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Equinax: Orbs of the Demons

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Lord Dakol

Jun 28, 2009


The Ruler of Darkness, as he faded away into nothingness, created the first Demon in existence and sent it to Equinax. Bathed in a never-ending night, the Demons are the ruthless, dominating species and the only sentient race on the planet. The Demon had spawned hundreds of children, and for several thousand years, lived in peace on the continent of their Homeland. But when a pair of Demons birthed a unique young child called Shura . . . everything changed.

Shura had power that could ravage entire towns, and the Demon feared this. And so, he exiled Shura to the untamed grounds of Gxyuis and had anticipated his death, but this was not to be. Shura, with his immeasurable power, conquered Gxyuis for his own and waited. Soon enough, other Demons with similar powers as he joined him, and they began to call themselves "Virgus Demons".

Now, two races of Demons fight against each other, the Homeland defending their nation, while the Virgus try to overtake them.

Hahaha, this war will be interesting to watch. Because, as you can probably tell, I'm not just a storyteller... I'm known as the Universal Being.​

-The Creator​




Being eternally bathed in darkness, there are rarely any trees or flora on the planet. The ones that are, however, hold unique cures and treatments for illnesses and disease. The water on the planet, is in fact, not water, but pure Demon blood that they can consume like water. The only thing is, Demons need to drink it three times ever two days or they will be overcome with old age ailments, such as heart attacks and strokes.

Tall, high-reaching mountains are almost impossible to climb but hold valuable artifacts: the Orbs of Darkness. These are a fraction of Lord Dakol's full power, and even one in possession gives the user great power. There are seven in existence, two of which are in the hands of Shura and the other Demon.


Lord Dakol:
He created the planet of Darkness, home of the Demons. He is almost one of the Ten Supreme Rulers, complete control over each of the Ten Elements. On Equinax, Dakol is worshiped by ever Demon on the planet, and is regularly called "The Giver", or "Dakol".

Homeland Demons:
The original Demons, the Homeland race has the ability to take on a more tamed, human-esque form. They usually rely on brute strength or defense. They mainly control the Element of Darkness, and has the power of an Unleashed (or "Majin" ) Form.

Homeland Demons transform into their true selves, not masking their Demonic appearance. These are normally extremely powerful, and can be maintained for up to an hour.

Virgus Demons:
The branch of Homeland, Virgus have the ability of telekinesis, have increased magic power of Space in sacrifice of brute strength. They normally are not hiding their Demonic forms, and have the Descension form.
This is more of a sort of what Virgus Demons "want to be". This is their goal to become, and are usually more grotesque and powerful. They can hold this form for approximately 30 minutes or less.

The Ten Elements:
Basically, the things that created the Universe to today. They are in this order (not from strongest to weakest): Lightning, Fire, Water, Earth, Blood, Immortality, Time, Space, and Darkness. This does not include wind.

Respectively the ninth Element in the line-up, this Element is watched over by Lord Dakol. This Element usually has a mind of its own, depending on the skill and psyche of the person using it. Whenever used as a weapon, it takes on a tendril-like appearance, looking somewhere close to a virus.

The Orbs

1. Azrael: In possession of Omega.

2. Wirub: West of Homeland. Not in possession of any Demon at the moment.

3. Cccarayhua: In possession of Seele.

4. Juior: Located somewhere in between Homeland and Gxyuis; *hint: not in a mountain. Not in possession of any Demon at that moment.

5. Fao: South of Shura's fortress. Not in possession of any Demon at the moment.

6. Nieku: In possession of Shura

7. Unknown name or location


*: Follow the Bluemoon ToS
Profile Skeletons

Homeland Skeleton

Unleashed Form:
Biography: (I will NOT accept 'Unknown' or 'Has amnesia'.)
How much are you on Gaia a day?:
Appearance: (I will NOT accept 'See avatar'.)

