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I'm not very picky.

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Jul 10, 2011
So this is my first post on here looking for a roleplay.
Let's hope this works because I am pretty desperate.:)
First of all, I am not fond of playing male but if it is necessary, I will do it. Just please do not come up to me saying "You be male, I'll be female." I will say no. Either we double, or you play male. Doubling right now is back on a trial basis only. For a long time, I wouldn't do it, but desperation has lead me to consider it again. But if you play male, I will love you forever.
Second, I prefer to keep this over email. It is just easier and I'll be able to reply more, thanks to the email app I have on my phone.
Third, I do have a life outside roleplaying. I reply as much as possible, but if I suddenly disappear, I don't hate you and I will reply later.
Fourth.. For the love of Lady Gaga(whom I love very much), don't give me replies like "'I don't know.'" Unless I realllllly love you or our roleplay, I will put you on my list. Give me some depth. I don't expect three paragraphs per response- shit you can give me three sentences if you want, as long as I can work off of it- but don't give me that. Please. Also, please don't expect novels from me either, especially if I'm on my cell phone. Which if I am, you'll know because it will say "Sent from my Android" or something at the bottom of the message. Be patient with me- I will always give you something to work off of.
Fifth. I'm not into anime roleplays or anything not modern or warrior or anything like that. So don't waste your time or my time by asking. Aside from that however, I'm pretty wide open! I love most modern things, most odd pairings... just ask and I'll tell you if I'd be willing to give it a shot or not.:) Chances are if it's not anything I said I don't like, I will.

So... I guess that's it. Yep.:)
You can email me if you're interested, or PM me.:)
My email is
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