A Hiss of Blackmail.::

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Jan 9, 2009
On my knees, in between his legs.

Ever since returning back, it hasn’t been like the other years. It’s been difficult and possibly worse. Everywhere they walked, one had to watch out for their back and where they went because now any teacher could harm them, simply for living. It was such a horrible thing that the Death Eaters had placed themselves into Hogwarts as teachers. It wasn’t correctly done and those who were still just professors barely had much authority. How could they when they had Death Eaters waiting eagerly for any excuse to perform the Killing Curse on them? Not even the safest school ever was safe. Still though, it didn’t stop those who were of the newly formed Order—formed a couple of years ago—for they would meet to find ways to not be subjected to the everyday scrutiny of the new professors. They would meet to make a stand and give confidence into everyone else, including the teachers who were being forced to stay quiet. Stand up and take back what was theirs; the right to learn, the right for Muggle-borns and Half-bloods to learn what is their natural magical right. No harm.

That day, after meeting in the safe haven of the Room of Requirement, recruiting others and simply staying safely in a place that the Death Eaters wouldn’t have an access to, Ginny Weasley sat on a couch, simply chatting with a few of those that had remained. She was talking about Ron, Harry and Hermione, hoping for their well being and hopefully an end to this tyrannous reign of the Darkness. Among her were Neville, Seamus and a few others, simply chatting and also not wanting to leave the Room anytime soon.

Still though, the time had come and they all had taken their leave but Ginny remained. The Room was designed in this comfortable lounging kind of part in the corner and then a practice field to practice defense spells against any harming persons. When it would be over, they would sit back and relax, talk, laugh, try and have a good time as well as get work done. It was their salvation of the day, at the end of every class day; a place to escape from the dreary and droning dark forces that were determined to break down the walls of the very institution that was once so safe and homey for them.

With a small sigh, Ginny turned the page of the new textbook that had replaced the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It was relatively similar but not so much defense. She read it to learn what she may need that could be used as defense; though it didn’t necessarily mean it was to protect but to inflict harm. Moving a lock of her ginger red hair out of her face, she turned the page again and then looked up from her book, resting her head back against the back of the cushioned chair she was sitting in. Clad in a white buttoned blouse with her tie loosened around her neck and the black pleated skirt, she crossed a leg over the other and just closed her eyes, thinking about the trio, wishing everyday that they would come home. Wishing everyday that all that was happening, would end. She remained strong, even if everything else was crashing down. She had to remain strong. So many had to.

Things were looking up for anyone in the Slytherin house, especially those whose parents had joined the Dark Lord all those years ago and willingly answered his summons more recently. Dominic Rowle happened to fit into that category, a current Sixth year at Hogwarts who knew that this year would provide him with more then any year past had. True things had worked out well for him in the past, he was a Prefect, one of the top students in his year, and also a Chaser for his house Quidditch team, a team that had not won the championship in too long but that hardly mattered, he had a feeling that things would change this year.

HE had good looks, charm, talent, and a very wealthy pure blood family that could get him just about whatever he wanted. Of course there was one thing just out of his reach, one thing that he never told anyone else in his house about because of the trouble it would cause him... Ginny Weasly, pure blood and beautiful. True her family didn't have much money but that hardly mattered him Dominic... though her family's betrayal of their pure blood was a troublesome thing. TO him it wasn't something that mattered but he was proud of his pure blood status and he knew that she would reject him should he approach her... and Dominic was not someone who took rejection very well. No when the time came he would have her all to himself, and she wouldn't have a choice in the matter.

The new rules in the school hadn't really bothered him all that much, as the child of Death Eaters the new teachers were treating him quite well and he was excelling in the classes while at the same time looking closely at Ginny, waiting for her to make a mistake, waiting for a chance. Finally one had emerged, she had been sneaking off at night as had her friends and he had followed them, seeing them enter the Room of Requirement, something he had discovered his second year. He wasn't an idiot, only one reason these particular students would want to meet in private and with a smile he had taken down the names as they left, a list that would give him a great deal of power over her should he need it, a pity that he didn't carry a camera around at all times like that one kid Colin did.

Smile still on his face and list of names tucked into his robes Dominic entered the room. “Hello Ginerva.” He greeted her, making sure his hand was on his wand incase she got violent. “Taking a little bit of time to hold a study group with your friends.... I believe Headmaster Snape would need to approve it first.”

(sorry it took so long)
As her eyes remained closed, her mind swarmed with images of the good days. The days when it did not take so much sneaking around just to have some sort of peace and happiness in these dark times. A time when simply walking the halls was safe, chatting with friends wasn’t like walking around on eggshells and eating food without having to worry about it being laced with some kind of poison. It was paranoia city up in Hogwarts when it was supposed to be a safe place. Her mind was reeling with good thoughts. Such good thought that felt like it had been forever since she ever thought of them. She was in a state of mind that wouldn’t be good to disrupt; one she didn’t want to be disrupted. It was all good and fine until she heard a voice. A voice that just hearing him say her full and proper first name like that, gave her shivers and not the kind she liked. No one else called her Ginerva except for her own mother and quite possibly Professor McGonagall when she wasn’t calling people by their last names.

