Phoenix Rising (Sho and Retro)

Jun 24, 2011
The Basement
Roslyn knew that this trip was particularly dangerous. Travelling anywhere that was considered wizard territory was bad enough when you had a bounty on your head, going into a rather heavily populated and popular place was quite a different story. There was something to the thrill of it that she could not deny and, in very horrible judgment, she had insisted that she go that one alone. It would look odd for several people to be walking around in hoods huddling together at any rate and really she had come to have a taste for precarious situations.

Simply it was not enough that she was the spearhead of the Neo Order. Roslyn Magdala Devan had to be in the middle of the action as well.

Quietly she managed her way through the crowds in Diagon Alley. The place had changed since she had been in school. The brick wall that had separated the muggle world and the magical one had been obliterated. Death Eaters saw to that almost immediately. There was little doubt that this was to happen and, the wizarding world still reeling from the defeat of Harry Potter, offered little resistance to it. Enslavement of the non magical folk happened almost immediately. Those who were not killed were made into pets and treated worse than the common house elf. From England on, that sort of domination swept through the whole of Europe. Mudbloods were offered the same fate however, grotesquely enough, they were also used for breeding. A waste of magical blood, no matter how dirty, was still a waste and through enough generations that which was dirty could be cleansed. Looking about you could tell who was the servant and who were the purebloods. It made her stomach churn.

Many of the stores had been bordered up or turned into shops that catered to the dark arts. From many windows creatures of a horrible nature leered at her as she passed. Objects whispered to her from behind the windows. Her fingers pulsed and she fought the urge to go into that store and completely destroy everything. It was not unlike her to do something like that for a bit of fun but she had something else to think about.

Herbs. Their garden was between seasons and they needed ingredients for potions that would help them with their goals in the up and coming months. Not only that but there were just plants that could not be grown by conventional methods.

She pulled her hood tighter around her face, hoping to hide her pale skin. Due to the nature of her life, most of her time was spent in the dark or the night. She had become quite vampire-like in her appearance and that light color really stood out. All of her hair was tucked away carefully. Again it was a red color that garnered much attention and curly and long. Tight leather pants tapered into brown boots. A dagger was strapped to her ankle and a backup wand, one she nicked off of a now dead Death Eater, was tied to her thigh. A long, raggedy cloak hung from her. What she looked like was a rouge witch hunter; a paid goon of the Dark Lord.
Juan walked peacefully behind Roslyn able to tell that she was tense. However it was different for Juan; he had nothing to fear as death was actually a way for him to get out of this hell hole known as earth. He sighed as he spoke up.

"WHERE in the hell are we going to?" He said to her harshly. Juan wasn't a guy who enjoyed waiting even when it was needed. But in this case, they did have to keep a low profile as 'those' death eaters who vanished after what seemed like the end of the dark lord. However the boy who lived became the boy who died trying to defeat the dark lord himself only to have successfully destroying what kept Voldermort in this life time aside from his living fresh and blood.

The battle of Hogwarts finished in favor of Voldermort. While he Killed harry potter, most of potter's allies survived the battle although more had died. Juan was aware that there were strong wizards and witches that could go head to head with voldermort but he was a dangerous being that was much more powerfull than he turned out to be.

"What are we looking for?" He asked keeping his eyes on the path.
A soft groan escaped her lips. He came along?! The young witch turned on her heel and glared at him through the heavy shadow of her hood. Rosalyn had made sure that she wasn’t followed. That one was a tricky fellow and she was not sure if she trusted him. He had, after all, been a Death Eater himself.

“Ingredients for potion making. Our garden is in between growing seasons.” She replied in a harsh hiss. “What are you doing here anyway? This was to be a solo mission.”

Quickly she looked around and simply shook her head. There was no point in chewing him out now. There was time to do that later and now she had to play it off as if he was simply a partner that had made her peevish. Hunters were rarely in good moods anyway.

“Just keep up and keep your mouth shut.”

She turned once more and continued on her way.
"I have to make sure that you stay alive WOMAN" he said coldly as he followed her. For a guy who was bend on having Voldermort dead, he wasn't really a 'safe' type of guy while he followed her. HQ was miles away but this alley was suppose to be offering what they needed the most.

As this was his first trip, the place was as depressing as it could be. He wondered why Voldermort would have to make everything so 'gloomy' although he won everything. Maybe it was to bring fear to EVERYONE so that non would betray him like they were doing? As a threat? As a example?

Honestly, he didn't know but had a feeling that he wanted to be as much as what a dark wizard could be.

Of course, there was also something else on his mind: the possible chance that Voldermort was a half blood wizard. Harry potter claimed it as well as paid his life trying to kill voldermort which made him wonder if he was wrong about everything...
A guttural, animalistic growl sounded in her throat. Woman. The way he said the word had always enraged her. Time and time again she had to keep herself from dueling with him. He had joined their cause after all and despite his shady origins, she did not want to turn down anyone or make them leave because of her quick and irrational temper.

Her fingers flexed as if they wanted to reach for her wand, the one she would use first, that rested in her pocket.

“I think I am completely able of keeping myself alive. I did it before you came into the picture.” Her voice was as hot as his was cold. She was a spitfire, certainly, and she even found herself a handful most of the time. The soles of her boots thudded loudly against the ground. She looked about. Everyone was paying attention to whatever new trinket they had or whatever gossip was the hottest.

Really dark wizards were such bores.

“Bloody place has changed so damned much since I’ve been here last…”
Juan rolled his eyes as he bumped pass her. He made her follow HIM by moving faster than she was. Juan clearly dislike this girl very much; she never took action and always thought too much. Then again, thinking isn't a terrible thing, just something that Juan didn't rely on completely.

They found themselves in a shop that was completely dark (of course) with a bright purple hue that was the only source of light to see everything as clearly as possible. He looked around and saw a old man looking at them with distaste.

"What you looking?" The man said with a rough accent.

(British....) Juan thought with distaste as the old man seemed to be the owner of the shop.
Roslyn pursed her lips as he walked ahead of her. She disliked him fully. He was the only one that thought she was not rash enough. While everyone else chastised her for being too hotheaded and too spontaneous, he accused her of not being willful enough. Her lips twisted and she stomped behind him into the shop.

The violet light of the store made peeking into her hood that might easier. Her skin was smooth and her bright blue eyes shone lavender for the light. Full lips pulled into tight lines.

“We’re looking for herbs.” She told him plainly. Her own accent rolled and curled after each word. Hands were placed on her hips and she looked around. “For potions, you know. Just the common sort and some other components.”

Physically she pushed past Juan.
Juan scowled as she physically pushed past him. Juan didn't enjoy the company of Roslyn but she was the one with a actual plan. As much as he hated to admit, she had more going on than he did for their plans....

(Europeans.....are they so rude?) he wondered but then again, Death Eaters were suppose to be cruel. And that's what he had to be as well in order to survive in this world long enough to kill the man who wasted part of his life.
He could scowl at her all he wanted, she decided, as she walked past him to speak with the rather disgruntled looking wizard at the counter. She exchanged some quick words with him, threw some of her knuts on the table, and he turned towards his shelves to produce the things that she required.

It wasn’t much. Roslyn’s meager savings dwindled in the months that she started her renegade group. Later that evening, when all of the shops had closed for the night, she would have to make another foray into the Diagon Alley. There was no two ways about it.

“Thanks,” she muttered on the way out, walking past Juan in a hurried clip.
Juan followed with distaste. "Where to now?" he asked while they went outside the alley. "Anything else you have to do?" he asked. Again he cared not but had to.
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