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Dr. Monday's clinic

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Dr. Monday

Jun 18, 2011
Hello all and welcome to my little clinic and shop of wonders! Let me start off by saying that I'm a very flexible man who can be called upon to play any number of roles, although I'm better at playing some then others I will try my best to meet everyone's needs and fix you up right fast with whatever it is you need to be fixed up with. I'm a pretty reclusive person, only really leaving the house to buy groceries and go to work when I'm needed, so I don't really do much besides whatever I find interesting. I don't really hang out with friends simply because I don't have any and prefer to stay home anyways. You may be asking yourself why I'm saying all this and what purpose it has to role-playing. Well its partly to tell you my schedule and the other part is so that you better understand the gravity of what I'm about to say.

I'm a lover of weird things. I have odd tastes and tend to lean more on the creepy side of things. If you can come up with an interesting pairing or plot that plays on the creepy side of life then we'll get along fine. My main problem is that I find pairings or plots that sound interesting to me at first but as we go on I lose interest quickly and find myself imagining something better. Its not that I don't like the idea or the characters involved I just get bored and feel that its to much work to reply to an RP that doesn't really satisfy me. With that being said we'll carry on down the page.

Rules, I'm going to put them in paragraph form. Will this severely narrow down the people who request an RP with me? Of course it will. Do I expect to get many requests in the first place? Of course I don't. Anyways I'm generally pretty literate in terms of grammar and such. I taught myself spelling and grammar though and I'm still learning today so you'll have to pardon me if I make a small mistake here or there. I try not to but sometimes something will slip past me and if or when that happens I hope that It will go unnoticed but if it bothers you just tell me and I'll make a an effort to better myself. As for post length you can usually tell how interested I am in an RP but how long my post is, the shorter my post the less interested I am. I'll try my best to make them a decent length but usually they'll be on the smaller side if I don't really care much for the RP. I role-play in strictly third person as it was how I grew up in the role-playing scene and I'm a person of habit so I tend to fall back on the paths I've traveled the most.

Does this mean I want you to write in third person? No, not at all. By all means write in whatever way you feel most comfortable. I will however demand a certain amount of literacy as my *he moves over and strokes her hair* days are very over and I can't really see myself going back to them. Something else to take note on is that I can be persuaded to do things. Even if its on my no list or the pairing says I've had enough of it or what have you there is always a chance I can be persuaded to do it so never hesitate to shoot me a PM. Just be aware that I may lose interest after awhile or just never have interest at all. I'm aware I'll probably lose even more potential RP partners cause of this but I'd rather RP and be happy and interested during it then be forcing myself to write which always makes the quality sub-par and not to mention it feels like a chore. We all know how chores suck so I'd rather not have one of my favorite hobbies feel like one. Anyways on to the pairings in the next post shall we?

Alrighty, as for pairings you don't need to worry. I'll be doing these in a conventional list format. As an added bonus I'll even throw in some ideas I've had with them, how glorious is that? Plots and pairings that lean more on the weirder side interest me more then the normal stuff most people role-play. At this point your probably asking yourself just what 'werid' is. Well you can find out for yourself, its as easy as sending me a PM and asking me what I think of a plot or pairing. If you do that I'll fully explain to you what I like about it, what I don't like about it and whether or not I'd be interested in doing it and a rough estimation on how long my interest will hold depending on the direction the RP takes. Anywho, I've rambled on for far to long, on to the pairings!

An asterisk (one of these little devils I believe -> *) signifies how much I'm craving a pairing or plot on a one to five scale. One asterisk signifies I'm only craving it a little while five of them says I'd have your babies if you did this for me. If a pairing has a plot I will put a (Plot!) next to the pairing so you know I have one. Under the pairing I'll probably list the plot anyways so yeah. When you see this little sign <-> it means the pairing is interchangeable and I won't mind playing either role, otherwise the roles I'll prefer to play will always be on the left.

Father X Daughter
Brother X Sister
Twin X Twin
Serial killer <-> Serial killer's lover or other love interest
Hired assassin <-> witness
Mad doctor X boss of a large crime syndicate
Famous blade for hire X solider on either same or opposite side
Any sort of fantasy race <-> Human
Any sort of fantasy race <-> any sort of fantasy race

Pretty much just shoot me a PM with an idea and we'll go from there.
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