A Jedi's pity.....

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Jun 3, 2011
A long long time ago, In a galaxy far far away....

It has been over 2000 year's since the fall of darthvader, His son Luke after finishing his journey Reestablished the Jedi order... meny a year passed he taught many the way's of the force and a new generation of jedi was born. There was peace for 1000 year's until one of the descendent of Luke found the ruin's of the deathstar, Of course there was story's of the deathstar but the location to is was lost in time. She searched the rubble and found a ancient tome that belonged to the dark emperor himself... after reading it her soul became corrupted and she fell to the darkside, she then made a new sith order known as the DLoTS or the Dark Lagoon Of The Sith. and the war's began once again.... over time the one Jedi order split into many different jedi order's so combat this new threat, And so did the sith although the DLoTS still rule's over all.

Our story begains on a planet known as Yavin IV, A young Twi'lek woman of the age of 20 Named Kara belonged to the SOV order of Jedi and had recently became a Jedi Knight. But anuff that our story begins truly during a attack....


Kara grunted as she fell a couple of Battle droids and looked around, The other Jedi's of her Oder were handling there own against the sudden attack. "why the hell is it always this planet?" she asked herself having a bit of temper seeing the attack busted thou her hitting on the jedi she liked, something then caught her idea, As she looked she saw too blacked clothed Humans running into the wood's nearby in the direction of the ruined temple, She acted fast and ran after them not having a good feeling about this.
Slutty_Sakura said:
A long long time ago, In a galaxy far far away....

It has been over 2000 year's since the fall of darthvader, His son Luke after finishing his journey Reestablished the Jedi order... meny a year passed he taught many the way's of the force and a new generation of jedi was born. There was peace for 1000 year's until one of the descendent of Luke found the ruin's of the deathstar, Of course there was story's of the deathstar but the location to is was lost in time. She searched the rubble and found a ancient tome that belonged to the dark emperor himself... after reading it her soul became corrupted and she fell to the darkside, she then made a new sith order known as the DLoTS or the Dark Lagoon Of The Sith. and the war's began once again.... over time the one Jedi order split into many different jedi order's so combat this new threat, And so did the sith although the DLoTS still rule's over all.

Our story begains on a planet known as Yavin IV, A young Twi'lek woman of the age of 20 Named Kara belonged to the SOV order of Jedi and had recently became a Jedi Knight. But anuff that our story begins truly during a attack....


Kara grunted as she fell a couple of Battle droids and looked around, The other Jedi's of her Oder were handling there own against the sudden attack. "why the hell is it always this planet?" she asked herself having a bit of temper seeing the attack busted thou her hitting on the jedi she liked, something then caught her idea, As she looked she saw too blacked clothed Humans running into the wood's nearby in the direction of the ruined temple, She acted fast and ran after them not having a good feeling about this.

Saren moved with great speed as he followed his Master though the woods, towards the ruined temple that was the goal of this attack. The young Sith apprentice was only 18 years of age, but the harsh teachings of Darth Magog, his master, had already crafted the youth into a formidable warrior. His frame was covered in lean, athletic muscle as a result of his rigorous training. His eyes where the cat like yellow of a dark side Force user, but if the light struck them just right you could get a hint of the dark brown that they once were. Years of sulking around in dark ruins or in the halls of space ships had given Saren’s skin a pale cast, one that his dark hair and robes only made stand out more.

Darth Magog, on the other hand, didn’t just show the signs of Dark Side corruption; he embodied it, his form looking less like a human and more like some kind of hideous troll. His face was constantly fixed into a snarl of rage, and his skin had an unhealthy wax-like look. Where his apprentice was lean and swift looking, the master was hulking and monstrous, looking as if he could crush any who dare stand against him.

Saren wasn’t fully aware of what it was his master was hoping to achieve here, Sith Masters rarely trusted their apprentices with the full scope of their plans, but he knew it had something to do with recovering a Sith artifact from the ruined temple up ahead. He couldn’t help but wonder what the artifact was. Perhaps it was a grimoire of dark knowledge from some Sith Lord centuries dead, or maybe it was something more eldritch, more otherworldly, the Sith always do seem to have more tricks up their sleeves then the Jedi. Either way, it would increase the power of his Master and thus his own once it was claimed.

