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May 10, 2010
OK so lets first start of with saying that i like to RP on IMs alot more then PMs and Threadss but i will do that if u REALLY REALLY want to.

-second, i am looking for females or Male partners, all the roles i have, the male will play the First part.
Ex. if i say teacher/student, He will be playing the teacher, and i will be the student.

brother/sister {TAKEN}
teenager/girl next door
teenager/best friend's sister
kid/best friend
office guy/secretary
rich man/maid
Married man staying alone at a hotel/married woman staying alone at a hotel
married man/ wife's best friend
football team quarterback/ lead cheerleader
earth explorer/alien
attacking human/defending alien
military official/ assistant
famous person/ famous person
future detective/partner
boy/bestfriend's mother
boyfriend/girlfriend's mother
roomate/roomate's sister

-post apocalyptic
-Hi tech future
-mix of medieval and industrial. (like steampunk)
Yes, i DO rp Movies/television roles.
If your interested in doing that message me which role and i'll most likely agree.
Heres some plot ideas:

A young boy and a young girl are best friends. They take long walks down the creek together, becuase they both have crazy imaginations and love to explore. One day they decide to explore the one thing they haven't before...each other.

That's not what i expected!
After meeting in a bar a couple decides to get together. After two months the woman has moved in with the man and they both love each other very much. But they both have keep secrets from each other, that will soon have to be shown. They both have super powers.

Sex Club
The firest rule about Sex Club, there is no Sex Club. You are a new female member of this underground sex club, and I am a senior member that is basicly 2nd in command. I see you and pick you as my partner, after a while of getting to know you, the owner of the sex club, or my character's brother, wants you. I won't stand for it so we run. Will we be cuaght? will we start our own sex club?

You are a lonely woman, who' husband just left you for a prettier woman. All of a sudden a demon rises from hell, but hits his head on somthing once he comes on the earth's surface. He loses all his memory, and you decide to keep him as your pet/lover. Will his memory return?

A son and his father have just recntly decided to go camping. The father finally got the ok to bring his grilfriend whom he has been seing for two months. After setting up, The father left the campsite to go get wood, and feelings emerged between the son and his father's girlfriend. Now thye both secretly see each other during this camping trip.

Hard Times
a brother and a sister are undercover cops trying to bust a gang. The sister goes in as a sex slave trying to outroot them, while the brother goes in as a buyer trying to public get proof. The only thing is the gang leader set the brother and the sister up, in a public veiwing room. Now they must do it infont of people watching or they both get their cover blown, and possibly killed.

In love with an alien
a high school boy falls in love with a high school girl after she saves him from a bunch of bullies. He can't stop thinking about her, so he goes to her house to let her know his feelings. He sees her in her backyard, but its not the girl he fell in love with, its an alien!

Love is a battle
Sakura is 17 years old, and is the leading boxer in the Female team at her school. She even beat some of the guys on the Male team! Except one. Akira The leader for the male team. He is 18, and is almost graduating high school. There is one thing sakura doesn't know about Akira...that He secretly loves her.

Highschool of the dead
We are both highschool teens. We have been friends for most of our lives but never want to make the step into dating. Ond day in class a man runs into the classroom screaming, "Everyone evacuate the building!!!"
in panic eveyrone runs out of the room, i find you and run with you, only to find out the a zombie infestation has swept across japan and has made its way into our school. We must group together with some other friends and make it out and alive. Will this life threating drama ready us for that extra step into dating?

(those are just some more will be added later)

--i do lots of different anime ones as well so just tell me which anime, and which characters, and if i know, ill do it.

--im also looking for two females to do an rp with me, so plz let me know if you would be interested in that and i can set it up.

I have many plots for each of those roles, so PM me, tell me which roles suit you, and ill give you some plots ideas.
Yahoo ID : Az_NewOrlandSaintsLover@yahoo.com
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