Legend of Dedeeru (Ankh/PearlHeart)

Playful Ankh

Jun 12, 2011
Within the land of Hyrule there was once a master swordsmith whose weapons each carried a legend of their own. His weapons were not only beautiful in design, but they were unbreakable and rather powerful as one of his creations were even known to slice through other weapons and shields like a hot knife through butter. However as the master swordsmith was nearing death, he wished to be buried with his creations... and when the owners of his work refused, they all ended up meeting with terrible ends. Rumors say that he made a deal of some sort and ended up making one last sword with powers that have no rival but the Master Sword itself.

Grave robbers, swordsmen, and adventurers alike searched for the tomb of this sword smith. Most would spend their lives searching only to find nothing... a very select few would have lost their lives for this journey. There was only one person in the land of Hyrule who knows about the entrance of the tomb... if you can call him a person that is. It was a poe who wanders around Hyrule, the spirit of an adventurer who had found the tomb by sheer luck and ended up dying because he was unprepared for the dangers that lurked in the tomb.

However it seems like he was fated to be rather unlucky as in all of his years as a poe, he didn't think that one would be courageous enough to be hunting for poes. He was struck down from behind as his poe body fell apart as all there was left was the flame of his spirit which was captured in the most humiliating way as possible. The spirit was captured and contained in a simple glass jar. "L-let me go! I will not stand to be humiliated like this!" The poe shouts out as the blue flame flickered as it moved around, trying it's best to escape it's glass prison. No matter what the poe did, the jar wouldn't so much as move despite how much he fought to escape.
Dedeeru was of the Gerudo. A proud warrior of her people and one of very few to actually venture beyond the sands of her homeland. Like all her race she had deeply tanned skin, golden eyes, and vibrant orange hair. Even though she had traveled a long way from the desert, she still wore the traditional garb of a Gerudo Warrior. A simple white silk chest band with red and blue markings covered her breasts, leaving most of her back, shoulders, and toned abdomen exposed. Very loose, flowing silk pants were held to her hips by a band of solid gold, and were tapered around her ankles by functional wrappings. She was barefoot, but had a large amount of solid gold jewelry that was common for her people, including bicep circlets, a large ruby embedded in her forehead, earrings, a golden choker from which another large ruby hung, and gilden white silk fingerless gloves. All in all she looked like a combination of royalty, and warrior. From each side hung a broad crescent shaped scimitar, and on her back hung a long spear with a wickedly curved blade.

"Finally!" Dedeeru exclaimed, having finally captured a single mischievous Poe whom had eluded many other adventurers for decades. This Poe was special, as in life it had actually found the tomb she was searching for. And though he had died, the knowledge it held would be useful beyond simply the location of the dungeon. She held the bottle up, level with her eyes. It was curious...the little blue flame was not what she had expected, really the bizarre lantern holding spirit had not been what she expected either. She had never seen a Poe before, as such things had never interested her until now. And regardless of how blasphemous the majority of Hylians tended to be on all matters, there were many facets of their world she found very attractive.

"Poe! Or...spirit? Do you have a name?" It had talked to her, demanding freedom. So she assumed it could understand her. "I seek knowledge spirit! A tomb bearing a mighty sword! You know of this yes?"
As she brought it to level with her face, she wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at it... but there was a feeling that it was looking right at her. Or rather it was looking up and down her body, inspecting the Gerudo. It was a sight that not all men from Hyrule were treated to since Gerudos tended to keep to themselves while not a lot of them would venture out into the world. Even after he became a poe he had never once had a good look at one. As she spoke, the poe wouldn't answer for a bit as he was taken aback at her question. ".....It's Frederick." The poe told her... however the calm flame seemed to filled the bottle more at her query.

"Know? KNOW?! Finding that Tomb had ate away at my youth, and yet once I've found it it stole my life!" The booming voice coming from the poe was enough to make the jar vibrate a little in her hands. "It didn't even give me the pleasure of searching that place as a poe, the tomb rejected my very existence." The flame in the bottle had calmed down as it looked very pitiful to the point it might burn out before the flame grew back to it's original size. ".... Why should I give you knowledge of the location of the very tomb that took my life? It's one thing to come to me and ask for it... but for you to strike me down and capture me in this jar? Why should I do any favors to my tormentor?"
"..Well..." Dedeeru was somewhat taken back by the emotional response from the Poe...Frederick. She did not expect a spirit to display such lively qualities about it. Sombre rhymes perhaps, morbid riddles to solve maybe, but not a vigorous rant about it's life pursuit. A part of her had even thought it would be as simple as catching it. But now she felt somewhat bad about disturbing the poor spirit. And she had never even considered just asking the thing. From what she had learned from various Hylians, Poe's were generally uncooperative, and one had to best them in order to claim whatever reward or treasure it protected.

