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vanilla? :] m&f || f&f

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Jun 13, 2011

  • Hey there. My name's Mia. I'm an 18 year old female that likes to RolePlay. That's pretty much all you need to know, right? Right.

    What I like to play: M&F as well as F&F. I like story as much as I like smut (and probably more). I enjoy modern settings the most, but I can dabble in all sorts of different worlds if you just ask me. I enjoy a wide variety of plots, so to be honest, the things I give in this thread are only really means to spark some inspiration. Oh, and I love plain old fashioned vanilla sex. Too many kinks just get distracting. ;]

    Who I like to play: A female, always. Aged 15, 17, 19, or 20-22 at the highest. If you're wondering why I'm so particular, it's because I'm a bit OCD. :] She can have a range of personalities, from being a bit shy, very loving, strong-willed, bitchy and misunderstood, etc. I would have to say that my default personality, however, is a cautious girl with a strong opinionated personality, who can seem hard to get, but is quite easily seduced. I most certainly branch out when the plot calls for a different sort of character.

    Who YOU should play: If a male, he should typically be older than my character. 19 and up, unless there's a special circumstance. Normally, I said a big fat NO to men any older than 28, but I'm opening up a little. I mean Robert Downey Jr is what, 46? And I would most definitely shag Robert Downey Jr. You'll have the most luck with my characters if yours is a bit mysterious – it kinda fits in with the whole dangerous older guy thing – but besides that, he can be a sweetheart, a bad-ass, a man who thinks with his dick and sets out to get what he wants, or someone who thinks with his heart and is willing to be patient to get a girl.

    If a female, the range is a lot less defined. It really just depends on what kind of game we're playing – just don't play someone who's completely meek and too scared to make a move on their own. Just make sure they have personalities beyond being some kind of mindless slut. :]

    In general, think about your character. Who are they? Why are they the way they are? Come up with a story for them, even if it has nothing to do with the scene we actually play out. It just makes your character a person, instead of a dildo or pocket pussy. :D

    How much I write: I type however much I damn well please. >;] No, really. I don't want to have to apologize to you for making a small post when that's all I can think of writing. I'll always give you something to respond to, be it action, dialogue, whatever, but sometimes there's just not much to say that's already been said. Check out some of my threads if you're wondering how I play. I also won't hold you accountable for making monstrous posts. All I ask is that you put a little bit of effort into double checking your posts if you know you don't have the best grammar or spelling, not because I'm stuck up, but because it's distracting. I've always had more fun with people with decently written posts. :]

    Kinks? KINKS?: Yes, yes, I hear you. But I don't really care for many of them. Not besides ones that are just normal things that turn you on. Like handjobs or maybe biting during sex? I don't consider those real kinks. Being tied and gagged is a kink. If you're in doubt, ask me. In fact, even though I say no kinks, you can ask me, because maybe you're cool enough for me to give it a try. But DO take a look at my f-list. Seriously. It'll save us a lot of awkward conversations when I'm like, “Uhm, get your tongue out of my ass.”

    So where does this take place?: THREADS. Unless I go around asking for someplace else, it's going to be threads, hands down. :]

    Okay, so here's where I throw out some random words and themes, so that if any of them strike your fancy, you can hit me up. :]

    Siblings – Teacher & Student – Runaway – Werewolves – Tribal
    Popularity – Bounty Hunter – Betrayal – Boyfriend's Best Friend
    Modeling – Photography – Twins – Threesomes – Rape – Blackmail
    Shape Shifters – Vampires – Warriors – Forbidden Romance
    No Strings Attached – Pirates – Gifted / Powers – Private School
    Fairy Tale – Hitchhiker – Kidnapping – Law Enforcement – Wild Parties
    Dance Team – Athletes – Cheerleaders – Prostitutes – Marriage
    Infidelity – Pregnancy Scare – Questioned Sexuality – Insecurity
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