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Screw wizards! Kiki wants a pirate!

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KiKi Umara Death

Jan 26, 2009
This close to the Harry Potter Seven part 2 release I should be dying for a romance with some of the series wand wielding men (Mostly Severus, Lucius, and Draco). But I find myself wanting to be on the high seas having some kind of strange awkward romance between two Pirates. Weird right? Well it gets even weirder. I want the two to be none other than Captain Hector Barbossa and Elizabeth Swann. Now if you aren't running away in fear I will tell you more. The reason I want this pairing is because I feel that would make a great couple and also create some very weird awkward moments throughout the roleplay. Yes I'd like this Roleplay to be long term and not straight up smut. Smut will happen. Oh will it happen. But not right off the bat and not every 5 posts after the first time.

I'll be honest for this roleplay I want there to be a great deal of sexual tension between the two. But I want it to be that weird "Why in the hell am I feeling this way about him/her" kind of thing. I mean Barbossa will give in pretty quickly I think. But Elizabeth is more than likely to run from it or brush it off for a good long while before she gives up. Mostly because she has Will and it would seem wrong to feel that way towards someone else. Also I want this to take place right after Dead Mans Chest and during the events of At World's End. That way they are somewhat friendly towards one another rather than enemies. The rest I can plot out with you over pms. So if anyone is interested in taking up this plot let me know here on send me a pm. Thanks so much!
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