Virgus Skeleton

Descension Form:
Biography: (I will NOT accept 'Unknown' or 'Has amnesia'.)
Appearance: (I will NOT accept 'See avatar'.)
Name:Anko Amnell
Age:120 but looks around 19
Accessories:She has a ring on her finger which has a red rose on it. she also has a necklace with a black cat around her neck. she can been seen with a tattoo of a black dragon on her back holding a orb with a rose inside. the rose is the symbol for her family.
Weapons:Two swords for up close but from a distance she uses a bow and arrow
Unleashed Form:Well not sure about this but here is what she looks in her human form:
her unleashed form:

Powers:she can control fire and has the power of flight.
Abilities:she can fly and she can make any of her weapons become on fire with out setting them ablaze.
Family/Relations:she had a family but they died in the war
Crush/Spouse:none but is open for any male or female to clam her.
Biography: She was raised in a loving home . Her father was a great warrior demon in his time and he trained her up to protect herself and the family as well. Her mother was great at cooking and cleaning house as well as a lust demon there for she worked at satisfying men's and woman's lusts. one day Her home was attacked by some Virgus demons and she barley made it out alive but lost her home and her parents.
Job/Career: A warrior
How much are you on Gaia a day?:not much used to be my number one spot.
Likes:Men,Woman,protecting others and hanging with people she loves.
Dislikes:The Virgus demons and anyone who tries to harm her or her family and friends when she get some new ones.
but take away the gun and add a dragon tattoo on her back with a red orb with a rose in it.
Other:let me know what i need to fix?
Username: Lord Dakol
Name: Shura
Age: 4,010
Gender: Male
Accessories: Several ancient books; an Orb of Darkness
Weapons: Quieztas, a bow that fires arrows made out of Darkness
Descension Form: Dark Shura
Powers: Advanced summoning abilities; minor mind control; charging his arrows with and Darkness
Abilities: Flight; teleportation
Family/Relations: None
Crush/Spouse: A courtesan that is his right-hand, so to speak.
Biography: Leader of the Virgus Demons, Shura was exiled from the Homeland at an early age, showing considerable power at such an age. Afterwards, he conquered Gxyuis quickly and led the new Virgus Demons. Now, he waits for the right time to strike at the Homeland...
Job/Career: Leader of the Virgus Demons
Likes: Death
Orbs of Darkness
Dislikes: The Homeland and its Demons
Book Burning

Other: Loves to read. He is usually seen with a book in hand and researching old age rituals. If he puts the book down in anger, be careful...

Looks good, Kat. I'll make a profile thread, and move them into there, eh?
Flames flickered gently in the damp cave, lighting the space ahead. Directly in the center of the room, a stone throne that looked to be carved from the ceiling and floor. Seated in it was a light-skinned Demon, one of his legs draped over the other and an old, dusty book in his hands. He flipped through the fragile pages, his dark eyes instantly scanning the text.

"That's what The Giver meant, hmm..?" he mumbled; his appearance was utterly calm, but any who walked into contact with him would feel the rage and power that emanated from him. This was the gift - or a curse, however you choose to look at it - of the Virgus Demons. His thin, jagged black tail whipped around as black ink covered his skin, and vanished slowly. Shura expected his courtesan at any moment, just to walk into the room with everything she had. That's what attracted him to her: power.
In the bed chamber 30 feet away, on a pile of furs, the naked body of Farah stirred. A small arm reached for her bed companion, only to come up empty. Turning her face to the right she grinned at the space that once held Shura. She wasn't surprised to see him gone, knowing he was in the main chamber reading one of his books. Stretching her body, she stood and began dressing. Around her hips she wore a black sheer skirt with cobalt blue beading, her breasts were covered by a matching band.