The Jedi were an unexpected problem, but they shouldn’t be too hindering. True, the battle droids were unlikely to be able to kill trained Jedi, but they would slow them down long enough for the pair to grab the prize and leave. Otherwise they would have to confront the Jedi directly, and if there was one thing Darth Magog hated it was a fair fight.
Kara frowned seeing the master and apprentice running for them temple and she wasn't to far away from them now, she could see both of them clearly now One a true sith his monstrous appearance sickened her to say the least but the young one... he had yet to become fully corrupt... maybe she could save him before the darkside had taken him fully, Although this would prove to be difficult in and on it's self . Using a force jump and would front flip over them both and land 5 yard's in front of them almost gracefully and ignited a lightsaber in both her hand's one green another blue. She stood there and looked at them both. "that ruin is sacred, I will not let you near the ruins of blood.... it maybe be tainted by darkness but you sith have no claim to it.... Leave now and your life will be spared..." she said calmy trying to talk to both the sith.
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara frowned seeing the master and apprentice running for them temple and she wasn't to far away from them now, she could see both of them clearly now One a true sith his monstrous appearance sickened her to say the least but the young one... he had yet to become fully corrupt... maybe she could save him before the darkside had taken him fully, Although this would prove to be difficult in and on it's self . Using a force jump and would front flip over them both and land 5 yard's in front of them almost gracefully and ignited a lightsaber in both her hand's one green another blue. She stood there and looked at them both. "that ruin is sacred, I will not let you near the ruins of blood.... it maybe be tainted by darkness but you sith have no claim to it.... Leave now and your life will be spared..." she said calmy trying to talk to both the sith.

Saren was surprised that a Jedi had made it past the droids so soon, and was even more surprised that she would attempt to take on a master and an apprentice at the same time. Few in number were the Jedi powerful enough to confront a pair of Sith alone. The young human did not sense any fear from the Twi’lek, whose beauty did not go noticed, but saw instead only conviction and grim determination. She was brave, he could tell, but bravery alone was not enough to win. She had squandered the element of surprise, had she not given a chance to surrender she might have been able to kill either Saren or Magog before the fight had even begun, and then faced the survivor one on one.

The Sith Lord lets out a low, dark chuckle that seemed somehow disgustingly moist, as his eyes leer at the purple Twi’leks body. “You seem incredibly young to be challenge a Sith Lord by your lonesome, girl. Maybe if you can amuse me in this fight, I’ll keep you alive for some other purpose.” His tone leaves no ambiguity as to what that purpose would be as he ignites a blood red light saber and charges with a savage speed that seems impossible for someone of his bulk. He wilds his weapon two-handed and goes in for a downward chop with a bone shaking battle cry. This battle between Sith and Jedi would be one of strength and power vs. speed and grace.

Saren does not jump into to join his master. Not out of any particular desire to see the Twi’lek Jedi prevail, but because quite frankly the young human hated his master. Magog was little more than a thug, and incredible powerful and skilled thug, but a thug none the less. Saren felt that he had little left to learn from such a teacher, especially since there combat style was so different. So instead of igniting his lightsaber, he slips past the two combatants and heads on to the ruins, with plans to claim the prize for himself. If he could have in such an artifact, he was sure that he would be able to deal with either the Jedi or Magog after one had weakened the other.
Kara smiled a bit at the sith laughed mocking her for standing up to him, She was very bold and had a thing for fighting on equal ground's and not attacking like a thief in the night with a knife in the back. However as his word's came to her and the point her was trying to make sickened her and brought back a bit of memory's of when she was a slave. As he looked over her body she wasn't dressed like most other jedi, being a twi'lek and the way she was raised had her dress in a way most Jedi often scorned her on barely anything on her body was hidden under the brown covering's Her lush breasts covered but left anuff to show them off as well as a skirt that only covered her slit as well as her ripe ass. As he sent a downward slash at her she jumped back in a backwards flip as if she was doing the split's his saber came shockingly close to hitting her and she was glad she was not a male due to she would have lost something if she had been. as she laned she jumped at him doing a front flip , If this worked she would land on his shoulder'sd her slit pressed into his face hopefully to distract him. she wasnt as pure as most jedi when it came to fighting seeing she used every opption and womanly wile her body had to win a fight.
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara smiled a bit at the sith laughed mocking her for standing up to him, She was very bold and had a thing for fighting on equal ground's and not attacking like a thief in the night with a knife in the back. However as his word's came to her and the point her was trying to make sickened her and brought back a bit of memory's of when she was a slave. As he looked over her body she wasn't dressed like most other jedi, being a twi'lek and the way she was raised had her dress in a way most Jedi often scorned her on barely anything on her body was hidden under the brown covering's Her lush breasts covered but left anuff to show them off as well as a skirt that only covered her slit as well as her ripe ass. As he sent a downward slash at her she jumped back in a backwards flip as if she was doing the split's his saber came shockingly close to hitting her and she was glad she was not a male due to she would have lost something if she had been. as she laned she jumped at him doing a front flip , If this worked she would land on his shoulder'sd her slit pressed into his face hopefully to distract him. she wasnt as pure as most jedi when it came to fighting seeing she used every opption and womanly wile her body had to win a fight.

