Balmy Summer (Keisuke)


Jun 7, 2011
The Universe
Harry Potter stared in shock at Dumbledore. His mouth was agape slightly as he groped for words. "I--you what?" He asked stupidly, not caring if Snape had any biting comments towards his idiocy. Harry couldn't wrap his brain around what the Headmaster was asking. It was ludicrous! He'd just defeated Voldemort and still he was being punished under the pretenses that he needed to be kept safe.

"I assure you Harry, it's just for the summer," Dumblore said in his slow manner, his blue eyes twinkling as he looked to Harry and then to Snape. "Professor Snape has already kindly agreed to open his home to you until the rest of the Death Eaters are caught." Harry couldn't help but snort at that point, not caring how rude it sounded.

"Forgive me if I don't believe that," he muttered, More loudly he added, "But Headmaster, Voldemort is dead! I don't see why I have to stay with Snape--"

"Professor Snape," Dumbledore interjected softly.

"Professor Snape then," Harry amended in exasperation, looking to the greasy git in question. "Professor, say something!" Harry hoped Snape would lash out or something, anything to get Dumbledore to change his mind!
This was not how he had expected to spend his summer vacation. Potter should have gone to the Dursleys as he had every year up until now. Or even better, he should have been expelled from the school permanently. But for some reason, Dumbledore saw the need for him to look after the boy this year and although he was quite disturbed and downright annoyed with the set-up, he couldn't refuse the headmaster. After all, he owed him everything for taking him in and believing in him when no one else would. Who would have hired a former Death Eater? Unfortunately for Harry, Dumbledore had already asked Snape beforehand so there would be no protests from the greasy haired Potions master.

But that didn't mean Severus had to like Harry or had to be nice to him. He fully intended to continue behaving towards Potter in exactly the same manner he had in all those past years. The only difference was that he would be seeing more of the boy this summer and that Harry would be living with him which still made his lip curl upward at the mere thought of sharing his personal quarters with Potter of all people. He raised a brow when the boy dared to ask him for help in the matter. "I would suggest you settle down Potter, unless you want me to reprimand you. Professor Dumbledore has made his decision and we must abide by it, no matter how much we might be opposed to the disgusting idea."
Harry's heart was hammering in his chest as color flooded his cheeks. He looked between Snape and Dumbledore, unable to believe that Snape was refusing to...well, refuse. He shook his head again in disbelief. Why did nothing ever seem to go right? He was supposed to be living with Sirius right now but--no, he wouldn't think of it. He hadn't come to terms with anything regarding Sirius and he wholeheartedly blamed himself. Feeling tears threatening to overwhelm him, Harry focused back on the conversation, the Headmaster apparently having been talking for sometime.

"--and I'm sure you'll both get along just swimming with time," Dumbledore kindly assured, smiling at both student and teacher. "Harry, you're things have already been packed and moved, so no need to worry about that." With another grandfatherly smile that Harry suddenly didn't trust one bit, Dumbledore waved them both off, again urging them to get along well and to stay safe for the summer.
Well that was news to him. "They have?" Snape demanded, a note of annoyance in his voice. Potter's belongings better not have done any damage to his home or the boy would be booted out of the place in an instant, regardless of Dumbledore's orders. Of course his place wasn't the cleanliness of houses but it was still better than the potions classroom. He had things in certain places for a reason, so he could find them when he wanted. If Potter's belongings had moved them, there would be hell to pay. Snape's eyes narrowed at the mere thought. The older wizard glared down at Harry for a brief moment. "Follow me, Potter." Severus demanded as he turned around and led the way out. He wasn't going to wait for the boy to respond, if Potter was smart he would listen and obey.

"I take it you can apparate?" Snape asked as he looked down at the boy, waiting for a response to come from the other male's lips. He better know how to do this or else it would be a very long journey. One that he would prefer not to make. Living with Harry Potter was going to be most inconvenient, he was absolutely sure of that.
Harry returned Snape's glare tenfold. What was the greasy git's issue with his luggage? It's not like he had a lot of it. Everything he owned fit in his school trunk and most of it was junk anyways. He was sure most of it could fit comfortably in a muggle suitcase. Suppressing a growl, Harry bid the Headmaster goodbye and took off after Snape. The Giant Bat was already down the stairs and in front of the Great Hall. Panting, Harry paused beside Snape, uneasiness coiling in his belly. God, this was going to be a long summer.

