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Summer Time Blues [looking for male]

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Mar 18, 2010
Hello, Glass Clouds, feel free to call me whatever though. Long as it's sweet ;3

I actually have a plot I was wanting to dish out, but have a list if it doesn't get your attention. I write a minimum of two paragraphs, have pretty good spelling [firefox helps me xD]. Would love my partner to do the same. I am up for ALL kinds of roleplay, and can roleplay threads or PMs, though I prefer PMs.

Negitive! - Scat, Watersports, Gore and Vore.
Plus! - Mental/Behavior Restraints, Orgasm Control/Denial, Tattoos/scars [if that really counts I guess. xD], Blindfolding, Dirty Talking, and Public masturbation.

Current Plot Craving:
Well, after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, she gets smooched by her ex-boyfriend's slightly drunk older brother.
Surprised, bewildered, and somewhat flattered, this girl isn't sure what to do at first. However, a plan hatches in her mind.
Older Brother doesn't like his younger brother, and is willing to help her with her spontaneous scheme. Of course,
that's the drink speaking on Older Brother's part.

They decide to date - well, pretend to date - to get back at the cheating ex-boyfriend. Of course, the next day, sober
the brother realizes his mistake, since he has a crush on another woman, and tries to talk her out of the agreement.
Yet, older bro is a softie towards womans ways, and when she pulls the watery puppy-dog eyes on him, he decides
that maybe this plan will work for him, too. After all, the girl he likes is easily jealous, maybe now that he's off the
market, she'll want him!

Of course, the plan isn't a smooth road. There's a lot of fighting between the two, embarrassing situations, some
slaps exchanged. But through it all, they end up developing feelings. Yet, the plan works to both their happiness
and chagrin. Older brother starts to get the attention of his crush, and she has broken her ex-boyfriend's ego.

List of stuff:
feel free to ask about whatever

- Vampire [No Twilight, sorry, I have a thing against it...]
- Future [Steam Punk perhaps]
- Medieval
- Feudal Era Japan
- Crime/Mafia
- Bodyguard
- Psycho [Crazy good]
- Arranged Marriage [I like hating each other =D]
- Pregnant In Collage
- Bad boy||Good Girl [Again, the hate ^.^]
- War [Any time period]
- Pirate [Argg, stealing someone's heart? =O]
- Crossdressing [I has a plot]

People probably aren't alive at this time of night...
Or are asleep... > _>
I like the idea of an arranged marriage, and I'm always up for a good cross dressing plot~
I am a female, but I can play male, hopefully this isn't really an issue~
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