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Seeking a tomboy/femme for long term fxf

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Jul 2, 2011
Hi thanks for reading!

Here's the story I had in mind. Anything could be changed, or even thrown out entirely if you happen to have a story I like better as well.

A girl is enrolled in a religious based private school, renowned for both their focus on academic excellence as well as a strict moral code. The girl, rather than coming to terms with her feelings has pushed her sexuality so far underneath the surface that she has thus far managed to avoid detection. This changes when she meets your character of course. Unable to fight the chemistry and magnetic draw that she feels in her heart, can she keep her secrets buried or will she lose everything for the one she loves?

I'd like this to be a long term, simmering romance. Looking forward to hearing from you! Yes, YOU!
Bump! Looking for a sweet but taboo romance story. I know this place isn't all half-demons and pokemon!
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