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Looking for long term AIM rp

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Jul 1, 2011
US - Eastern time zone
Looking for AIM RP. I enjoy fantasy settings (medieval, generally..).. Not really into modern or futuristic settings, but for the right storyline, I might be down.. I am into other things if I'm in the right mood, so either PM me or IM me on AIM. I like to have a plot and good story before any sex happens. If you're looking for just sex, you should probably look elsewhere. I'm looking for players who can help push along the action in the story- who are comfortable making things happen, rather than just followed and responding to everything my character does. I like people to feel free to add side characters and action! :) I like a lot of action, adventure, and romance in my RPing. If sex comes along and fits in the story, perfect.. But I don't play simply for the sex. I like to write a "collaborative story," I guess you could call it. :) Please be able to form a cohesive sentence and use some adjectives (but not like Stephenie Meyer uses adjectives, which is a butchering of the English language). Okay, one more thing.. I don't like to do a lot of detailed planning.. I pretty much like to get a storyline down and start playing.. From there we can build characters and the story as we go.. I like to RP, not talk about RPing. All that being said, I'm really a nice girl, and I'm willing to work with you on stuff!

Some storylines I'm looking for:

My character is the daughter of a high ranking officer in the army.. He allows her on the battlefield because she is a skilled healer. The fighting gets too dangerous, and he sends her home, much to her dismay. He assigns a soldier to escort her home. He, of course, is also not please to be a glorified babysitter. They dislike each other at the beginning, but eventually grow on each other by the time they get home.

My character is an apprentice thief, and as an assignment, she is required to steal something from a traveler without being caught. Your character is her target, and he catches her.. We can kind of go anywhere from there..

An arranged marriage

I'm also really into Game of Thrones right now, and I love the Dothraki storyline.. So maybe something along those lines? I don't like playing specific characters from series' though, so they would be original characters, but a similar setting.

If you have any other ideas, shoot them at me! The worst I can say is "no" :) Feel free to IM me directly, or send me a PM.. Preferably males only, or females who are really good at playing male characters. lol
aim: disorientedyouth
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