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Beautiful's Journey to Top-Tier Artwork.

Star Pupil

Old soul
Apr 30, 2011

Welcome to my artwork journey thread!

I am using a Bamboo Craft Pen and Touch Tablet who's name is Cyrus.
Using the program Portable Sai.

I am currrently working on shading, line art, and layering.
I need to learn clothing folds, face detail, and backgrounds.

I don't mind doing requests, otherwise the art will be random.

I am very open to constructive criticism, so I can put more on my list for things to learn and work on.

Comments also welcome!

Also, this is Cyrus.


A journal entry in my quest.

Just by looking at the earlier posts, I can tell that I have made a very nice improvement with my shading technique. I've even learned a few tricks with Opacity, which is pretty awesome.

My drawings are beginning to look less flat. I'm pretty impressed with myself as of late.
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