At Snape's question, Harry shook his head dumbly. "No. My birthday isn't until July," he said with a shrug. He'd taken the Apparating classes, of course, but wouldn't be able to take the test until after his birthday.
"I should have known an ingrate like yourself wouldn't know anything of importance." Snape said in a condescending manner. "I don't care when your birthday is, Potter. So don't be expecting any presents." He said and led the way down the hallways towards the Slytherin common room. "We'll use the Floo Network then, since you're not capable of anything else." Once they had reached their destination, Snape turned towards Harry and let his eyes linger on the boy for a moment. "Don't make me wait for you." He warned and threw a handful of powder into the fireplace, waiting for the flames to turn an eerie green before he spoke. "Malfoy Manor." Snape said in a clear, loud voice and stepped into the fireplace. He vanished almost instantly and came out into the aforementioned place.

No one was around at the time and that was just as well. Severus had no intention of lingering longer than necessary here. Lucius was not at the top of his list, in fact the man made him sick in the present time. True, Lucius had taught him various 'techniques' in the past, regarding a certain subject that he had tried to forget about afterward, but Snape was no longer the man he had once been. Lucius had no sway over him now. No one did except for Dumbledore. He glanced over his shoulder as he waited for Harry to appear in the fireplace. That bloody git better not make him wait for too long or he'd beat some sense into Potter as soon as they reached his manor. Yes, even Severus Snape had a place to call home. But it was somewhere no one had ever seen before or knew existed.
"Well excuse me for being youthful, sir," Harry replied with a mockingly arrogant flip of his dark hair. He glared at Snape from beneath his fringe as he followed the man. He didn't even deign a reply about the birthday bit either. The only people he expected to remember his birthday were the Weasley family and Hermoine and Remus. Everyone else could go rot in Azkaban for all he cared, but then, he'd forgotten that Snape probably still saw him as the spoiled Boy-Who-Lived, although now it was the Boy-Kicked-Voldemort's-Skinny-Arse. Harry stiffened suddenly at the memory of the laughing Tom Riddle and the fluttering of dark fabric over an empty archway.

Shaking his head, Harry pushed the thoughts aside and instead let himself be slightly surprised at the sight of the Slytherin common room. He smiled a bit, remembering how hard he and his friends had tried to get into the place during second year. His angry glare only returned at Snape's warning. "Sir," Harry replied tightly, watching as Snape vanished, calling out "Malfoy Manor" in the process.

Harry froze on the spot, simply staring at the now normal flames, his face pale. Malfoy Manor? What in the hell was the greasy git thinking? Harry found himself trembling slightly and forced himself to still, even as a million different scenarios all raced through his head, each more gruesome than the next. Snape wouldn't had him over to Malfoy, a Death Eater, would he? Harry wasn't so sure anymore, his only assurance being Dumbledore. The Headmaster trusted Snap and in turn, Harry would have to trust him as well, as hard as that was.

Knowing he'd made Snape wait far longer than he intended, Harry gulped and hurriedly grabbed a handful of floo powder and tossed it into the flames. Moments later, he came twirling into the Malfoy's fireplace and sent flying gracelessly to the floor where he barked his shins smartly. Oh, God. He hoped he did just willing head into the lion's den.
Potter had the same filthy mouth and attitude like his father. But that didn't surprise Snape in the least, after all like father like son or so the saying went. He expected absolutely nothing from the boy and wished Potter would simply disappear one day for good. Still, he couldn't do much about that, Dumbledore wanted him to protect Harry and as such he couldn't refuse him. Why was the same thought circling around in his head? Severus growled to himself and crossed his arms as he waited impatiently for Potter to come through the blasted fireplace. What in god's name was taking him so long? Had he not heard the place he'd mentioned before? What a stupid boy, even if he was a celebrity. "Any longer and I would have left without you." He remarked and turned on his heel to stride off.