Shutting her book, unafraid as well, Ginny got off of the one seated cushioned chair and she held it in over her stomach, looking over him. She did not like this boy one bit and the fact he was able to get into the Room, well it worried her but she did well not to let it show. Instead, her eyes narrowed and her mouth nearly twisted like it would form to say something nasty but she remained quiet for a moment. Mulling it over, she had to be clever about this.

“To what are you referring to? Is it such a crime for one to wander into such a useful room and get some studying done? The Library isn’t exactly full of quiet and studious capability these days. Perhaps you’ve noticed, yes?”

Her tone and attitude and way of approaching on how to talk to him felt confident and like anything he tried to throw in her direction would come across pointless and useless. Nothing would ever make her give up what they were truly doing in the Room. She'd fight for it. Happily die for it because it was right. And what was really happening these days--the mass murder and overbearing authority of the Dark Lord and his puppets--was purely psychotic. Disgusting, really.
Dominic couldn't help but chuckle at the look on her face when she looked at him, was that a bit of anger that he was seeing, was she going to reach for her wand and try to curse him in order to protect her fellow students. That would only lead to trouble later on though, she wasn't likely to be able to kill him and he doubted she had the skill pull a charm or spell that would alter his memory and make him forget. It hardly mattered either way, he was already on guard and ready to defend himself against anything she came up with to strike him. One way or another Dominic was holding all the cards right then and there, the same cards that would get him just what he wanted from her because he doubted Ginny would let her friends get into any real trouble just to avoid him going to those in charge with his recently acquired knowledge.

“Really, just an innocent study group?” He asked, amused at the way she was trying to argue what clearly wasn't true. “In a room that is hidden from the vast majority of the school... just a study group that you and Lovegood, and Neville, and Creevy happen to have formed?” He was just listing names from memory now, a way to show her what he knew. “These students seem to have something in common don't they, a worship of Potter who your family happens to be very close to if I remember correctly.” As he spoke he walked toward her with a grace that was reminiscent of a big cat, at that moment he was a predator moving in on what it desired.

“I wonder what the Carrow's would think about this meeting.” He mused as he sat down across from her and kicked his feet up on the table, his wand now out and being rolled around his fingers, not yet pointing it at her but making only the most slightly veiled of threat. “I mean they would probably have questions for all of you and I doubt that they are the sort that would ask these questions in a polite manner, likely it would involve some terrible curse being applied to you and those who you associate with, and then probably just a few random students because the Carrows do get bored.” He knew just what they would do if they heard about this secret meeting and though he wouldn't want to see Ginny harmed in such a manner he wouldn't put up with her refusal to play nice with him.

“Now should I go and tell them of these meetings or are you willing to make sure that they don't know about it?” He was unable to keep the excitement from his voice as he spoke, now he had her right where he wanted her... no where for her to run, nothing she could do about it.
Perhaps he was seriously underestimating her. Just because he seemed to have some verbal evidence to incriminate her with, didn’t mean he had any backing evidence or physical proof to back his claims. So as far as she was concerned, she had nothing to worry about and sure she may have been worried sick deep down inside but because she was Ginny Weasley, she managed to stay calm and actually look quite confident, regardless of what he was saying. She wasn’t afraid. Nothing would make her afraid. Although, what would be important was to make sure that she carefully worded what she was saying to him. He could easily choose to interpret what she would say into something else or simply find a loophole or some kind of flaw that would hint her into telling the truth, though unwillingly. He could think of it all he wanted and even if he had witnessed it, who’s to say anyone, including the Carrows would believe him? So she’d like to think that is.

“So what if they do? As far as I’m concerned, you’re simply naming random names, all who happen to be friends of mine. Since when did it become a crime for friends to convene in the Room of Requirement? Given the lack of privacy and new teachers…breathing down our backs about anything and everything, it’s not uncommon to want some privacy to simply live. We’re not doing anything wrong and whatever you’re accusing them or myself of, where’s your proof? Unless you’re expecting the Carrows to automatically take your side because you’re actually on their side?” That last sentence did come out as almost a sneer, for she hated favoritism and definitely disapproved of the Carrows’ supposed disciplinary tactics and unorthodox teaching methods. Fear was not a teaching tactic yet they clung onto that like idiotic siblings clinging onto a rope.