Surprise that a Jedi would act in such a matter was not enough to pierce though the rage that possessed Darth Magog, though it was enough to awaken a different, but equally overwhelming animal instinct in the Sith. The feminine smell of the Twi’lek’s neither regions demanded a different kind of conquest from the hideous man. The giant drops his lightsaber and grabs the young Jedi’s legs with both hands, forcing her off of his face and down to the ground with his tongue giving her slit one lick. He quickly attempts to force the legs of his prey open to sate his lust. This animalistic nature was both Magog’s greatest strength and his greatest weakness. He had could tune out all pain and fear and increase his strength to unnatural proportions, but it was at the cost of losing clarity of his surroundings and control over his baser emotions. In a way he fully embodies the Sith philosophy of giving into your emotions and passions to the determent all else, though his fellow Sith Lords would likely never admit such a thing, viewing him with disdain. Though if his opponent is able to capitalize on his lack of perception, the Sith might not have to count Magog among their numbers for very much longer.

Saren, meanwhile, races closer to the temple, encountering no more resistance. It would seem that the female Jedi was the only one to get past the droids so far. He strides into the crumbling building and begins his search for the Sith artifact. This search is sadly hindered by the fact that his master didn’t tell him exactly what they were looking for, likely to guard against this exact kind of betrayal. It will take him some time to comb though the ruins and find the one thing of true value in it.
Kara cryed out as he grabed her leg's and forced her off his face she expected to be killed right then but something different happened, her legs ere spread wide open for the large male her tight and young Twi'Lek slit was perfectly plum so it gave a innocent but yet wanting look to it. As his toung ran across it she gasped out both on dismay and a bit in pleasure barely any one touched her down there seeing sex among jedi wasn't heard of that much, and in some orders Banned. She looked up at him and growled. "how dare you you ugly sith basted!" she Cried out and with both saber's still in her hand she stabbed one thou his heart as well as one into his brain killing him.

After she was dropped by the now dead sith she ran to the temple although now half naked due to the ogre of a sith accidentally riping her skirt in half with his fall. But this was no time to be self centered over her exposed part. she had to stop the boy from doing something stupid. As she entered the temple she quickly ran thou it knowing the place by heart, Seeing as a padi one of her task's was to find a cyrtisal that was place next to the artifact. It didn't take long to find the boy. "Stop! Don't go any farther! Your master Lays dead you do not need to share the same fate...."
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara cryed out as he grabed her leg's and forced her off his face she expected to be killed right then but something different happened, her legs ere spread wide open for the large male her tight and young Twi'Lek slit was perfectly plum so it gave a innocent but yet wanting look to it. As his toung ran across it she gasped out both on dismay and a bit in pleasure barely any one touched her down there seeing sex among jedi wasn't heard of that much, and in some orders Banned. She looked up at him and growled. "how dare you you ugly sith basted!" she Cried out and with both saber's still in her hand she stabbed one thou his heart as well as one into his brain killing him.

After she was dropped by the now dead sith she ran to the temple although now half naked due to the ogre of a sith accidentally riping her skirt in half with his fall. But this was no time to be self centered over her exposed part. she had to stop the boy from doing something stupid. As she entered the temple she quickly ran thou it knowing the place by heart, Seeing as a padi one of her task's was to find a cyrtisal that was place next to the artifact. It didn't take long to find the boy. "Stop! Don't go any farther! Your master Lays dead you do not need to share the same fate...."

