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Joined with the goddess (Scarletangel and Lan)


May 2, 2011
Midwest, Eastern time
Lanolyt snapped awake to a wet cold feeling. His green elvish eyes popped open to reveal that he was lie under a cliff face, on a muddy embankment, two-thirds in a stream.

A sound from above jolted him and he threw himself to the side as the recently washed up hole he was in collapsed on itself.

Swiftly, his mind collected itself and he reviewed.

He had been on patrol with his fellow Aesir, pursuing some murderous trolls. The group was young, but picked for balance and he was proud to have been selected as their mage. All the masters said he was progressing nicely and he was close to graduating as a master himself.

He had been mildly distracted by the bouncing rear of the warrior in front of him, she was a fetching maiden, and he hoped to share her tent that night.

With no warning the cliff face above them, weakened by heavy rains, had fallen. He had tried to shove her out of the way even as his mind raced for a spell and he chanted. It was one he’d learned from an ancient unused tome only two days ago. But what was Eternal Shield?

As the rock and mud hit him, an amazing thing happened, his body became mirror-like as the force shield erected around him and he immediately had gone into suspension.

How long had he lain there under the rock. The actual terrain had changed. But he was an elf and shrugged, only regretting the loss of his comrades. He would go report the event to the elders. No matter how long it had been, it would be recorded in the chronicles, and life would continue.

Speaking a float cantrip, he zoomed along down the stream to the Fjord, common in Norway. But when he got to the harbor, he froze. It had changed shape entirely. A volcanic event had added new areas and others were warn away…this would require over 1000 years! For the first time, he felt a bit of worry as he hurried to the town of Ellingisla. But the town was gone, the soaring spires and air walkways vanishes, replaced by a metal and rust and wood human settlement.

Shaken, he cast a disguise and walked into the town. No one tried to stop him…or give him greeting…or even cared that he was there. And there were no elves…or dwarves…or even trolls… only those shortlived breeders, the humans… So this was the fate of the future.

Nervously, he approached a vendor of clever small clocks to be put on the wrist. “Where might I find elves, his translation rock worked perfectly and the man pointed to a small shop with glass windows and tiny lights. From outside it appeared magical!

But once inside, his heart fell. It was all strange lights in strings, with porcelain figurines of strangely depicted elves, and trolls! Who would make a troll cute?

From the back of the store, a young woman approached and asked to help him. But she had a trace of Elvish in her blood, he could feel it. ~Where might I find some of my people?~ He asks in the Aesir tongue.

She tilted her head. “I have no idea what you just said sir, but it sounded lovely. Was that Elvish talk from Lord of the Rings?”

He peered at her. “No, that was Elvish.”

She frowned. “If you wish to make fun of my shop then leave.”

He bowed apologetically, but as he left he pointed to a box with a crank and spoke the rune =play=. The box came to life and she caught her breath as he was out the door. Had that truly happened.

She tried several times before she managed to repeat the word =Play= and a cuckoo clock went off.

REAL MAGIC! Unfortunately, she could not do it again, her mind and body untrained.

Lanolyt left the town and went into the forest. Where were the dryads? The oldest oak held nothing.

In his anguish at being so alone, he called out, ~Freya! Goddess! I am abandoned! Help me!~

He sobbed but stepped back as a large flower began to grow and grow before him and from the center of the giant bloom, SHE HERSELF appeared. He threw himself down before her, humbled and miserable.
There had been a time when Freya was one of the strongest deities in existence. Her creations, the elves had advanced at an alarming rate but they never forgot to respect nature. Rather then chopping down countless trees they built their cities above them or within them and never killed more then they needed to survive. She had been so pleased with them and tried to make sure they lived good lives as rewards.

However for all her power it did not stop the inevitable, war, disease, faminine. Over the decades the less then admirable aspects of the world had beaten the elves down and eventually killed them all off. The reason she yet lived? Because there were so many humans that had the blood of the forest within them but it was so diluted that nothing ever came of it.

In her realm she sat clinging to the last vestiges of her world holding it together by mere will alone. She had been touring one of the areas in need of attention when she heard the tongue of the elves begging for her presence. Not even pausing to check her gazing pool she went to that voice appearing before him in all her glory as the wild flower vanished when she stepped out. Needless to say she was surprised when an actual full blooded elf appeared threw himself down before her.

~Hush now. ~ She soothed kneeling in front of him and running a delicate hand over his head. Her hair fell over her shoulder in a lush wave that smelled of old magic and the very forest the stood in. ~I was not aware any of my children lived, not after so long. Tell me how did you endured? I am quite curious. But first let us leave this place my heart breaks with what it has become. ~

Hoisting him too his feet she cradled him close to her expansive bosom in a comforting manner and the two of them vanished. "Here we are." she said stepping back as they reappeared in what was left of her realm. "Forgive me it has been such a long time since I've used the elvish tongue." Here in this place their native tongue sounded exactly like English. "It has been a long time since I've spoken to be completely honest. I thought you all dead except for the mutts that now roam the earth. I should've made it impossible to have children with humans. Perhaps this wouldn't have happened..."
His heart, crushed in the midst of loss, soared.