It was not the time to punish Potter for making him wait when he had specifically told him not to do so. But they needed to get out of Malfoy Manor before its residents returned or got wind of the intrusion. So punishment would have to wait unfortunately. Snape led the way out of the room and down the hallway to where he knew a back door existed. He'd been here quite a bit so he knew the layout and where to go. Soon they were out of the manor and Snape looked back once to make sure Harry was still with him. The last thing he wanted to do was lose him and have to go back into the place again to find the kid. No words were spoken on the entire way until they eventually got to a secluded area out in the middle of nowhere. Severus's place seemed to be located deep in the woods.

Of course that suited him since he liked darkness and solitude. Why wouldn't his house be the sort of place where he could be comfortable? It wasn't as if he was sharing the manor with anyone else. Snape paused at the doorstep and glanced back at Harry. "Don't touch anything without my permission." He ordered and then opened the door to stride into his sanctuary. "Close the door behind you and follow me." Severus headed for the upper level of the small house and noted that Potter's suitcase was located off to the side in the one empty room. The entire top floor was comprised of two extremely large rooms and one bathroom. One room was Snape's bedroom while the other was reserved for any potential guests. In the past it had been used by Lucius and other guests.

Now it was Harry's. "This is your room off to the right. My room is off to the left. The bathroom is sandwiched between our rooms." Snape said and then turned around to make his way down to the main level. He expected Potter to continue to follow him until he said otherwise. "This is the main level as you can see. Kitchen, living room, magic room, potions room and bathroom can be found here." He made his way over to another door that had a padlock. "This door is forbidden. Do not enter unless you want to be hexed or cursed. Actually, please be my guest and do so. I would love to have an excuse to punish you." Severus said coldly with an almost evil smile. "Meals are served at seven, noon and six. If you're more than five minutes late, you'll have to find your own food." He paused.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have other business to take care of. Don't be late for dinner." He told Harry and then swept himself off to the potions room.
Harry still couldn't believe he'd just floo'd to Malfoy Manor. He didn't doubt that Snape would have left him behind as he scrambled to his feet to rush after the man. He was thankful though that it hadn't been a trap. Harry's heart was still pounding in his chest from the earlier rush of adrenaline. Trying not to pant, Harry trotted behind Snape, getting a glimpse of long corridors with lavish carpets and paintings. He saw many doors in the Malfoy Manor, but his tickled curiosity would remain as Snape plowed through the home, refusing to even slow. It was again that Harry wondered why the Greasy Git had taken him into Malfoy's home. Wasn't Lucius dangerous? Harry desperately wanted to ask these questions, but held his tongue as that walked outside and into a deep forest.

Of course Snape lives in some creepy woods, Harry thought to himself as they walked. Snape's home was just as daunting as the man himself, and Snape's warning flew right over his head as Harry gawked at the rather sinister looking manor. Harry diligently shut the door though and followed after the Potions Master up the long flight of stairs. Vaguely, he was surprised that he was even getting a room and Harry couldn't hide his smile, even as Snape whisked him off to the downstairs again. How typical of Snape to give such an impromptu tour!

"I'll have to take you up on the forbidden door then. We'll see if you can catch me," Harry replied cheekily, because he knew that's what Snape wanted. In all honestly, he had no intention of getting into Snape's things. He knew what the man was like when his privacy was invaded and Harry held a very strong need to live. No, he definitely wouldn't be doing any poking around.

Harry was about to ask is Snape needed any help with dinner or something, but the giant bat had already swooped back into his potion's cave. When it was obvious that Harry was well and completely alone, he let himself heave a sigh and slump his shoulders. "Why yes, you're home is lovely, Professor Snape," he muttered to himself as he headed back up the stairs. "Is that banister hand carved mahogany? Magnificent, do tell more." Harry continued on this imaginary conversation, saying all the things he'd have wanted to say if Snape wasn't such a big arse.

