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~Take Me On The Floor~ M/M Plots

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Mar 20, 2011
Just some plots I thought I'd throw out to see if I could interest someone in role playing with me! c: Eehhh, bathroom stuff in the bathroom, and dogs in the dog house! I'm willing to play sub or dom, but don't come to me DEMANDING I be one or the other. I'll say yes to whatever I feel like doing, and be glad to pick from the two if you at least come saying "You can play whichever" or "If you want, you can be __" Even if you're looking for one specific one! Usually in that case I'll just be like "Whichever you want" unless I'm craving something! So anyways, send PM's my way. c:

Lasting Impressions - It was just some family friends wedding, and they were just kids. It had just been a joke for a picture, but years after they kissed, one of they guests kids has that same little girl on his mind. Too bad when he finds her, she's no longer wearing that little white dress. /NOT Futa, just cross dressing/

More Than Just A Helping Hand - A married man and his wife take in a younger married couple from down the road out of pity after they lose their house. The Older Married man feels the couples mooching and mentions it to his wife. His opinions on their status in his home change though when the younger Married Man brings up a way of paying for their stay. One they don't have to mention to the wives.

This Would Look So Wrong If He Woke Up Right Now - Two friends are planning a party, but when one realizes they need party supplies, he asks the other to stay and watch his younger teenage brother. It seems like an easy enough job, since the kids asleep, but what will a compromising position that wakes him up cause?

Just a Button Press Away - These two company partners are always at each others throats, bickering and fighting, but often getting teased because of the loads of sexual tension filling the air. When they get stuck in an elevator one night after work, will things begin to ease up between them?

Around The World In About A Week - Fresh out of high school, two friends decide to go on a trip to Europe with some saved up cash, to expand their relationship after revealing their true feelings to each other. It's a bit awkward, making the transition from friend to lover, but maybe a few nights in a cheap motel might make things easier?

Everyone looks good under stage lights - Life's easy for a young stripper, even a teenage male one. He works at nights, dressed as a girl. When the clothes start coming off, the straight guys are escorted out of the room by young woman. He's the star of the show, loved by all that see him, even if that love only lasts the night. One night, he's taking a breath of fresh air, when he notices someone checking the place out. He knows who it is, he's the biggest model in town, maybe in the whole state. The hottest thing in the world, everyone adores him. Putting on his greatest female act, he slips over and invites the male in for one of his shows. The other accepts, and is brought main stage half way through, even becoming part of the show, where he finds out why a ton of guys leave before the stripper gets naked. That, he's fine with, it's when he's dragged into the males personal room for a good time and then finds out how underage he is, that things really start getting weird. He takes him home, leaving the strip club behind, and promises to care for him, but the stripper isn't upset with his life, as far as he knows. The only reason he allowed himself to get dragged home like a helpless puppy is because he really wanted to get into this guys pants. But he's so nice, cute, like he himself used to be, how can he hurt him when all he's trying to do is help? But what if the stripper doesn't want help, what if getting protected from the world isn't what he really wants? //Ok, so here we have some things in italics. That part I like, but it doesn't have to go down that way. The whole idea of this plot, is that the sub, aka the stripper, is more dominate in the relationship. The model takes him home trying to help, but the stripper just wants to sleep with him, and feels even dejected when the models says no because of his age. We could make the stripper a virgin, like he only did blow jobs, and maybe even some toys, and could have topped a few times, just to add to the models attempts to keep him 'clean', or fix him. Then maybe they could develop a real relationship. Since they basically run away from the strip club we could add kidnapping themes and what not. I'd prefer being sub here, because I'm just terrible at being a submissive dominate, but I've played this one before as the stripper. But I'm still willing to try the dom, if you really want. also, the age for the stripper would be about 16, but that little detail can't be changed because the plot doesn't make sense anyways. We could ALSO add something to the models past that makes him be protective over the young stripper, and how the strippers actually working so young can be worked out with magic//

An Offer You Can't Refuse - So there's this teacher, and there's this student, and they're completely different. The student is just that, a student, but he's not too nerdy, or popular, or anything stereotyped. He's just him. The teachers a bit rough around the edges. One day, the teacher asks the student to stay after class. It's then that he offers him a blow job. The students appalled! He freaks out a bit, and the teacher gets tired of his indecisiveness. He tells him to get out, and not to tell. Besides, the only reason he offered was because the kid was constantly staring at him. The next day, the student doesn't come to class, and the teacher doesn't seem to care. It's when he shows up after class that confuses him. He asks if he'll still give him that blow job, if the offers still up for grabs, and the teacher laughs at the kids timidness. He agrees, after demanding the kid not change his mind half way through and start crying. The student promises and they go through with it. After wards, the student offers one in return, something the teacher is confused at. He lets him, because who passes up a blow job? But the student is getting too attatched to the teacher, and their relationship is expanding to sex, and more sex, but then the student, now infatuated with the teacher who doesn't want anything serious, finds a tiny piece of the teachers personal life he was never told about. Something that could both explain why they couldn't truly be together in the teachers eyes, and could change how the student sees the teacher. //For the secret thing I was thinking maybe something life threatening, like the teacher needs a surgery but it has risks of just messing him up worst, and he doesn't wanna go through with it. Based off a story I read once, but I lost the link and don't remember the name.//

You're Oh So Far, But I'm Oh So Close - It's a slow and boring night. He's searching the Internet carelessly, and decides maybe a little fun might solve his boredom problem, when he stumbles across a porn site. He's clicking aimlessly, when he notices someone that looks familiar. He realizes that the person on the video is his old childhood friend that he parted ways with years ago. He'd always had a crush on him, but had never made a move. Now he could watch him all day long, constantly rewatching videos and checking for new ones. Is it wrong to wanna see him? And what happens when the porn star tries to reconnect with the friend?

Swimming In Confusion - It was one mermans unlucky day when he was suddenly captured by ship of his nightmares. It belonged to a wealthy princess, who had previously caught him in her eye while on the shore. He hadn't even noticed her, but she'd seen him and had decided he would be her husband. She had sent people out to capture him, and finally they had. He was locked away, given the ability to change human he was able to just stay in a normal cell. She stopped checking on him though, worried more about her wedding then her groom. He was dieing of loneliness and sadness, when he met the princesses younger brother. He was cute, and innocent, and he would always come to say hello, brighten up the mermans days. But his older sister was intent on being married to the merman, who wasn't too crazy about his new found feelings for the young boy. One because of his gender, and two because of his race. The young boy is infatuated with the merman, but fearful of his sister, and disheartened by the other males confusion. Will the boy be throwing flowers at his sister and his crushes wedding, or will he be the only one able to fulfill the mermans wish to be free?

And More To Come~
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