Upon entering the main chamber Farah laugh as she heard Shura talking to himself once again. "What has you so deep in thought lover?" She sat on the arm of his throne, coiling her spaded tail with his. She knew he could take this interruption one of two ways. He could get dangerously angry with her, but she knew she could defend herself if he did. Or he could take it as a much needed brake. Leaning closer to him, she feigned interest in the book.
Anko Paced her room in what was left of her house. Now that the demons had left she could tend to her rooms and cleaning up the place. She had already buried her parents now all she had to do was to make the rest of the house live able till she could get stronger and kill of those dame Virgous Demons. She was seething in anger so she stormed outside to the barren land and shot fire balls at the ground to take out some of her anger. she soon calmed down and sat on the ground to cry.
Shura had just finished reading a paragraph of the book, nodding slightly, quirking an eyebrow as Farah entered. His eyes calmly yet greedily devoured her luscious appearance and body, sighing slightly as her tail wrapped around his own.

At her question, his eyes flickered up and closed the book, setting it aside. "It's nothing . . . besides, I know that literature does not interest you much," he replied. Within a moment, his hands darted out and took Farah by the waist, pulling her in between his legs. His lips were just inches from hers, smirking. Lifting one hand, he pulled up the patch from his eye . . . to reveal a perfectly normal golden eye. "Good morning, Farah."
Her ploy seemed to be working, instead of blwoing up in anger, he pulled her into his lap. Farah's leaned in closer, her lips almost touching his. "Good morning, Shura," she smiled back at him. Her long tails traced designs over his chest. "Mmm, sadly no I am not interested in literature. You on the other hand do interest me." she let her lips brush his briefly. "Tell me is there ever going to be a morning, I find you still in bed with me?" Farah knew the answer already, he could not stay away from his beloved books for long.
"Hehe, what do you think? I see no advantage to sleeping more than needed," the demon said, letting her lips glide on his. That would have been the end of it, but the seemingly small action urged him on. His tail snaked around her, trailing down her back as it rested between her buttocks, then pulled her closer for a fierce, deep kiss.

The taste of blood and war lingered on their lips as his fingers squeezed her waist, wanting a bit of a morning meal before he had to do some things today. However, the kiss was quite satisfactory . . . for now. He broke the kiss, letting out a heavy exhaled, leaving him a bit breathless.
Immediatly it was evident that Shura had no intentions of taking just a small kiss. Her body shivered as his tail wrapped around her. Her lips parted for his tongue, letting it explore her mouth as their tongues danced. He knew how to get her excited to the point of no return, pain. HIs figners squeezed her waist, digging in softly to her skin. Before he gave her what she wanted he ended the kiss. Farah wimpered a little, her breathing heavy.
Shura chuckled gently, and nudged her away as he studied her, watching her reaction. "Something wrong?" he asked as he got to his feet, standing to his full height of 6'5" before he strode past her, sliding a hand over her waist before he went to the doorway.

"We need to leave. Come," he ordered, cracking his neck as he flicked his wrist, conjuring a cloud of black smoke over his hand. When it dissipated, an old book appeared in his hand.
Farah stared daggers into his back as he walked away from her, his hand only making things worse as it glided over waist. "Mmmm, really, you are going to leave me like this?" she complained.

Then it was serious and she pushed it aside. "Yes, Shura, we do need to leave," she walked to the wall that held her syth. Taking the weapon in hand her body hummed with excitment. She hoped they would be spilling blood today, she did not get her fill of it two days ago. Farah's skin changed from pale to grey brown for a moment, then she got herself under control. "Who or what are we visiting today, lover?"
Anko looked around the place with a smile on her face she had manged to bury her parents and clean up the place. Soon the smile faded as more tears streamed down her face. She put on a pot of water to boil and made some tea. she soon was drinking the tea kinda fast. she Tossed the pot and cups in the sink then picked up her swords and put them in their place. she put the bow over her back and walked outside. she starred off into the sky and let the tears fall. She did not know what she was going to do but for now she would watch the sky for any of those Virgus Demon if any came back she was ready to fight.
(had to change her looks pic cause it was not working)
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