Once in the guest bedroom, Harry quietly shut the door. He kicked off his shoes and shrugged out of his clothes until he was in nothing but his boxer shorts. Snape could bloody well keep his dinner, Harry thought as he scrubbed a hand over his face. The prospect of sleep seemed lovely at the moment and he let himself flop onto the wonderfully soft bed. Cocooned in the plush covers, Harry took note of his trunk in the corner and Hedwig's empty cage before he allowed himself to drift off to sleep. He hoped he didn't dream of anything, as the last couple of his nights had been plagued with nightmares so bad that he'd barely gotten any sleep at all. He'd hoped that since Voldemort was dead, everything would finally turn normal. Unfortunately for Harry, that wasn't the case at all.
Why was he stuck babysitting Potter? That thought continued to swim around in his head as he worked. Of course that in turn made it impossible to concentrate for long and after a few minutes he ended up making an amateur mistake in the potion. "Blast it." He cursed and went over to his shelves to search for the ingredients once more. This time he would make sure to focus only on his creation and not on Potter. But luck was not with him and Severus soon found that he was missing two of the ingredients. How could that have happened? He always made sure to keep a suitable stock of every ingredient in store in case he wanted to make something in particular. Oh. Now he remembered. Yesterday he had been on his way to purchase said ingredients at Knockturn Alley.

That had been when Dumbledore had stopped him and informed him of his plan to have Potter stay with him for the rest of the summer. Snape had been so angry and upset with the idea, getting the ingredients had completely slipped his mind and he had rushed home. Dumbledore continued to pester him even there, not through magical means nor by paying him a visit or sending an owl. No, it was only the wizard's words that continued to roam around in his mind. The words asking for him to take care of Harry and protect him from any possible threats that might arise from former Death Eaters who might want to try and get revenge. At long last he had given in and the events which had happened earlier today had taken place. Snape's lip curled upward at the thought.

He rose and made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. For a moment he paused, considering whether to tell Potter where he was going. Best do so to make sure he didn't get into any mischief he thought to himself. After all, what if the stupid boy went out searching for him and didn't find him? The last thing Snape wanted was for Potter to leave the manor and go out looking for him. So, he made his way to the room Potter was currently supposed to be in and knocked on the door. Not waiting for a response, he opened it and stood in the doorway, a rather imposing figure. "I will be going out for potions ingredients, so do not leave the manor. I do not wish to search for a boy who is more trouble than he is worth." Severus said coolly and then turned around to leave the room.
Harry had woke barely an hour later, delight to find that he was feeling more rested than before. With a yawn, he stretched and headed for the shower, figuring Snape would probably get on his ass if he was "looking respectable" for dinner. Aunt Petunia had been like that and no matter--Harry stopped himself with a laugh. He wouldn't have to worry about his relatives anymore. Even if he was here with Snape, he'd never have to go back to them. Letting out a whoop of joy as he let the spray of warm water hit him, Harry washed himself, glad for at least some silvering lining in his black raincloud of a life.

He was just pulling on a pair of tattered jean and a t-shirt, the only things he had, when Snape suddenly burst into the room. Harry yelped, his wand trained of the man before he realized who it was. Grasping his chest, Harry heaved out a sigh. "Could you please wait for me to get the door when you knock?" Harry snapped, still a bit terrified that it could have been someone other that Snape coming into the room. Harry was still agitated enough that he nearly missed his Professor's next words.

"Knockturn Alley," Harry asked, following curiously after Snape. "Could I...come with you? I need to buy some things as well. Clothes, anyways," he amended motioning to his over sized outfit. He tried for a smile and hoped it seemed sincere.
Snape stood in the doorway staring at Potter as the boy trained his wand on him. "As much as I'd like to engage in a duel with you Potter, I'm afraid I cannot spare time right now. But please, feel free to repeat your action when I return. I would love to have an excuse to hurt you." He said with a twisted smirk. He ignored Harry's words about waiting and was just about to leave when he heard the boy speak again. Severus paused and then glanced back over his shoulder. "Whoever said I was going to Knockturn Alley?" He inquired, a poisonous tone in his voice. That place was considered to be the worst area in this part of the wizarding world and no one but Death Eaters and followers of Voldemort went there. It wasn't somewhere someone like Harry Potter should be going.

For a moment he was silent and the silence stretched out into what seemed like an eternity. Then, Snape started to walk again and soon disappeared from sight but a few words could be heard echoing throughout the hallway. "Don't make me wait..." It was his way of saying Potter could come, as long as he didn't end up slowing him down. He headed for the door and exited into the surrounding forest. Not too far away he lifted up what looked like a trap door that opened up a large hole down below. It seemed as if it was a place to hide from pursuers but what was odd about it was that deep within there was a built-in fireplace. Down a hole. Snape climbed down the makeshift stairs into the hole and waited for Potter to follow him. Once the boy was down he turned.