"I am sorry....Frederick. I confess my ignorance has made me seem cruel. I was not led to understand that you would offer help without being captured first..." She tried to think. It was possible that this spirit was merely tricking her, feigning such a story to play off her pity. But the flame looked so little and sad. She couldn't help but feel bad for it.

"I...really need to find that cave Frederick....perhaps if I let you out you would help me?" She thought for a few more seconds, pondering. She had no idea what kind of leverage she could use against it if it were tricking her. Perhaps a trade? Though she knew not what manner of treasure a Poe would desire. "If there is something I can give you in exchange then I will do my best..." After all, lots of adventurers seemed to make a living off the treasure trade. It seemed that in Hylia there was no shortage of people with interesting things, who were only willing to give up those things in exchange for something else. It was almost as surprising as the sheer quantity of Rupee's people seemed to lose in the tall grass and leave in unattended clay jars....
While Poes were uncooperative to the point where you'd have to reduce them to just their spirit, Frederick was a bit of a different case. He was cooperative, but only because he wanted revenge against the tomb that had claimed his life. If a treasure hunter were able to steal the treasure that the sword smith took much care so that he'd be forever buried with his prized weapons, then it'd be the greatest insult to the legendary sword smith and Frederick would have the revenge that he sought.

The poe was more than willing to give the location on a silver platter, but the Poe still had pride. "You're going to have to do more than let me out." The poe sassed, wanting something more than just freedom after the treatment she gave him. When the Gerudo offered to exchange something his mind didn't head towards what kind jewels or treasures she could give him. No, after being a poe for so long there were certain desires that he didn't have a lot of opportunities to fulfill... and with this Gerudo just being here it gave him a taste of a desire that he hadn't tasted since he was still alive. All he needed was his Poe Body once again.

It looked around before his sight rests on the lantern that used to house his spirit as he found that the top just came out, but everything was in a repairable condition. For once he was very lucky. "If you want to apologize, take me out of this jar and put me back into my Lantern. However if you want to know where the tomb is... the only thing that you can exchange for that information would be your body." The poe told her. It was only after he said it out loud did the flame shrink a bit as he did started to worry that she might do something worse from just suggesting his offer.
"My body?" Dedeeru was taken back by the Poe's odd demand. She wasn't in fact completely sure of what his intention was. She didn't think he could possess her or anything, as she'd never heard of Poe's doing such. But she didn't know much about the wandering spirits to begin with. "...what exactly do you mean? I am skilled...and can get you things...if that is what you mean." There was always the possibility that he was thinking of much more basic things, perverted things. But he was a spirit, so that just seemed silly.

"I'm not...very experienced...in other areas..." She blushed just thinking about it. It wasn't like she was a virgin or anything, but if that was indeed his intent then it was still a surprising demand. "I mean...you are a spirit right? What could you want with my body?" She didn't know why but she had a very strong feeling that he was indeed thinking lecherously, and it made her uncomfortable. If it came to that, she would do it. But she wasn't sure whether or not she was prepared for it.

"How about I let you out first...then we can...discuss the specifics..." She really hoped he wasn't just trying to trick her or something. Otherwise she might not ever catch him again. Reluctantly she pulled the stopper on the bottle and set it on the stump next to his lantern. Then waited, still blushing just from the idle thoughts his demand stimulated.
"Alright, but I'm not going to change my demand... and don't think about attacking me! You were able to defeat me because you got the jump on me... but I'll run away if I see you drawing a weapon." He warned her as she pulled the stopper on the bottle and as she set it next to his lantern, the spirit moved from the bottle and into the lantern as it's insides lit up once more. That was when the main body of the poe rematerialized. Rags covered his body as it acted like a hood and cloak. The only thing she could see underneath the hood besides a black shadow was a pair of yellow glowing eyes that stared at her while an arm reached out from underneath the cloak to hold the lantern.

"I think it's rather straightforward with what I want..." The Poe said as it moved closer... another hand moving out from underneath it's cloak as he traced the back of his hand along her cheek. It was a strange feeling mostly because even after he removed his hand from her cheek she could still feel his touch as it was warm. "It's been a while since I've had any perverted fun... so I want to use your body to quench a thirst I've had ever since I became a Poe. If you let me use your body, I'll show you the way to the tomb. Sound fair?" The Poe asked as the hand disappeared underneath his cloak.
"I won't attack..." Dedeeru stated plainly as the Poe took it's lantern and reclaimed it's form. Now that she wasn't fighting the thing she realized that in a way it was rather cute. She couldn't really imagine it engaging in any perversion, she wasn't even sure how that would work. But when it spoke again it became clear that it's intentions were indeed perverted in nature.