Sitting back down now, she crossed a leg over the other and looked at him, pursing her lips. However, even if he didn’t have proof, the possibility of getting in trouble with the Carrows was higher than they letting it go and she definitely wasn’t about to get into some terrible spat over this. Besides, it wasn’t just her that would get roped into this; the others would too. After all these were Death Eater who resorted to means of the Cruciatus Curse, for example, to get the truth out. It’d be easier to simply nip it in the bud then to make some huge spectacle. Besides, she was sure Harry and Ron especially wouldn’t be too happy if she got herself into some big trouble and wasn’t there when they got back; alive. “I’m listening to your proposition; that is it’s remotely interesting for me to bare.” Two could play his game. Besides, he'd get his in the end.
She was trying to play the innocent card in this case, did she really think he would believe that little bit of bullshit that was pouring from her mouth. Even if the people she was speaking in the defense of weren't friends, weren't blood traitors, even if one of them wasn't a stinking half blood he knew she would be defending them no matter what danger she herself might be in at that very moment, that was just the sort of person she was, that is why she ended up in her inferior house. A pity, she would look wonderful in black and green rather then the red and gold that supporters of her house wore to their matches. In the past on the pitch she was like a goddess, fast and graceful in the air, matching him move for move even with an inferior broom stick. He could only imagine how she would move on top of him, forced to give him her full passion... was it possible that she was still a virgin, that Potter or some other race traitor hadn't gotten a hold of her? She seemed the sort who would try to wait for marriage, did she perhaps believe the boy who lived would be able to marry her rather then soon die at the hands of the Dark Lord?

“You think they need proof?” He asked with a sneer as he raised an arm and let his sleeve fall back, revealing the recently made dark mark that rested upon his arm, still a little red at the edges. “I think they will quite happily take my word especially if I tell them that I suspect you and your friends are plotting to help Potter in some way.” Slowly he stood and let his sleeve fall back down into place. “Creevy at least will suffer just because his father is a muggle, Lovegood because her father writes that pro Potter rag of a paper, and Longbottom... well we all know Bellatrix would probably come to do his herself just to get the whole family.” No the list of names would be enough, just tell whose in charge what he had seen and they would vanish from the school... perhaps as a reward they could just give him Ginny, the thought was worth considering as a time saver.

With a chuckle at the thought he moved towards her, reaching out to brush over her crossed legs with the tip of a finger, tracing up ever so lightly toward her skirt. “I want you Ginny, from this moment on you can either belong to me or your friends can suffer a great deal.” The leer in his voice made it clear what it was that he wanted now. “What will it be Ginny, will you give yourself to me or will your friends know that it is your fault they are slowly dying in a great deal of pain?”
Naturally, it would appear she was incredibly disgusted and quite possibly a little fearful of his very blunt advances but she remained nonchalant about it, not letting anything read clear on her face or through her eyes. Her eyes lingered on the freshly applied Dark Mark that now lay its fate on his arm and she it her lower lip, chewing on it out of a small nervous habit, though instantly stopping for it showed a sign of some kind of weakness and vulnerability, one she refused for him to notice or act upon. No reason to give him the slightest of satisfaction; no acknowledgement that he had reached into her and grasped at the strings necessary for the reactions he desired. Even as he droned on about her friends, what could possibly happen to them; she had to remain unaffected by it though her mind was reeling with thoughts of what to do.

Then came his offer. It was almost a sickly feeling of his finger brushing over her leg, tempting its way to the hem of her skirt. She wanted nothing more than to slap his hand away but the last thing she wanted to do was show him and prove she was clearly affected by his unwelcome advances. Exactly what he must have been thinking, as for her relationship with Harry, it sickened her. Though it was no surprised given his capability and mannerism. He was just like them. No surprise there at all.

Pursing her lips, her face lifted slightly and she managed with all her might to keep her confidence high and not let him see through that exterior into what was truly brewing. She clearly had no choice. This was for her friends and for the hope that one day she’d see her brother again. She’d see Hermione and her family. She’d see Harry again. In these Dark times, one had to get by, even if in the most ungodly of ways; though with her dignity intact. Letting out a small huff, she simply pushed his hand away and sat up. “Fine. You’ll have what you want. What is it? A shag? The bragging rights to have gotten there before a certain someone? Fine. Just leave my friends alone, if you know what’s good for you. Understand?” Possibly stupid and incredibly ignorant to threaten a guy like him but the moment she said it, her guard was up and her hand rested on her wand which had always sat right beside her on the chair. If he tried anything, she’d be ready. Stupefy was her bitch.
Though she was working hard to keep a brave face up Dominic was sure that he could see the small signs of her fear, the hints of how nervous she was. The way she had started chewing her lip only to stop herself as if she didn't want him to see. Dominic had been watching her for quite some time, the last six years as she had gone from a nervous girl to a lovely young lady and he fancied that he knew her quite well by this point. All the time he had spent watching, he knew that she would chew her lips just like that just before an important Quidditch match or before a test that made up a large amount of their grade, he didn't fail to notice her hand on his wand and knew that she was quite skilled, but she was limited in the spells that she would use while he would happily use the Cruciatus curse on her to make sure she understood who was in charge.

“You really don't understand do you Ginny?” Dominic asked with a small laugh, making sure to file away that he would be getting there before Potter. “Six years I have been watching you but you never noticed.” His hand was sliding up further now, pushing up her skirt a little bit but stopping just before what would be considered indecent. “This has not got a fucking thing to do with Potter, nor does it have anything to do with bragging rights... in fact I really haven't decided if I will tell anyone about this at all.” He leaned in closer, bending as though about to kiss her. “Nor will this be some simple shag... I see this lasting for quite some time.”

