A Highschooler's Guide to the Undead ~ HOTD~ (between sword_dancer & Lord Tariyami)

Apr 13, 2010
It was a seemingly regular spring day for the students at Fujimi Academy. Classes were in session, but there always were a few transient students wandering about instead of being in their appropriate class rooms. Kira Ayame, the Captain of the school archery club, at least had a reason to be skipping class. She was posting signs in order to get a high try out for the next year's team; lots of her current members were graduating. She was in her Junior year at the school, and had been Captain of the team since her Sophomore year. She had soft lavender hair that hung in ringlets down her back, held back by a hair band, and narrow red eyes. She wore the Fujimi uniform in perfect condition; she was a bit of a perfectionist as she made sure the poster was straight.

The commotion at the gate caught her attention, pushing some long bangs out of her eyes. It looked to her like a homeless person was trying to get through the gates. Her brow creased, but at least it looked like the teachers that had arrived on the scene were trying to send him on his way. At least until one of them were bit. The teacher with the wound collapsed on the ground mere moments later, twitching, as the other teacher went into hysterics. It wouldn't take long for him to fall still, Ayame's hands flying to her mouth in shock from her good vantage point. Of course, when the teacher came back to life and began to maul the sobbing teacher, she knew something was terribly wrong. She ran away, as fast as she could; she had to find someone to help in this situation!
Like normal Tenma laid on the roof of the walk way leading from the class rooms to the cafeteria. he wore a dyed look alike of the school uniform something he him self was prod of. he was the schools black sheep from teacher to student no one wanted much to do with his even though he was never that bad. Screams caught him off guard causing him to pop up looking around for the source of the cries. standing up he ran for the window that entered his second period class, running up the wall and catching the window seal. He looked in and to his horror The teacher was biting through the neck of a student. "What the Hell!" he said jumping from his perch landing on his butt he was shocked.

"Tenma, Tenma! Help Me!" Yelled one of his friends running from what looked like an armada of students covered in blood. Frozen with fear he was hesitant to move "Tenma!" he friend cried, tears running down his face "I don't wanna die" His friend ran to the pillar that Tenma normally climbs to get up on the roof but terror was controlling his body cause him to be clumsy. The deranged students inches from him he looked up at Tenma with pleading eyes begging for his help. Snapping him self out of his trance Tenma ran to the pillar he was climbing reaching his hand out to help. his friend jumped with all his might grabbing Tenma's hand being pulled up onto the roof the both sat down staring at each other. "Dude What the fuck is going on Sin."

"Dose it look like I know. I just been chased by fucking cannibals and your asking me what happen." Sin said to him falling back letting out welled earned breath.
It wouldn't take long for Ayame to figure out that there was no one to call on for help. She would have to depend on herself alone, what with all of the students clamoring and causing a frenzy as countless bodies were killed, and then reanimated. She headed straight for the archery club room to grab her personal bow. If nothing else, she needed to defend herself. She had no idea what was going on, but she had seen a couple of zombie movies in her time to guess as to what was happening. Half of her thought she was dreaming as she slammed the door open, revealing another girl standing there.

This girl was a transfer student, and a problematic one at that. She had been kicked out of the archery club for being too brutal; she was currently a member of the kendo club. She was tall for her age, a Senior, with long blonde straight hair and cold green eyes. She was grabbing a bow and arrow, already carrying a kendo stick. She had large breasts that strained the front of her uniform, and her skirt was rolled up to be shorter.

"What's going on, Hisagi-san?" Ayame demanged as the girl coldly looked to her.

"Get some weapons if you want to live." Hisagi Reika tossed Ayame's personal bow and quiver of metal arrows to the girl. "I don't think many other students are alive....so we better team up. I saw some students up on the roof, they look alive enough. Not like them. There's safety in numbers, so gear up and let's save their asses."

Ayame hated to team up with Reika, but it didn't look like she had any other choice. She swung her gear on, the two of them running across the school yard to get to the roof where the pair of male students were, with Them clamoring up to get their flesh. Ayame and Reika were taking down the creatures as they moved to their destination; when the bow was used, Ayame shot those in the distance so she could grab her arrows back and re use them.
Surrounded on all sides Tenma and his friend Sin had no where to run the class room was more then likely taken over by now and the cafeteria was a cesspool of those things. Tenma was the first to speak "dude what are we gonna to do? we can't live up here." he looked over the edge of the roof none of these people, could they even be called people anymore? Had the skill to climb the pillar and it was so easy to do. He thought 'If only I could make it to my locker.' His thought was soon stopped by the site of an arrow catching one of the students in the head. "Dude the Calvary just arrived." he said kicking his friend to get him up. Staring out to where the arrow came from seeing two girls rushing to their position.

"Tenma we can't go out saying we were saved by girls can we?" Sin said finally seeing who was coming to rescue them.

"We don't have a fucking choice now do we?" he said pointing the girls to where the lockers are "Run to the lockers! We'll meet you there!" his voice boomed through the yard the lunatic students, that's what he called the, turned their attention from the girls to the boys on the roof. "Fucking great! that just called them all over, let's move before this thing is torn down." He looked back at Sin who was shaking in fright at the thought of getting down with those things around.

"Dude go with out me I'll be fine up here by my self." Sin forcing a faint smile to ease Tenma's growing rage. He was terrified and his body was showing his true colors though he tried his hardest to hide them. He was close to pissing his pants looking out at the horde the now walked their way. He looked up to see a blur of knuckles crushing his jaw bone "What the fuck man!" rolling Round on his back holding his jaw he glared at Tenma.

"Good now that you got your balls back can we get going? It's bad enough dealing with these things one-on-one but if we work together we'll be good, at least I hope." he said holding out his hand to help Sin up, after helping him up he jumped down from the roof. He broke out in a full blown run when his feet touched down when he turned to look for Sin he was at his side running with him.
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