Saren was startled when he heard the voice of the Jedi behind him. He had only given Magog even odds of killing her, but he had expected his former master to put up more of a fight. The brute had at the very least been able to take a beating. He is able to figure out what had happened when he turns around to see the mostly naked Twi’lek, his inability to keep it in his pants had always been Magog’s greatest failing. For what will likily be the last time Saren wonders who he angered at his academy days to be given to Magog as an apprentice.

He lights his lightsaber, blood red like those of all the other Sith. Carefully regarding the woman before him. “I suppose I should thank you, I never much cared for that beast I was forced to call master. No finesse, no intelligence, just brute force. All the same, I can’t say that being kept captive by the Jedi Order sounds very appealing to me.” He begins to circle the Twi’lek, his gaze ever now and again slipping down to her uncovered sex and away from her eyes and lightsabers. He was more cautious, and more intelligent, then Magog, but lacked his power and his experience. In a straight up fight he is likely to lose, and to make matters worse for the young Sith the droids they brought with must be nearly beaten by now. More Jedi would be along shortly. Not having the time to wait her out, he moves to strike. The attack shows a level of talent well beyond that of a Jedi padwan, but still below that of a masters.
She frowned slightly as he ignited his lightsaber and lit both of her own readying for the fight, she joined him in the circling and listened to his story. She was saprized at his response, most sith apprentices loved there masters and some even loved each others as lover's but this boy..... He hated his master and this was a bit odd to her although she understood his reasoning. as he attacked she could see he was well trained but a knight was just below the master level in the jedi ranking so she and him were both on equal term's. She blocked his attack with a double cross parry and smiled at him. "you wont be held captive in a jail cell if you give up, I promise you this.... Your young, The dark sides hold is still weak in its hold on you...." she said and then broke the parry and jumped and span as iff she was a figer skater twirling her lightsaber's positioned in such a way that she looked like a blue top for a moment as she flew down at him.
Slutty_Sakura said:
She frowned slightly as he ignited his lightsaber and lit both of her own readying for the fight, she joined him in the circling and listened to his story. She was saprized at his response, most sith apprentices loved there masters and some even loved each others as lover's but this boy..... He hated his master and this was a bit odd to her although she understood his reasoning. as he attacked she could see he was well trained but a knight was just below the master level in the jedi ranking so she and him were both on equal term's. She blocked his attack with a double cross parry and smiled at him. "you wont be held captive in a jail cell if you give up, I promise you this.... Your young, The dark sides hold is still weak in its hold on you...." she said and then broke the parry and jumped and span as iff she was a figer skater twirling her lightsaber's positioned in such a way that she looked like a blue top for a moment as she flew down at him.

Saren knew better then to try to parry that move, it would be a good way to lose a limb or two. Instead the young Sith moves back gives ground to the twi’lek, moving away from the rotisserie lightshow of death so he can attempt a counter attack when she stops spinning. Saren’s lightsaber style was a single handed fencing style, built around the lunge and parrying incoming attacks. Unfortunately, he was not used to fighting a two bladed style, and the extra weapon was throwing him off his game.