Right before his lips would have met hers Dominic stood up and turned away, walking across the room as though suddenly uninterested in her. “From this moment on you are mine Ginny, so long as you don't fight me then your friends will remain safe.” With a shrug he let his robes fall from his shoulders, standing only in a white dress shirt and dark slacks. “Now come over here Ginny, come and embrace the man who now controls your fate.”
Watching him now, she nearly flinched when she felt his hand moved up even higher, nearly tempting underneath the cloth of her skirt. Wrong day to ever wear a skirt. Why would she notice though? She never had an inkling of interest towards him. It’s always been someone else, ever since she was young. To be with him though, a guy of his stature and capability, it’d be the worst thing she ever could do, but for now she could easily let him think what he wanted; let him think he was acquiring what he had wanted for the six years, as he said. She sat back into the chair even more now, especially when he got uncomfortably close to her, her face tilted slightly to the side, in her attempt to make sure he would not touch her lips. If anything, while he seemed attracted, she was in the most, repulsed. He would never.

As he stood and moved, she followed his movements and stood up slowly, as if about t acquiesce to his request—though more like demand—but instead, she held her wand in her hands now. She’d have to be incredibly daft and stupid to even try and strike him. It was not her intention but her wand was her defense and given her guard was up now more than ever, she felt only the slightest of safety by having it in her hands. “Let’s have you understand one thing, Dominic. You have no right to suddenly call any type of ‘ownership’ over me. I am not and never will be yours. Consider this solely business. Think what you want, but you will never have me. Curse me all you want, but I will never give it to you. This is merely business and to satisfy whatever goes through your deranged mind. So get it through that head of yours, I am not and never will be, yours.”

Walking over to him, standing before him now, only the slightest bit of fear resonating through her though she fought to keep it hidden, she tilted her head a little bit and took his hand slowly. “Only once you realize that you don’t own me, will I embrace you.” She’d play his game, for however long it took, however long it was needed. He spoke of no true feeling. If he was truly into her, he wouldn’t approach it by these means. “You know…if you used any other method rather resorting to blackmail, I may have said yes. Did you think about that before feeling you needed to blackmail? Am I so…unworthy that you thought that would only work?” Leaning into him now in a teasing way, a small smirk came over her face. “You insult me.” She whispered, looking up into his eyes.
He watched her carefully as she approached him, a thousand conflicting things running through his mind right away. She was beautiful, gorgeous, perfect, so graceful and delicate that he was almost afraid that he might break her when he touched her, his own wonderful porcelain doll who now existed just for his pleasure. Right now she might hate him, be disgusted with the thoughts but before long he knew she would be enjoying herself even if it were against her will. Dominic had plenty of experience with young ladies, the most attractive students of Slytherin were often passed around the male members of the house, a tradition where they were practically expected to pleasure any man of the house who approached them and knowing that he wanted Ginny to enjoy herself when the time eventually came he had gotten plenty of practice any way he could.

Embarrassing as it was to admit it even to himself Dominic felt his heart beat faster when her hand touched his, like a school boy with a crush. Once he had been the student who had watched her from afar, wondering how to best approach her and tell her what he thought about her. Of course there was a much more mature feeling accompanying the simple attraction, arousal was also joined with the innocent infatuation that caused his heart to beat wildly. Already the bulge of his cock was becoming visible through his slacks, long, thick, and in need of attention as soon as possible. As she looked up at him so defiantly he reached up with a smirk, lightly brushing finger tips up over her jaw and across a stray lock of hair which he pushed back from her eyes.

“Oh you will be mine willingly Ginny.” He teased her with a small chuckle as he bent toward her, not breaking eye contact for a moment. “True right now you resent me, and I have no doubt you will continue to do so for some time... but eventually you will come to enjoy what I can make you feel.” Moving a little closer he let his lips brush over hers, a chaste kiss totally at odds with the burning desire he felt, a need to devour her, to make her scream his name. “IF I had approached you I know how it would have gone sweet Ginny, even if you had been flattered and said yes your brothers no doubt would have felt a need to protect you from me, dragging me away into some dark corner of the castle and beating me senseless... and I know you wouldn't have wanted that to happen.” Though he was speaking the truth about what would have likely happened he was also mocking her a little bit, teasing her on her good nature so at odds with his own self serving needs.

With the hand that held hers he slowly reached for the bulge in his own pants, forcing the back of her hand to brush against his evident arousal. “This can go one way or the other Ginny... this can be an experience of great pleasure for you or it can be a great deal of pain... and I really wouldn't enjoy causing you pain sweet Ginny.”
Her eyes remained on his face, not once looking down at the evident arousal so steamingly [not a real word but it fits in this sentence and it does need to be a real word] protruding from his trousers, for that was not the time. And even if it was, it would not be consciously done but simply subconsciously and before she’d realize it, she may have just given into a slight pleasure of dominance he may feel of her simply noticing. Not even in the slightest would she give him that kind of satisfaction. As far as she was concerned, this was simply a game; a game she was determined to win, to put off any sexual encounter he so longingly seemed to desire for as long as she could. If she knew anything, it was that as a female, she had a power over a man such as him who seemed to have been quite smitten with her and in such cases like this, Ginny planned to use that to her very advantage for as long as it worked and allowed her. Though much to her dismay and lack of admittance, the gentle feeling of his fingertips brushing over her jaw did send shivers up her spine, for the very touch and feel itself was so kind, it may have been enough to make her swoon. Still, she refused to give in.