He grabbed a handful of floo powder and then tossed the bag to Harry. Severus lit up the fireplace and then threw his powder in. "Knockturn Alley." The words were clear and Snape walked into the area, vanishing a moment later. He appeared on the other side in the designated location and looked around to see what shops were nearby. Potter better come quickly or else he was going to leave him behind. After all, he'd wanted to do this errand quickly which was why he had originally intended to go himself. He didn't want to have to wait for a meddlesome boy, even if he did happen to be the Boy Who Lived. Why did he have to take care of him in the first place? Why couldn't the Dursleys do that as they had all those past years? What was so special about this year?
Harry flushed at his assumption. "S-sorry, I just figured that's where you were going. What with some potion ingredients being a bit rare." He added the last bit cheekily, hoping that Snape didn't pounce on his moment of weakness. He wasn't sure how far the Professor could be push before he actually decided to "have an excuse" to hurt him. Bravely though, Harry ran after Snape when he heard the man's distant agreement. Harry wasn't about to miss out on an opportunity for Alley shopping. He didn't know we'd he'd be able to get out next either.

Running a bit to catch up with Snape, Harry was astounded to find that the greasy git's fireplace was located outside, in a hole. "A hole?" Harry demanded loudly as he looking into the tight space. Snape was already down and throwing floo powder into the fire, so Harry pursed his lips and scrambled down into the secret hole as well. Snape had to be the only person alive who was paranoid enough to keep his floo outside. He couldn't wait to tell Ron and Hermoine about this little fact once he was back at Hogwarts. He was sure they'd get a real laugh out of it. A floo network in a hole, honestly, how dumb could Snape get?

It wasn't long before Harry was spat out of a fireplace at Knockturn Alley. Thankfully, Harry didn't bash his knees last time and had somehow remained on his face. Righting his glasses, he blinked at the still sour looking Snape. "You're face is gonna stick like that if you don't smile," Harry blurted almost playfully without thinking. He'd said the same thing to Ron when he'd broken up with Lavender Brown last year. "So, where do you need to go? I figure we can meet back here in two hours? I think I'll be safe enough," Harry added in a wheedling voice. Any time away from Snape would be sheer bliss!
The reason why Severus had a fireplace down in a hole near his manor was that he didn't want anyone using the network to come into his house. After all, he had taken advantage of the network to appear in Lucius's manor without his permission. He didn't want someone to do the same with his place because he was quite particular about where he lived and didn't want anyone messing around there. But of course he didn't expect someone like Potter to understand and would take great care not to let such information get out. If he had to use magic to sew Potter's mouth shut he would do so. But that didn't matter right now, he had other things to take care of that were more pressing at the moment. He blinked when Potter spoke to him as he might an old friend and for a moment was speechless.

"I smile." He found himself saying before he could stop himself and his lips thinned a moment later. "Let's get going." He said, changing the conversation topic almost instantly. It was almost as if he was a bit unnerved but surely that couldn't be the case, could it? Snape snorted when Potter spoke, suggesting they meet up here in two hours. "I don't think so, Potter. You're not going anywhere. Stay by my side and do not leave unless you wish to meet up with a very sticky death." Severus warned and swept off towards the potions shops. He would not take time out of his day to go search for Potter if he somehow magically ran into some sort of trouble. Once they had found the shop in question, Snape entered and started to look for the ingredients he needed to replenish his stock.
Snape was an idiot. That was the only thing that came to Harry's mind. Admittedly, he had a slip of tongue and actually treated the greasy git like a human being and for about five seconds, Harry was sure that Snape actually had the capacity to be normal. Harry snorted, that would teach him to think better of Snape. "Of course you do," Harry muttered to himself as he trudged after the Potions Master.

Heavy a huge sigh and preparing himself for the most boring shopping trip ever, Harry wished Snape would take him to Diagon Alley later. Not that he was about to ask now. He happened to enjoy not having to endure sticky deaths. "Must you always threaten to kill me?" Harry demanded angrily as he stood by Snape's side, voice low. "The threat is gonna lose its...well, threat." Crossing his arms unhappily, Harry tried not to be interested in all the potions ingredients. It was hard though, especially when there were things like powdered unicorn horn and blue scarabs glistening in their jars.