“Wouldn’t put me in a jail cell? No, instead I’d have to listen to how wrong it is too feel and to love and to hate and to just be a person. You Jedi are almost more like machines then the droids, why do you think it’s so easy to get you to defect?” He tries to call upon the signature technique of the sith, the dreaded force lighting…but sadly he seems to not have mastered the technique very well. The energy that goes out from his fingertips is enough to give the Jedi a painful shock, but not enough to do any actual damage.
Kara landed soon and looked up just in time from him to send a force lightning at her, as well at the level of it. she rose one of her sabers and countered the Lightning easily. she heard what he had to say and he did have a point she saw how some jedi were. It sickened her at times, but luckily she was sword to the SOV order of jedi were sex was aloud and some sith art's were tuaght but not anuff to corrupt. she then used a outward swing to esily break his force lightning powers and used a force push but not at him but at the hand that held his lightsaber. "Yes you will be scolded by the jedi masters and they will try and bring you to the light." She said softly looking at him fully in the eyes. "But I am not like that, They call me Kara the gray jedi knight... The reason? Look at how i dress... Do you think and other female jedi would be fighting half naked in front another male? Most other female jedi I know would run off and get a new skirt. Also I don't fight like other jedi... Also I have layed with meny a man, And was trying to get into my old masters Frieds pants when you sith attacked." She then started to walk to him calmly hip's swaying a bit, "There is no need to fight."
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara landed soon and looked up just in time from him to send a force lightning at her, as well at the level of it. she rose one of her sabers and countered the Lightning easily. she heard what he had to say and he did have a point she saw how some jedi were. It sickened her at times, but luckily she was sword to the SOV order of jedi were sex was aloud and some sith art's were tuaght but not anuff to corrupt. she then used a outward swing to esily break his force lightning powers and used a force push but not at him but at the hand that held his lightsaber. "Yes you will be scolded by the jedi masters and they will try and bring you to the light." She said softly looking at him fully in the eyes. "But I am not like that, They call me Kara the gray jedi knight... The reason? Look at how i dress... Do you think and other female jedi would be fighting half naked in front another male? Most other female jedi I know would run off and get a new skirt. Also I don't fight like other jedi... Also I have layed with meny a man, And was trying to get into my old masters Frieds pants when you sith attacked." She then started to walk to him calmly hip's swaying a bit, "There is no need to fight."

Saren’s lightsaber goes flying from his hand as it is hit by Kara’s force push, he grits his teeth in frustration that his own force power had failed him in such a humiliating fashion, and now he had been disarmed by a nearly naked Twi’lek. His options were growing thin, and the lovely female was now slowly advancing on him, her naked hips swaying with each movement. He had to admit, surrendering to such a woman did not seem as if it would be an altogether unpleasant proposition, but the Sith was jaded enough to believe that this might be some kind of trick. As Kara advances forward, Saren backs up until his back is pressed up against the temple wall. “I don’t believe you; a Jedi would never act in such a manner.” Though the seductive way she was walking forward was proof against that claim. “Just….just stay back! Stay back or I will destroy you.” He tries to hide the fear in his voice, and is very nearly able to do so, but just a hint of uncertain remains in his steely voice.
Kara watched him, watched as his frustration grew and how he started to back away from her, she answered his first statement. "if you know me you would know how meny times i get scorned for what i do.... Kara the darkside will grab you... Kara if you keep acting like this you will fall.... The way you dress is like when you were a Twi'lek slave whore... How could you become a jedi knight by the way you acted?' she walked closer and closer to him, And as she got closer she could see how handsome he realy was. She had to admit, He looked good for a sith. The was only inches away from him now and moved a hand up to brush his face. 'there is no need to be scared of me.... I wont hurt you...." she said softly smiling at him. "also.... It would be unwise to try, The temple is now surrounded by Jedi...." she said as she felt the force energy of her comrades.
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara watched him, watched as his frustration grew and how he started to back away from her, she answered his first statement. "if you know me you would know how meny times i get scorned for what i do.... Kara the darkside will grab you... Kara if you keep acting like this you will fall.... The way you dress is like when you were a Twi'lek slave whore... How could you become a jedi knight by the way you acted?' she walked closer and closer to him, And as she got closer she could see how handsome he realy was. She had to admit, He looked good for a sith. The was only inches away from him now and moved a hand up to brush his face. 'there is no need to be scared of me.... I wont hurt you...." she said softly smiling at him. "also.... It would be unwise to try, The temple is now surrounded by Jedi...." she said as she felt the force energy of her comrades.