Before she could retort to his confidence-lined statement, she felt his lips so lightly on hers; an innocent kiss that could not anger even the most repulsed woman so against men. Biting her lower lip, though immediately stopping to prevent any sight of vulnerability, nervousness or dare it even be, desire, she looked away from him just a touch, her face having barely moved but her eyes were no longer looking so fiercely into his, deep into his dark soul. “Beat you senselessly? I highly doubt they’d lay a hand on you for it’s simply not in their nature. You forget, we’re Weasley’s and any chance to prolong the need for violence is a certain must. Even if you were trying your luck at their one and only baby sister.” By saying that, a grin came to her face, causing her to look at him once again now. He was correct though about the fact that had he approached her in a way with less brute force, she probably would have said yes in a heartbeat and definitely felt pain or discomfort from the mere sight of him in any trouble. Clearly though, this was not the case for the situation was far from being in that way.

However, with his more blunt of physical being, feeling him the way he had forced her to, she swallowed hard, trying to stay en-route about refusing submission to him, though finding it difficult. It was no lie that she was indeed attracted to him because aside from his apparent and perhaps repulsive nature and personality, he was a definite handsome guy; first attraction, like first impression was physical attraction, if not anything more. Not in a demeaning way to her femininity but in simple human nature. “You should count yourself lucky by any means that I am even this close to you. If, as you say, you are in fact so attracted to me and have wanted something like this to happen, would you honestly try to ruin it with force? I should consider myself saddened by such a fact because you and I both know that perhaps not right away, but in some time, I would give into you so fully and willingly. Wouldn’t that be worth waiting for rather than coercing me with force and blackmail?” Leaning up into him, her hand now removing from his and on its own groping his bulge, her lips were only a couple of inches from his, almost so temptingly ready to make contact, though refraining for that teasing fact.
She might not think that her brothers would lay a hand on him but Dominic had heard about the time that her brother had tried to curse Draco merely for insulting the Mudblood Granger. True he figured there might be a bit more behind it, Malfoy was well known for stretching the truth a bit but he did believe that Ron Weasly would attempt to curse someone over something so small as a foul word being thrown at his friend, what would he do if he had learned that a Slytherin was lusting after his sister, or the two twins... how long would it have been before they had done something to him, something that was mischievous and others found funny but had humiliated him in front of the entire school. Maybe it would have been worth it, for a moment he had to wonder how his life might have been different if he had approached her in a more traditional manner a few years ago, would her blood traitor ways have rubbed off on him, would he have snuck here tonight with her friends in an attempt to help them plot whatever they were up to? Maybe things would have changed but he didn't allow those thoughts to linger, instead pushing them aside to enjoy the moment, the kiss and then the following sensation of her grasping the bulge in his pants.

“You will give into me willingly Ginny... I really would hate to cause you any pain.” He whispered with a small sneer though in the back of his mind he knew that he would enjoy doing some things to her, putting small metal clips on her nipples and clit with a chain between them, bending her over his lap and spanking her... but this pain was very different from what he could cause her, very different from holding her down and forcing his cock up into her dry slit. One way or another he would have her but he wanted her willingly, even if it had to start through blackmail he expected she would soon give in to the pleasures he could offer her. True she might despise him but he knew that he could win out in the end over her, he had read of a theory that muggles had called Stockholm Syndrome, if you force someone into a situation long enough they will learn to accept it, even identify with the person who is oppressing them.

Now that she had let go of his hand he reached out to run a hand out the outside of her leg, massaging the thigh with his fingers as his hand moved upward. Meanwhile his other hand reached up from the side of her face to the back of her head, lightly wrapping in her hair and giving it a little tug, not enough to truly hurt her but instead wanting to get her attention and hold her in place as his lips brushed over hers again, a kiss that started out just as chaste as the first but soon grew in passion and intensity as though trying to mark his claim over her with nothing but his lips and tongue.

