginny. He had gone to school with her older brother Bill, now dead in the battle at Hogwarts along with most of his family even though his young sister had escaped. For the last year there had been no sign of her at all though Dominic had offered a reward for her, clearly she hadn't been using magic otherwise they would have been able to track her down. Still, earlier that day he had gotten an Owl telling him that she had been working out of a small corner shop.

In a well cut suit Dominic made his way down the street toward her, he had apperated in nearby and was making his way toward where she apparently worked, making his way into the shop and pretending to just make his way around like any other customer while keeping his eye out for his soon to be slave, only to catch a glimpse of her behind the cashier's counter.

With a smirk on his face and making sure that the wand in his pocket was easily accessible Dominic made his way toward the counter. “Hello there Ginny.” He said with a chuckle. “You have had a year all to yourself but I think it is time for you to come with me, would hate to see any innocent muggles get caught in my path as I chase you down.”
Ginny looked at him about too pull out her want until he said something about hurting muggles , she put her want into her back pocket and said "I-i'll come with you just promise not to hurt them.." she said taking off her apron and hanging it on the wall walking from behind the counter up to the man. She wondered why he wanted her of all people to be his.
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