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There were 4 in the bed, and the little one said.. [Closed]

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Nov 2, 2010
Victoria, Australia
Hi there :]
I have a scenario that needs 3 other roleplays, one more girl and two more guys - as I'll playing on of the females.

How it's going to work: [Pretty rough plot]
2 best friends - females, are at a bar one night. Both single, and haven't had any sex in weeks. They notice two males - also good friends, across the room and vice versa. Eventually, the men approach them, meet them, chat them up a little.. then offer them to come back to one of their apartments for some 'fun'. The girls clearly know what they have in mind, and seeing as they, too, are horny and needing some love they decide they will. The girls can run in before the guys, prepare themselves, but on some kinky outfits etc etc. There will be lots of group sex, until they split up with the one they've been eyeing secretly.. We can include jacuzzis, handcuffs and lots of fun stuff.
Then, eventually, there can be more double dates, and single dates, group sex and just 1x1 sex.
After the straight mindless fuck that session, there can be more romance between the now couples. Dates, practically.

Girl 1: Moi.
Girl 2: Sarahhhx
Guy 1: Full Pride
Guy 2: HotTexasCowboy

Post here if you want to take a character, and once we have 4 of us I'll give a little more info then make a new thread. Make sure you keep an eye on both, we don't want anyone falling behind, now do we?

RE: There were 4 in the bed, and the little one said.. [3 roleplayers needed]

i'm in, as a female.
RE: There were 4 in the bed, and the little one said.. [3 roleplayers needed]

If it's available, I'd like to be the second guy.
Well, we have our 4 roleplayers.
Now, I'm figuring we will start with them at the bar, probably after a few drinks... If you can include a picture so we can get an image of what your character looks like, that would be fine. Whether it be anime or real life, it doesn't matter. I'll make the thread now. I'm assuming that on the way to the apartment they could stop off at one of the girl's places so they can grab what they need? ^-^
I'd say the characters will be around 22-26.
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