As the kiss continued to grow deeper his hand on her leg moved up even further, under her skirt and cupping her ass to pull her against his crotch so she could feel him more properly, his tongue brushing over her lips for a moment before just plunging into her mouth. In that instant he was in heaven, his every contact with her felt like electricity jumping across his skin, a kiss was already more then he could possibly have dreamed of. For a single drawn out moment his tongue explored her mouth, running over every surface he could find before he broke the kiss, breathing heavily and lust darkening his eyes. “If you like though Ginny you can just imagine that I had asked you out normally, just block out the fact that you don't have a choice... I do intend to treat you well after all.”
Although, as much as the little things he was saying and the minor things he was doing, his actions definitely spoke louder than words and while she was a little drawn to him, she resisted enough to maintain her guard and her wall and to push her teasing to the point of him going crazy. She demanded respect and until that happened, she’d make sure he went nowhere far in gaining what he so badly desired. Two could play this game and the way she felt and looked at it, Ginny was playing well and keeping him well at bay. “If what you say is true and you truly would hate to cause me pain, then I suppose I could swoon, but that’d be giving way to quickly into you and where’s the fun in that?” The fact he made it so boldly clear that he had been practically yearning for her for years gave her the leverage she needed to play with these emotions and feelings and also hold back from anything she may or could regret. As much as she wished Harry was here, she was after all—in a technical sense—human and she did feel an attraction towards him. The attraction alone may only be physical, but it was enough for her to act upon it, though not entirely at this moment. She was not the kind of girl to give it away in a heartbeat. Besides, this game was fun and definitely took her mind off of everything else that was going on.

Shivers spread through her body and the actual emotion resonated on her face, much to her dismay. It was difficult not to give in, for her body was taking over rather than her actual mind. The little touch of his fingers, the forceful yet not overbearing action of him wanting her attention and the chaste little kiss that soon turned into something more; her body leaned slightly into his, as if ready to bend down and give into his every whim and desire. Her mind kicked in and while she did enjoy the kiss, returning it with a deeply profound passion, she refused to let it go any farther than that. For if he truly thought that she was the kind of girl to give in so quickly, then it’d be the most terrible insult a guy could ever impose onto a girl. Still though, as her hand moved over his shoulder, her eyes slowly shutting and the burning desire fueling into her being, she kissed him back, welcoming his tongue and letting it collide with her own in a most synched dance of tongues. A roaring passion. A fueling fire. It was definitely an ignited feeling to behold and one she was finding more and more difficult to pass up.

Once their lips parted, her eyes remained closed still, mulling over the entire thing, her body still leaned into his and her breathing quickened. Her hand on his shoulder rested firmly there, Ginny soaking it all in but as she managed to calm herself, those beautiful eyes of hers opened slowly and looked up into his own. Her body relaxed and positioned itself not so close to his own anymore, her hand retracting from his shoulder. Taking a fateful step back, her hands clasped behind her back and a most confident grin appeared on her face, her chin tilting only a little. “How about I make you a proposition?” After she said it, she took another step back, towards the cushioned chair she had once been sitting in. “If you keep this little meet-greet a secret, then I am yours and oh so willingly. But, do not think that I am your play thing to do as you please. I am not that kind of girl.” Another step she took back. “I believe you wouldn’t want to hurt me. I believe you wouldn’t want to force yourself upon me and given my actions, it is clear that it could never be forced. If you can promise me that, then I will bid you a good day and return to my dorm, in the longing hope to see you again, tomorrow.” Having stepped back towards the cushioned chair altogether, she slowly turned and grabbed her bag and book. Looking over her shoulder at him, she gave him a gentle smile and nodded. “Until tomorrow Dominic. For who knows what could happen. Until then, it shall remain a mystery.” With that said, she turned and walked passed him, slowing her movements when her shoulder touched his, giving him one final teasing look before continuing on. The iron wrought intricate door appeared and upon opening it, she walked through, not looking back as it shut behind her, she continuing on towards the Gryffindor house to settle down for the night. An interesting day it was, indeed but for only more to occur in the days to come.
There was no way she hadn't enjoyed that kiss, Dominic had felt her body respond to him even if she wouldn't like to acknowledge it, the way that she pressed against him, the movement of her hand, even her eyes when the kiss had ended all spoke to him quite powerfully. A smirk creased his lips as he watched her back away from him, listening to every single word she said with a great deal of enjoyment. She was trying to push back against his control though but she wasn't going to fight being his for the time being, that he could work with, a struggle for control would be quite enjoyable for him, he would in the end break her and make her properly belong to him but until then he would let her struggle, let her think that she really had some sort of freedom anymore, allow her to enjoy the illusion for a little while longer.

“Tomorrow, meet me at the prefects bathroom at ten o'clock and not a minute later, password is Evergreen!” He called to her retreating form as she went to leave the room. True the prefects bathroom was something that was considered a public place but like a certain Slytherin a year ahead of him he had a few followers who could likely keep people who would know the password away from the room for a while, besides it was technically after curfew so they shouldn't be out anyway. Dominic would be able to avoid any patrols of course with a simple invisibility charm and he had no doubt Ginny would be able to do the same. As she left he didn't take his eyes off her for a single instant and continued to wait in the room for a few minutes after she left before he also slipped out, the door vanishing behind him as he made his way back to the Slytherin dorms, knowing that he would have a great day ahead of him the next day.

That next day went by slowly though, of course it did because every class dragged on, at each meal he could see Ginny, making sure that from where he sat he was able too keep half an eye on here without being blatant about it, drawing attention from others wouldn't do at all. In his mind the end of the day, ten o'clock couldn't come nearly soon enough for him. After years he would finally be having what he wanted, he would be able to finally claim her as his, something Potter hadn't pulled off. No matter how things ended she would be his first and nothing could change that ever.