FREYA! She had come for him personally. Him!

Her words both pained and consoled him, and he sobbed openly as elves did at pain. His crystal tears falling to the forest floor.

Then she took him...she actually held him to her breasts. Size was relative with a goddess and he was unsure whether she was his size or he was a small babe in her arms. Nevertheless, he was an elf and not limited by other's mores. He held hast to her deep bosom, source of life to elves.

Then they arrived in the Elfheim fields. Never had he thought to view this before giving up his spirit...and he was ashamed...the spirits of the elves were not here...they had gotten caught up in the human world and consumed by it.

"Mother of wisdom, bringer of life, there are truly no others? I felt a glimmer of us within a store keeper today. And felt when she duplicated a spell. Is there no way to replenish us? The human I saw seemed less aggressive. They were happy to sit and work...not conquer.

My life is due to a fluke. An odd spell I found and cast, for I am one of those children blessed to use the magics. I was almost ready to graduate to master...I had taken all seven fields of I am one who can teach?

But I am feeling the many centuries of my passage.

Mother goddess, grant me the solace and power of your breasts, I beg you strengthen me, then use me as you will, for only in you and I do our people live."

Freya had always brought long-term fertility. Perhaps there was a way to infuse his elvish nature on humans with an elvish history.
"Humans have forgotten the tales of old and claim them to be nothing more then fantasy and myth. Long ago humanity wiped out most other humanoid species and when there were no more enemies to defeat they became lazy and eventually ceased fighting. Make no mistake though they still have it in them." she sat down on a large throne made of a living tree.

"If I were to bring the elves back we would have to hide for a very long time." she gestured to the smaller throne beside her. "Sit Lanolyt." she said knowing his name without asking it. "We have much to discuss do we not. With at least one elf alive and a male at that there is a chance I can bring my children back. It will not be a simple task though and you must advance in your magic."

Waving her hand the very tome he learned the spell from appeared in her hand. "Was it this book by any chance?" she questioned. "I managed to save many a spell book when the cities began to decay. This one is quite old, used long before you were alive. It has one of the few immortality spells in existance it it's depths." she brushed her hand over it to him and handed the book. "Read it child, and learn what is within. You will need that knowledge if you wish to bring your people back." she smiled warmly.

Of course there were other ways she could do it, but she needed followers first. He could bring forth that elvish blood within so many and allow them to hear her call. The call of the forest, the call of thier true nature.
He was stunned. To sit at her side? His goddess cared for him so very much.

He hung on her words eagerly, and accepted the tome from her.
"Loving goddess, Freya...I feel unworthy an unable for what you ask. Will you be there to teach and aid me? That our race could hinge upon me makes me cringe in despair...I am only one elf! But...I will try...for my goddess, for my people... I could begin with that shopkeeper....her heart longs for magic and Fae."

His tongue was dry in his mouth. "Forgive me my temerity, but is there something butricious that I can drink? All those years are catching up now."
he felt faint and began to waver.
"You were always worthy in my eyes. All of my children were. I just could not answer thier calls, or else they would've never learned to survive as long as they did." she stroked his hair gently as he spoke, comforting him with the gesture as a mother would a child. Or a lover would thier partner. It was more of a matter of what he viewed himself as at this point.

"The shop keeper is one such. There is enough elf in her that you will be able to awaken it. If she has any siblings or parents perhaps. See if you can't awaken them as well. Her heart my long for magic, but one female is not enough to begin rebuilding." waving her hand a leaf cup appeared in his hand filled to the brim with a milky substance. "Drink child, this will give you back your strength."

She also realized he was going to have to rest, being in stasis was not really sleep. He was bound to be tired and in need of some actual sleep. The converting of that young woman could wait for a few days Lonolyt needed to recover. "Once you have finished your drink I will show you to your bed chambers alright? Sleep there child and when you awake we will go and visit this human you speak off."
The cup smelled like milk, but something more. He eyes went sharply to her very full breasts, and he remembered the stories.

'Freya's breasts overflow to feed all who come to her.'

Could it be? He gulped down the warm liquid, afraid it would be taken from him. Strength and magical power flowed through him, both charging him, yet relaxing him and making him home. He slowly curled up in her lap, fear and awe of her gone for the moment. Resting his head on her bosom, he fell immediately into sleep.

When he awoke, he was in a very large bed, and nude. He felt embarrassed, but then, what could one hide from one's goddess?

He dressed swiftly and went out to join her, stunned, as always, by her beauty and presence. He knelt and then inquired. "Greatest Freya, will you show yourself to this mortal human? I'm worried that this will affright her to where she will flee. Do you wish me to pursue her, and then call upon you when the time is right to bring her back here?

