The new apprentice. (Ankh/Ecchi.)

Playful Ankh

Jun 12, 2011
The Jedi and the Sith... the Light side and the Dark side... While the force had been viewed in history and holo-dramas as always two morally different sides of the same coin, the force was a bit more complicated then that. While there was a Jedi Academy who dedicated themselves to the light side and many sith who reveled in the dark side of the force, the galaxy was a huge place. There were many handfuls of force users who were never picked up and formed their own small orders, or even some who would teach themselves. They belong in a more greyish area as some believed that it was perfectly fine to have strong emotions as long as they don't control you... or that performing a small evil may end up helping many in the long run.

And while there were many force weilders who were unaccounted for, there were a few sith who have gone through their lives without their names being known.

It wasn't such a case for Kazari Udenia, who made a living doing jobs. Kidnapping, protecting 'illegal' cargo, hired muscle, assassination, he would do just about any illegal job as long as he was properly compensated. His presence was known to the Jedi order, but easily drowned out by the 'bigger' fish. The council just saw him as a punk abusing his powers for the wrong cause.

He made his residence on a small, quiet planet, and as he returned from a recent job he could feel a presence in the force... but he didn't know what kind of presence it was. It just made him feel uneasy and unable to properly rest during the entire ride back to his home. After his ship landed on the docking bay he maintained a calm look and calm actions as he left his ship. The black cloak that he wore flowed softly as he walked as his palms were opened... right to take his lightsaber from his waist as he turned around and scanned his ship with his yellow eyes.
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