Saren’s breath begins to come faster and faster as Kara gets closer, her voice soothing and beautiful, and her body warm and so very very here as she stands mere inches from him, her soft hand on his face. Each breath he takes brings in more of her feminine scent, driving the idea of fighting from the young man’s mind and replacing it with a different idea of what he and the beautiful female could get up to. His eyes meet hers, and the cat like yellow that infects the eyes of those with dark side taint seems to, in that moment, have nearly faded to reveal the crystal blue that they had replaced. He was about ready to surrender until she mentioned the other Jedi were now outside the temple. That snapped him out of his hormone induced haze. “I won’t live my life being looked down upon by a bunch of self-righteous Jedi.” He tries to squeeze past her, set on running and getting away from here. If he can just make it back to his ship he could get away from all this.
She smiled as he started to give in her charm working on him, She was half way acting and half way not something in her wanted her to show him how she really could be, She almost went wide eyed as the dark taint almost let go its hold on him. But then he snapped out of it and he tried to get away from her she grabbed his arm and pushed him back into the wall her other hand going into his pants and grabbed his cock and began to stroke it softly her thumb teasing the head of it. "stop, I will never look down on you... Your young and can make mistakes.... I understand this.... Also I wouldn't look don't on someone as big as you." She winked, she then let go his arm and went down to her knees, and pulled his pants down to get a better look at what she was handling.
Slutty_Sakura said:
She smiled as he started to give in her charm working on him, She was half way acting and half way not something in her wanted her to show him how she really could be, She almost went wide eyed as the dark taint almost let go its hold on him. But then he snapped out of it and he tried to get away from her she grabbed his arm and pushed him back into the wall her other hand going into his pants and grabbed his cock and began to stroke it softly her thumb teasing the head of it. "stop, I will never look down on you... Your young and can make mistakes.... I understand this.... Also I wouldn't look don't on someone as big as you." She winked, she then let go his arm and went down to her knees, and pulled his pants down to get a better look at what she was handling.

Saren was absolutely stunned by the action of the Jedi, a small sound escaping his mouth as her hand grips his cock. Had his brain being functioning normally, it would have been screaming at his that this was just about as far from normal Jedi behavior as you could get. His brain was not functioning normally; indeed an entirely different head was no directing the young force user’s actions.

His cock was now bared and fully erect, and it was indeed a very impressive cock. More than large enough to fill up her hands. Saren’s breath starts to come in short bursts as the beautiful young Jedi plays with his manhood. He regains enough of his sense to pant out “Wha…what are you doing!” He is completely stunned out of any attempt to escape, which is just as well since any attempts to flee were doomed to failure.
Kara went wide eyed as she saw his cock, It was bigger then any other she had in her life. She leaned in and licked it from base to the top of its head swirling her toung around the tip as she did so before kissing it. It showed she knew her way around the bed chamber. She lightly kissed the tip smiling at it before looking up at him. Her free hand went behind her and untied her top and let it fall to the ground he whole body now exposed to him her lush and full breasts fully naked to his eyes. She looked up at him and smiled to his question. "I'm gunna show you not all jedi are as stuck up as the others... And in fact, A group of girls from my order and me have a little privet group were we do this kind of thing all the time.... Sov Jedi arnt like the other jedi groups." She then leaned in and took him into her mouth and went half way down his cock before going back almost anuff for him to pop out before starting repeat her actions, Her toung playing with what was in her mouth.
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara went wide eyed as she saw his cock, It was bigger then any other she had in her life. She leaned in and licked it from base to the top of its head swirling her toung around the tip as she did so before kissing it. It showed she knew her way around the bed chamber. She lightly kissed the tip smiling at it before looking up at him. Her free hand went behind her and untied her top and let it fall to the ground he whole body now exposed to him her lush and full breasts fully naked to his eyes. She looked up at him and smiled to his question. "I'm gunna show you not all jedi are as stuck up as the others... And in fact, A group of girls from my order and me have a little privet group were we do this kind of thing all the time.... Sov Jedi arnt like the other jedi groups." She then leaned in and took him into her mouth and went half way down his cock before going back almost anuff for him to pop out before starting repeat her actions, Her toung playing with what was in her mouth.

He was getting a blow job from a Jedi. That was the one fact that kept going through Saren’s mind again and again. Secondary facts would occasionally accompany it, facts like she defiantly had experience in this matter, this will likely be a bad way to greet the oncoming Jedi after he, his former master, and their battle droids tried to kill them, and most importantly of all how good it felt to feel her lips and tongue wrapped around his cock. Belonging to a sect that embraced passion, this was not Saren’s first sexual experience, but it made all the fumbling he did with nervous female acolytes in the dark, still learning to embrace the dark side, pale by comparison.