"But...how...can you even do...that?" She would rather not, but if she had to she would. That sword was important to her, she had to have it. And her body was a small price to pay if she could find the legendary blade. Still, the idea was perplexing her, and it was possible she was just grasping for an alternative. When Frederick ran it's bony finger down her cheek she shuddered, he was actually warm. Which after thinking about it wasn't that surprising, as it turned into a flame when defeated, and it's soul was housed in a lantern. Still, that touch tingled her cheek even after it was drawn back.

"I mean...I will..if that is the only way...." She frowned, thinking about it. "But you are so small...how would you do it?" She wrung her hands nervously. If she had to do it, she'd also prefer it be pleasurable for her as well. And she couldn't see pleasurable among the descriptors in her head as she pictured the possibilities. "Will I....enjoy it?"
"I'll make sure you do... in fact maybe by the end of this you'll want to come back for more." The Poe laughed a little bit. "....But even if you don't, I would still would want you to come back with the sword in hand... That's something that I'd like to see.." Frederick smirked as he floats around her before stopping behind her. "While I haven't become a big poe yet... you'll be surprised at what my poe body can do."

With that many hands reached out from underneath his cloak. A set of hands ran down from her shoulders all the down to her wrists. "Another set of hands rested on her shoulders, gently pressing into her skin and massaging her muscles, pressing deeper as he continued. His thumbs pressed lightly up against the back of her shoulders as they were soft touches at first... but slowly he'd put more pressure as he kneads her shoulders.

A pair of hands were placed on her hips as they would slowly run up her sides as the poe's hands lingered underneath her breasts as the index finger pressed against the underside of her breasts before his hands slowly traced around the curves of her breasts as he gave them a soft squeeze. A pair of hands slipped down the sides of her pants as he slowly pulled them off and while hsi finger lightly trace down her spine.
"Oh!" The sudden touch of a dozen hands on her skin was electrifying. She expected to be ravished immediately, to be groped and prodded by those hands without mercy. Instead they kneaded her with surprising skill. The ones massaging her shoulders were quite welcome, as she had gathered much stress over her journey. The ones that ran up her sides caused her to shiver, she hadn't ever been touched like that before. Sex with other Gerudo's was straightforward, stress relief, usually over quickly so as not to consume too much time. And the one or two Hylian's she'd bedded turned out to be competent with sex, though not at all with foreplay.

"Frederick...that feels...amazing..." She whispered through a pant as his fingers wrapped expertly traced the curves of her breasts and kneaded them without even removing the tube-top she was wearing. It was almost embarassing how quickly she was beginning to like this agreement. Perhaps it came from a lifetime of pent up sexual frustration. Regardless, there were much worse things he could have asked of her.

When his hands maneuvered to slip off her thin pants, she moved her hips around to help him. But the finger down her spine caused her to arch her back and gasp. She didn't even know that she was sensitive there, but it felt really good! And now that her bare legs were basking in the open air, she felt a little embarrassed. Just on the thought of someone coming by and seeing her. Besides her silken loincloth, tube-top, and various jewelry she was completely naked, and exposed to the Poe's whims.
Having the certain kind of company with a Gerudo was definitely a rare treat for any Hylian, and when you add the fact that this poe had spent many, many years without having any kind of company like this, it was fairly simple to see why he wasn't in any terrible hurry to use her body. The poe just wanted to take his time and enjoy pleasuring this rather curvaceous beauty. Now that her bare legs were exposed more of the hands had found a new place to explore and touch.

A pair of hands placed themselves beneath the curve of her ass so that the palms would brush up against her rear before his hands ran down her legs, tracing the shape of her legs as his palm pressed up against the back of her thigh before they found a way to her calves. His fingertips pressed down on the muscles of her calves as with both of his hands he used his thumb to press down and slowly rub against one side of her calves as his fingertips rubbed at the other side though he didn't press down as much as he did with his thumbs. There were four hands on her thigh... one to trail up and down the outer and back part of her thigh as his palm rubbed up and down along her back as his fingertips ran along her outer thigh... on her inner thighs he decided to switch it up a bit as his hands changed shape only just a little bit as he just added 'nails' to his fingers. The nails lightly dug into her soft skin as he dragged his nails slowly up her inner thigh as they slowly advanced towards that certain spot in between her legs.

Before his hands touched her loincloth he would stop as his fingers would gently dig and softly knead her breasts through the cloth. He used the index fingers to try and find her nipples as he wondered if they were getting hard. The poe's voice was soft as his breath gently brushed up against her ear. "Spread your legs a little bit." The poe's hands wandering from the back of her thigh and slowly traced the curves of her ass cheeks before giving them a soft squeeze, his fingerstips gently digging into the soft flesh of her rear before he gently pulled her cheeks apart as a finger lightly glided and traced her slit through her loincloth before he placed his hand over her loincloth. "I've never seen this kind of high quality cloth before..."
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