At nine thirty, as ten approached Dominic carefully made his way into the Prefect's bathroom, careful to not be seen and using an invisibility charm to make sure that no one noticed him out after curfew. True he was well ahead of the time he had told her to arrive but he wanted to get things right ahead of time. First turning on the water in the massive tub and letting it fill with clear water and then covering the warm water with a thin layer of dense white foam, the foam gave off a pleasant smell of lavender and jasmine while at the same time keeping anything beneath the water from sight, he was enjoying drawing things out and he was going to offer her a chance to protect her modesty.

Then with just mere minutes to go he stripped out of his clothing, laying it aside and slipping beneath the water and relaxing as the heat helped to soothe his tired body as he waited for her to arrive, hoping he wouldn't need to go looking for her.
And so, the last ringing words she heard was his proposition to meet the next day at ten sharp. She would be there, though perhaps just a minute late to leave him lingering, to leave a teasing sensation of keeping him waiting for a minute longer. It brought her pleasure to be able to conceive such a thought, even if it be minute. It was enough and it was the perfect way to end what had suddenly become a very interesting and productive day. After arriving to the Gryffindor house and back into her dorm, she found her bed and changed into her night clothes before slipping under the covers and falling into a lovely deep slumber; for once no horrid nightmare plagued her sleeping mind. Instead, she slept a dreamless and peaceful sleep, once she desired for quite some time now. She never would have thought that it could have been because of Dominic and even in her state of slumber, she refused to ever believe that it was because of him. For that, she’d happily remain in denial over.

The next day, after awaking and dressing to begin her day, it started off with a hush-hush of breakfast, she and mostly everyone else at least in Gryffindor feeling slightly skittish during breakfast. Not even meals were remotely comfortable what with the lurking about of Death Eaters as professors. They’d find anything to pick on the students about, to tease them and taunt them in a way that could reduce them to tears. It didn’t even stop at breakfast for it even continued in the classes that the Carrows taught. Muggle studies seemed to turn into a class where Alecto Carrow, the professor for it, could ridicule and tarnish the name of Muggles and Muggle-borns. Later in her Defense Against the Dark Arts class which was simply dubbed now as ‘Dark Arts,’ Professor Amycus Carrow taught with such a cruelty. There was no learning how to defend against the Dark Arts but to simply the learn the Dark Arts itself, something Ginny and many others who opposed it could not condone. But to speak out would be a far harsher punishment than the punishment itself and it was an uncomfortable sit-through for the remaining time.

Thankfully though, classes soon came to an end and soon as the dinner feast came to its send, Ginny checked her time finding she had at least an hour at most before she would go to the Prefects bathroom to meet Dominic. As the time came nearer and it soon was ten and right on the mark, Ginny was nearing the bathroom, having successfully snuck out and remained undetected, without even the slightest use of an invisibility charm. She was a Weasley after all and simply Weasled her way to her set destination. After reciting the password quietly and to no alarm, she walked in and proceeded onwards until she saw Dominic in a bath he seemingly drew. The soft smell of many beautiful aromas filled her nose and she let out a content sigh as she drew closer. Shedding her cloak and placing her wand over it, she realized it was a minute after ten and that was precisely when she arrived. A grin came over her face as she began to unbutton her blouse, quickly shedding it and unzipping her skirt to slip out of. With no hesitance, she pulled her bra and panties off as well of course removing her shoes and socks. It was then she emerged into the beautiful scented bath but remained on opposite ends, allowing her body chest down be submerged under the warm water.

“Exactly what are you expecting and hoping for?” Sure she had willingly walked herself into the bath but it was her determination to remain as far from as she could and to thwart off any of his incoming advances that he may throw to her. While it most probably would be willing, Ginny wanted to keep him at bay and remain ‘uninterested’ even if it was so incredibly obvious that she was in fact interested.
The water was incredibly relaxing for Dominic, it was hard not to enjoy it when every faucet was charmed so that the water that came out of it always remained the same temperature that it had been the moment it began to fill the tub. For a few moments it was tempting to just close his eyes and drift off into a rather blissful little nap, if not for the lovely guest who would soon arrive he no doubt would have done just that. The bathroom had been designed so that those who had greater responsibilities, Prefects, Head students, even Quidditch Captains would have a place to come and relax in between classes so that the weight of their responsibilities did not become so great as to overwhelm them. Dominic had been coming here since the year before, always enjoying the visit as it left him feeling refreshed.

He was however broken from his reminiscence by the opening of the portrait, signaling the arrival of Ginny. He had no doubt that she needed this break very much, the new class set up no doubt quite stressful for her and those who believed in equality for the lesser wizards that had been at the school. That was of course why he had chosen to invite her here, a neutral place, a relaxing place that was designed to help lower her guard. Though he had her essentially at his mercy he had decided not to just use the power he could wield to get her, no it was opening the door but he would seduce her with his own innate skill to make it all the more enjoyable for him.