And the visuals just compounded the pleasure, the way her head tails moved while her head bobbed up and down, the full breasts now visible to his eyes. It was just too much to take. With a low growl, his hands reach out and firmly grab her head tails, a spot he knows is very sensitive to a Twi’elk, and starts to force her to go faster, lightly massaging her as he does so, showing he is not thinking only entirely of his pleasure.
Kara kept looking up at him to make sure he was enjoying himself, In truth this wasn't her first time nor would it be her last. But something inside her was telling her to stop as she felt her comrades force energy's get closer. She didnt care and in fact had a idea. She lifted her hand and used a force push tord a certin stone near the entrance of the room they were in. Hitting the secret switched the door closed with what looked to be a wall making it look lik a dead end from the other side. As he grabbed her twin tails of her head she almost meeped but them smiled inwardly as he began to make he go faster on him and she gladly complied. She treached down and began toy play with her wetting and waiting slit and moaned adding vibrations with her sucking.
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara kept looking up at him to make sure he was enjoying himself, In truth this wasn't her first time nor would it be her last. But something inside her was telling her to stop as she felt her comrades force energy's get closer. She didnt care and in fact had a idea. She lifted her hand and used a force push tord a certin stone near the entrance of the room they were in. Hitting the secret switched the door closed with what looked to be a wall making it look lik a dead end from the other side. As he grabbed her twin tails of her head she almost meeped but them smiled inwardly as he began to make he go faster on him and she gladly complied. She treached down and began toy play with her wetting and waiting slit and moaned adding vibrations with her sucking.

Saren lets of a moan of combined relief and pleasure when he sees the door close. He really didn’t want to have this be his first impression on the group of people who would decide his fate, but at the same time he wasn’t sure he could stop now if he wanted to. Things were happening so fast for him, Magog was dead, and he had been defeated by a Jedi, a Jedi who had offered him a new life before grabbing his dick and sucking it. Besides lingering doubts that her compatriots would go along with her proposal, he wondered if she would be the one assigned to finish his training. The idea appealed to him on several levels, the idea of living with her and learning from her was satisfying. As was the idea of calling her “mistress Kara.”
Those thoughts were driven from his head after a particularly pleasing trick of Kara’s tongue that brought a high pitch to his voice. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to climax, but he couldn’t seem to quite find the voice to warn the twi’lek of it in between moans of pleasure.

((now its going to be like 20 minutes))
Kara already knew that he was about to cum from the way his cock hardened and twitched and pulled him out her mouth, But she didn't stop stroking his cock. "you have 3 things to choose from young one... Cum on my face, In my mouth, Or in my pussy......" she told him wile looking up at him, If he chooses her pussy she could use the force to keep him from cumming but kkeep his hard as if he was wearing a cock ring so they could have more fun. But this was up to to him to deiced.
Slutty_Sakura said:
Kara already knew that he was about to cum from the way his cock hardened and twitched and pulled him out her mouth, But she didn't stop stroking his cock. "you have 3 things to choose from young one... Cum on my face, In my mouth, Or in my pussy......" she told him wile looking up at him, If he chooses her pussy she could use the force to keep him from cumming but kkeep his hard as if he was wearing a cock ring so they could have more fun. But this was up to to him to deiced.

The young soon to be former Sith’s mind was reeling from the events that had just unfolding, and the continued stroking of his cock did not exactly help to lend clarity to his thought process, making his new teacher’s first multiple choice question a little more difficult than it might otherwise have been. He was lucid enough to know that getting someone possible pregnant right now was a bad idea, and he had no way of knowing Kara’s mastery of the force extended to creative applications during sex, though if he was thinking more clearly he might of guessed it. This put pussy out of the question. “Mouth” he managed to get out between shallow breaths.

After he makes his choice he tightens his grips on her head tails and slams his cock into her throat, cumming with full force. Though budding feels that might eventually grow into love had helped to push the dark side in him back, the current lust running though him and his decision to abandon thought and give into his passions brought it back full force, his eyes turning yellow. This left Kara with a decision to make. Either she could restrain him in her own unique way, and continue from there, or she could risk letting him embrace his passions further and possible have him get a little rough with her.
As he said it she knew what was about to happen, He forced her head back onto his cock and started to cum. She drank all he had and even reached up to toy with his balls as he came in her mouth. The taste was a bit different then what she normally got.... This tasted.... sweet.... She looked up to him and took his cock out after he was fished and licked her lips. "That was good young one.... Now.... For the main course..." she backed awayu from him on her hands and knees wiggling her cute rump at him. "Come and get it.... But hurry.... We dont have nmuch time left...."
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