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I'm Craving Compromise.

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May 10, 2010
Hi, everybody.

Obviously from the title, I'm craving. Currently I'm really into BDSM. I've never done Futa, but I'm Kind intrigued by the idea of doing so, so if you wanna explain it. I'm also craving incest (actually Anything forced), and possibly even pregnancy. Honestly, I'm open to a lot of different things. I'm also up for multiple partners.

If you have any ideas, please leave a response or shoot me a message~ I'm pretty much always on. I role play in private messages, emails, messengers, you know, most of it.

I'll update this thread with things like plots that I come up with.

the more '*' the more I want it.

Father/Daughter ***
Uncle/Niece ******
Lucifer/Lost soul***
Football player/Cheerleader***
? / ? ( you decide )****

Also, I attempt to match people as much as they give me. My starters are anywhere from 1-2 paragraphs if I'm the one starting the roleplay, but I'm not overly picky, and please don't act dumb and make me give you clues as to what to do next. I find it really annoying. Also try not to get pissed off if a few of my posts are one liners, everyone has writers block at some point.
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