And the pleasure she would bring him, oh he thought of it all the more the moment he saw her begin to undress, no hesitation... oh she was beautiful and she knew just how to push his buttons. He focused intently on her, trying to commit every single inch of her flesh, every freckle and curve to memory before she slipped into the water, staying in an end deep enough to obscure that which he wanted to see. The bubbles however had been put there for just that purpose, to protect her modesty should she choose to do so and had she asked he would have even been a gentleman and turned before she stripped so she could do so without being seen.

At her question he gave her his best charming smile, the smile that hard charmed the panties off plenty of lovely young ladies in the past as he moved through the water toward her. “Well Ginny I simply thought that you might enjoy a chance to relax a little bit with some pleasant company... was I somehow wrong in that thought?”
As she allowed herself to be well acquainted in the warm water, her body relaxed back against the marble ledge, though her eyes did not deter from him one bit. It was like he needed to be watched so severely like a hawk because right now, she was in the moment of relaxing and washing a long day off of her shoulders and to fend him off right in that instant was not exactly what she desired. It sounded cocky that he would even try anything, almost like she was expecting it and she mentally reprimanded herself for it. Perhaps a part of her wanted him to do something but the other major part of her didn’t want it, or at least that’s what she was telling herself. It had to be willing and she was not going to be his little broken down rag doll that had no life or emotion in her; she would not be a corpse and she definitely would not be another girl for him to add on his list. This was a most amusing game and she did intent to see it out to its fullest potential. Besides, there was that same lingering pleasure and amusement of fending him off as long as she truly could, before she herself wanted to give in, before she herself wanted him.

“Not at all. Still though, given yesterday’s incredibly fast-paced occurrences, I can’t help but wonder the true intentions behind a de-stressing bath invite. Can you blame me? Your reputation does in fact precede you. I mean, exactly how many girl’s panties were you able to get into with such a…” Ginny paused for a moment, to actually take in that rather charming smile of his, so incredibly close to falling prey to it but resisted it as much as she could. “…charming smile like that?” For the extra moment, her mind mulled over that smile, that incredibly handsome, charming yet cocky though brilliant smile that only made him far more gorgeous. It was like a sin for her to think of him like that, to actually find a fancy in him when he probably projected the utmost disgust a person could attain in their personality, yet she was finding herself not swooning but incredibly interested. Perhaps what happened in The Room of Requirement the night before was more than her playing along with his little game. For right now, while she sat in the bath and watched him come closer, she was beginning to think that a part of her was truly showing signs of wanting him and no longer trying to hide it. She knew already that she wanted to give him her body and see where this could go for the time being, but to actually show that and let him see that…

Watching him, she sat back once again, sinking a little lower into the water, letting the water come around her neck, washing over her back. That feeling of water newly touching dry skin consumed her and it felt so good. It truly felt like the events that transpired that day were being melted or washed away into the water and forever leaving her or for at least the duration of this bath. The scent was incredibly mind boggling and the anticipation of what could possibly happen was perhaps eating at her.
She had come, she had stripped down before him without a moments hesitation, he had seen her completely unclothed but she was already on the defensive again. Getting her to open up wasn't going to be a simple thing especially since he knew about his reputation, since she appeared to know that he used his charms, particularly that cocky smile to charm more then a few ladies out of their knickers. When she asked how many there had been he silently reminded himself that it had been thirteen last year alone but not foolish enough to say that to her, knowing that it would convince her that she was just another conquest rather then his desire to make her the very last conquest.

“Can you blame me for wanting to see you undressed?” Dominic asked with a chuckle and a wink to let her know that he wasn't all that serious. “However if you had asked I would have turned around to protect your modesty though I will admit that I would have done so with a great deal of remorse.” That was honesty of course, had she asked him to turn his back so she could strip down and slip into the water beneath the foam then he would have done so and resisted the intense urge to turn around and peek. Thank Merlin she hadn't put him in the position where he needed to do that. “The bubbles were even put here so that you wouldn't see anything or be seen... my intentions might not be pure but they are hardly what you are making them out to be.”

He was closer to her now, reaching out to brush his hands along her neck and down, brushing them against the water but moving no further down her body, at least not just yet. “But I am about to let you in on a little secret Ginny, something that I have never once mentioned to anyone else.” Leaning in closer he brushed his lips against her ears as he whispered to her. “Everything you heard about me is true, the many conquests, the countless young women who have been satisfied by me and come back to me practically begging for more.” Now his teeth lightly caught her earlobe, teasing her before carrying on. “All of it was just for you, I knew that one way or another I would have you for myself and when that time came I wanted to make sure that you were left satisfied in a way you have never heard of.”

All of it was true and after his confession he let his hand that had been running over her neck dip down the water, just for a moment teasing between the lovely globes of her flesh before withdrawing. “And I do want you Ginny... our current situation has given my a chance to have you but I will still be doing this properly... force will not be used and when you give yourself to me it will be with a smile, because you will want me.”
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