Despite Snape's warning, Harry wandered from his side, looking at all the different kinds of things the shop had to offer.
Of course the boy couldn't just leave him in peace. No, he had to run his mouth like his father had always done. "It is the only joy I get out of your presence." He said dryly and raised his brow when Harry spoke of how the threat was going to lose its threat. "Well, then I'm just going to have to carry through with it one of these days. I can't wait." Snape picked up one of the ingredients he had been searching for but couldn't seem to find the second and last one. "Wormwood..." He muttered to himself as he held the jar of asphodel in his free hand. "Where is the elusive bastard hiding..." The wizard stifled a yawn, he hadn't gotten much sleep yesterday and it was beginning to show, and continued to check the shelves for the item he was searching for. Thankfully Potter still remained with him.

That in itself was a relief and for once he was glad that the boy hadn't tried to ditch him. He continued to move around as he searched for the wormwood ingredient.
When Snape's back was turned, Harry childishly stuck out his tongue. Honesty, the git could at least come up with something better. Harry knew Snape would never kill least, he hoped he knew. He didn't think Dumbledore would let something like that happen and even if it DID happen, Harry knew that Snape's ass would be in the fire. With a heavy sigh, Harry shook his head. While unafraid of the Potions Master, it was tiring to be around a person who hated your guts. It was like the Dursley's all over again. The only good thing was that he wasn't getting smacked around or treated like a house elf.

As Harry wandered, he kept half his attention Snape, in case the man suddenly decided to ditch him. And despite common misconception, he had a hard time seeing and no hearing, so, when he heard Snape muttering about wormwood, Harry silently joined in the hunt for it. He finally found a small bottle of it in the far corner of the store, smashed between dragon's blood and fairy dust. Delicately, Harry picked it up and carried it over to Snape.

"Here," Harry said, offering the bottle to his Professor, "you wanted wormwood, right?" Harry tried for a smile, but he knew it was kind of strained and pathetic since he wasn't expecting anything other than a rebuke for being nosy.
Snape turned to face Harry when the boy handed him the bottle. He carefully took the ingredient and inclined his head to the younger male. "Thank you." The wizard murmured and then headed for the main desk to pay for the things. It seemed he could be decent if he felt like it which was saying something. Once his purchase had been complete, Snape headed for Diagon Alley which was nearby. After they had made the transition from one alley to another, Severus headed for one of the clothing shops and turned to face Harry. "Get your clothing." He told him and waited for Potter to do what he had told him. Snape didn't want to have to wait for Potter all day, he had things he needed to do and wasn't particularly inclined to wait for the boy to waste time wandering around doing nothing.

It was rather lonely being alone all the time but he would never admit that to anyone, least of all Potter. The boy would probably make fun of him and then go tell all his friends later on who would do the same. Much like his father had done in the past. His lip curled back into a sneer at the mere thought. Like father, like son. He had no doubt about it, not in the least. While Harry was off getting clothing, Snape meandered around the shop as he browsed through the clothing up for sale. There wasn't much to choose from that would be acceptable back at Hogwarts except for special occasions but it didn't hurt to at least take a quick look around. He didn't want to be forgotten with the times and needed to know of the latest fashion, even if he wasn't going to wear it. Being prepared was good.
Harry was completely floored at the thanks he got. He knew the surprise showed on his face, but he made no effort to hide it. "'re welcome," he replied, offering a tentative smile. Thinking that things would be slowing down, Harry found himself once again trailing after Snape, wondering why the man was going to Diagon Alley now. Hadn't he said he didn't need anything from the more brightly lit, less scary, alley?

Harry nearly plowed into Snape when the professor stopped suddenly. "Clothes?" Harry asked stupidly, before realizing that Snape was actually going to let him shop. "I--thank you," Harry added sincerely, a smile lighting up his face. However, when all he got was a sneer that he thought was directed at him, Harry hurriedly went deeper into the shop, muttering about not taking too long. And he didn't take too long either. He knew his sizes and knew what he liked. Not only that, if something didn't fit perfectly, Hermione had taught him a spell to rectify the problem. So, with that in mind, Harry quickly pulled what he needed from the racks. He wasn't too particular after all, not after having to wear Dudley's hand-me-downs.