Whatever you order, I shall do, but I wish to welcome her spirit in the elvish way, if I may."

He was loathe to leave this wonderful place, so bright and sweet. But he also knew that to grow closer to Freya, he needed to carry out her will.
It was true the milk he drank was indeed hers. It was what the spirts of the elves had lived off of when they wandered her relam. For a time there were so many spirts wandering her relam and now they'd all vanished, reborn as plants and wild animals. It was lonely here and she'd so missed the company of her children. Humming softly she stroked his head and willed him to his room. He vanished in a wave of leaves and petals and reappeared in his room nude of course with his cloths cleaned and neatly folded on the bedside table.

"I have given it some consideration child." she said as she sat on her throne yet again. "You are right it would likily frighten her if I were to make an apperance wouldn't it? I suggest you return to her store and see what you can do to convince her. When you are certain she is at least somewhat convinced call me. Welcome her spirit as you desire Lanolyt. The eivish way is acceptable."

Standing up she walked towards him and helped him to his feet. "You need to not bow before me you know. Here we are equals as was promised by my sermons. All will be equal in the realm of elfheim to the goddess herself and to those around her once they pass on. Remember?" laughing softly she pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Now go. Step out that door there and you will appear on the outskirts of the city once again. To the south there is a large tree and within it are the remains of one of our many libraries. Take her there, show her we exsist. I have confidence she will be open to my embrace once all is said and done."
Lanolyt bowed and took the eldritch road back to earth. Now that he was welcome, he could enter at any time.

He appeared in the trees at the edge of the town, and walked in.

The shop was closed and he inquired, being told that the owner had left it shut for two two days, and strange sounds had come from inside. She refused to come out, and would talk to no one.

Lanolyt knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again and a faint voice said, "Go away!"

Lanolyt shrugged and spoke a word of opening. All her doors and windows popped open and he strolled in. She looked up glaring. "OH! It's you, you came back! Thank you...and who ARE you."

Lanolyt smiled and spoke and the windows and doors all shut. "More important, Susan Piper...who are you...really. Please don't scream when I show you something." He dropped the illusion and she gasped.

"'re a...ELF?" He nodded and smiled and she suddenly ran to him and hugged him. "All my life, I've searched and you found me." She let go of him. "Sorry..."

He laughed. "It's alright. Your hug is nice. Now...I'm going to tell you why you've sought us. You have a bit of elf within you."

Her eyes glowed. "Somehow, I always knew it. But what does it mean?"

He smiled and held out his hand, when she took it, they were in an old section of forest. He led her to the library tree.

Inside was a trove of elvish art, musical instruments, furniture and...the books. He almost wept at the sight of it all.

"Susan...I am going to give you an option...Freya is giving you an option. We must gather the Elvish remnants in the I can offer you the ability to become a full elf. But know that it is permanent. You won't be going back....And the only other elves are people like you...oh...there might on one other lost like never knows...but ones like yourself are all there is."

She looked up and just said, "Yes...definitely yes."

He nodded and opened the eldritch road, leading her through to Freya.

Her clothes fell away, and she was nude. Skinny...freckles with moles...teeth unstraightened. Beautiful as she was.

He looked at the conversion spell. "REALLY? She and I have to...I mean... she has to let me make love to her. Susan? Are you OK with this?"
He could almost feel Freya's chuckle coming from inside his mind as she was trying to give them some privacy. I told you it was old magic child. All old magic involves a bit of sex. she spoke in his mind from somewhere in her relam a good distance away from them. Judging by the look in her eyes I'd say she doesn't mind. and she went silent giving the pair the privacy they were going to need.

Susan's head was still spinning as it had been every since he made the music box go off in her shop. Elves were real and she had a bit of elf in her! It was like a dream come true! So as they entered the goddess relam a flush covered her cheeks when she realized she was nude and it darkened when sex came into play. How unexpected she always thought that elves were chaste and innocent but she had to sleep with him to become one?

"I...I guess so." she responded after a moment looking down at her feet nervously. "But you don't know me will you be able to enjoy yourself?" she'd gone this far and to have it taken away because she was uncertain she wanted to go through with the ritual? That was ridiculous. "Is there a bedroom somewhere it is so lovely here."
Calmly, he held Susan's hand.
"If you are afraid, I can make it easier for you. You are so young, being human. The magic required is for you to have my seed within you.

Would you prefer then to suckle upon my member and swallow my Fae seed to complete the spell. I am willing to do this, trusting that you will not bite me.

The only other way is for my member to enter your cleft and release there.

And don't worry, you will still be Susan and more than Susan. You will lose nothing, but gain much....and you will live a very long time...with health for centuries and you will learn our ways.

If this is what you desire, step over to the hammock and I will climb in so you can mount me, or kneel and nurse upon me.

OH...wait...I forgot the foreplay...I'm sorry, this is new to me as well."
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