"I'm done. I'll go pay and then we can get out of here," Harry announced once he'd come to Snape's side again. At the register, Harry paid the proper about of money for his purchase and, bag in hand, was back by Snape's side once again. Feeling excited about the new clothes, Harry didn't even care that he was smiling again.

"Alright, ready when you are." Harry paused, looking over the rack Snape was in front of. " going to get anything, Professor?"
Snape ignored the welcome he received. He hadn't wanted a response from the boy but had thought it necessary to give thanks. After all, Potter had given him what he needed and he wasn't in a particularly bad mood right now. His eyes narrowed at the boy when Potter almost ran into him and crossed his arms against his chest. "Pay attention to where you're going, Potter." Severus warned and raised a brow when Harry echoed his word back at him. "Yes, Potter. Clothes are things you wear on your body." He said sarcastically. "You did say you needed to buy some clothes before, didn't you?" If Harry was going to be so dense, Snape was tempted to simply head back home without waiting for him to shop. Why had he done this nice thing for him? That was simple to understand.

He didn't want Potter to end up sneaking out to go and buy the things he needed. If that took place and something happened to Potter while he was on his watch, Snape would not be pleased. He certainly didn't want to end up disappointing Dumbledore. But as usual none of his inner thoughts were said out loud. The dark haired teacher said nothing when Potter told him he was going to pay and then they could leave. But when Harry returned to his side and asked if he was going to get anything, Severus sneered. "Of course not. Why would I ever get something as frivolous as what they sell here?" He turned, his cloak billowing out behind.

"Do you need to go anywhere else?" He asked, almost as an afterthought and waited for Potter to respond. Okay now things were getting a bit murky. Why was he even asking?
Harry wondered how in trouble he'd be if he punched Snape in the face. The man was a complete mystery and Harry, even after all these years, still didn't know how to handle him. One minute he was polite and the next he was all prickles and stings again. Frankly, Harry was disgusted with the effort of trying to manage Snape and decided that the entire thing was a bad job. Snape was never going to like him, no matter how hard he tried. It was kind of like the Dursely. Harry could work and work but it never ever mattered. Well, he was away from that place now and didn't need to try and please people who obviously didn't like him.

"Excuse me for thinking you were normal," Harry spat with more vehemence than he'd intended. "And no, I don't need to go anywhere else, thank you." Jaw clenched, he stood beside beside Snape, making it clear that he was done and would follow the male to wherever he wanted to go.
It was harder to be him than one might think. He was a complex man and there was a reason why he did the things he did. Not to mention acted the way he acted. Severus almost laughed at Harry's words and raised a brow in the boy's direction. "I would never want to be normal thank you, if I did I would be one of those damned muggles." Snape turned on his heel and strode off when Potter informed him that he was done. He would have liked to disapparate but since Potter couldn't do that he was an inconvenience to him. How troublesome. Only a few minutes later they were back in the Malfoy Manor, since his fireplace was only connected to that particular fireplace and none other. But this time they ran into a spot of trouble and Severus quickly thrust some powder into Harry's hand.

"Go. Wait for me at the Prince's Manor." He told him and strode to the door, waiting behind it in case someone came in. "Severus. What are you doing here?" Lucius Malfoy asked as he narrowed his eyes at his fellow Death Eater. "Lucius. I was simply wondering what you were doing here when you and your family fled during the Hogwarts battle. Why did you come back to this place instead of remaining hidden?" Lucius grimaced and looked around as if he suspected someone to come out of hiding and tackle him with a spell. "I needed to get something but then I realized the best hiding place was somewhere in plain sight. A place that had already been checked and only a fool would return here. So far it's worked since I've been here for an entire month with no one the wiser."

Snape regarded Lucius for a moment and then nodded. "I see. Well, excuse me then." Lucius reached out and grabbed the hem of Snape's robes. "Where are you going?" He asked and Severus raised a brow. "To my house." The white haired man paused and then nodded. "I'll see you off then." It seemed he didn't quite trust him but that didn't matter to Snape. "Very well." He said and headed back into the room with the fireplace. Taking some powder he threw it into the area and spoke the name of his place. Then he stepped into the flames and was swallowed up a moment later, leaving behind Lucius Malfoy and his doubts. "Potter?" He called.
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