Stolen Celebrities (Cerberus and Yourwetdream)


Jan 9, 2009
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up. There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held.

Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe.

He knew that they operated all around the world. Some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government. who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they they were truly in power.
Ahhh, the party scene. Always a sight for things to fly under the radar. A time for people to meet-and-greet, but never really know who they were talking to. Some people love em, some hate em. But for celebreties, it was a time to show of, for the most part.

Ms. Jennifer Lopez had just arrived at the party. Her limo pulling up after a semi-long day, with Jennifer stepping out into the crowd, and being stared at by almost everyone in the large, full room. Her outfeit consisted of a simple black dress, and high heels to match. Her hair was let loose to drape over her upper body, and her eyes were shining like always. She looked around, decideding that she would make an appearence, and leave quickly, it had been a long day.

She began talking and socialishing with people, for a long time. One conversation leading quickly into the next with little to no pause. The night went by fast and tiringly. Ms. Lopez decided she needed a break and walked into the bathroom, where she stood, staring in the mirror. "Damn... It's hard to keep this up..."
Drake nodded and one of the attendants quietly walked over to the bathroom and locked it from the outside. He knew that no one else was inside and thus it would be no problem to set their plans in motion. It seemed that perhaps the hand dryer wasn't working properly or was it for as it was spouting off hot air it was also releasing a odorless, tasteless gas that would soon have the beautiful woman in a daze and easily controlled. Once it was well in the bathroom the aid walked in looking at Ms Lopez. He laughed and walked over to her. "All right sweetie, lean against the wall and place your hands behind your back and make not a noise."

As that was going on Drake was eyeing the crowd to find his second target of the night. He knew some more stars were in this party and he knew they all had power but there was someone who he knew would just look great on his leash, collared to him like a simple pet. He was going to teach these people who really was in charge.
(I'm just gonna use your suggestions lol)

As Jennifer looked in the mirror, she herd a slight click, and suddenly, the hand-dryer turned on. She looked over, expecting to see someone there, but there was noone. Odd... She also began feelig light-headed, so she walked to the door out and pulled on it. It didn't even budge. She pulled harder and harder, as she got drowsy slowly. Eventually, she just stoped and stood there, somewhat dazed, not booing what to do, when suddenly a man walkig in and told her what to do. Her mind was so blank she simply followed them, leanig aginst the wall and standing there.

Another woman of equal standing was there as well, the artist Beyoncè. She was there, and was pretty much the life of he party. However, she felt as though she had one too many drinks, and that she had to go to the bathroom. She made her way over, and attempted to open the door. It wouldn't budge. She looked around and saw a man, walking up to him. "Uhm, sorry to be rude, but is there another bathroom here, sir?"
The Aid walked over to Jennifer and ran his hand down her back to the edge of her dress before lifting it up and hooking his fingers to her panties and pulled them down her shapely legs before off. He then had her open her mouth and he stuffed her mouth with her panties and then pulled out some tape and gagged her then taped her hands behind her. Once he was done he was going to lead her away out a secret exit and to a waiting car where he had Ms.Lopez lay down on the back of the seat.

Drake looked at Beyoncé and nodded, Leading her down the hall he waited until they were out of sight of anyone before he grabbed her and placed a cloth over her mouth. quickly the drug would work against her, weakening her until she could not fight back. He then gagged her and tied her hands behind her back before leading her out to his car to see Ms.Lopez still laying there, squirming sligghtly due to the drugs affect showing many naughty bondage fantasies thta she had now playing out in her mind and soon the same would happen to Miss Beyoncé Knowles.
A slight tingling ran down Jennifer's back, locating his fingers exact location, untill they roughly grabbed her panties. She pulled around a bit as this happened, but with not nearly enough power to get away. Within a few seconds, her panties were gone, leaving a bear open spot, that was slightly drafty. He suddenly clamped her mouth open, when a sudden cloth was shoved in and taped closed. She couldn't open her mouth or make a noise. She looked around, quite confused. She was suddenly pushed into the back of a car, with the door slammed shut behind her, leaving her drugged-out mind to wander.

When Beyoncè was lead down the hall, she smiled at the man. "Thank yo-" before her sentance could finish, she was silenced by a cloth; and quite startled. "Erm... What is this?". Slowly, though, her vision blurred and she became weak. She was frcedbly tied and gagged, and lead to a car, with one of her peers layig already on the seat, the same thing happenng, her mind wanderig due to the drug.

(Also, I'm so sorry to everyone who I stopped responding to, my Internet went out for awile...)
He enjoyed the struggle Beyoncé gave before the chemical would of moved through her body. Once she was his he admired her body for abit before he tied her up and put her in the passenger seat of his car while her limo was driven off by one of his partners. Drake laughed and kept driving as he got to the large cabin and pulled up where he hid the car. He got out and looked over at Beyoncé and licked his lips before calling over some help. They opened the door and pulled her out while he opened the other door and pulled Jennifer out and then l. He watched the girls as they held them and dragged them inside before tying them over to the pen and made sure they was locked it. Both Jennifer and Beyoncé would of started to come around and wake up but it was a little too late for them. both were tied to the wall of the pens and kept gagged.

They watched the girls as they were put into their cages and locked in and tied. The guards watched as they all woke up and moved around only to discover that they were bound and couldn't move. "well well well awake now are we?" Drake looked at Beyonce and grinned. "It won't do you any good to try and fight as there is nothing you can do about it. So now miss Knowles, You will be trained next and its best you don't try to resist otherwise you risk yourself and your friends safety because when one screws up everyone else will be punished." He walked over to her running his hand against her cheek, letting his hand trail down over her waist, feeling the hose over her legs. "you look good and know that looks often please your master so you will do your best to make sure your appearance pleases your master."
For both of the women, everything tha happened was a huge blur, aside from the things that were easily noticable. During the entire car ride, their minds were left to wander, exploring sexual things they had long forgot about. But, they finally reached their destination after seemingly hours. They were lead from a car, and brought into a large cabin-esque building. Inside of said building, they were lead into a large cage, and tied to a wall, their preexisting gaggs staying in. Slowly but surely, the two girls came to flurition and realised what was happening.

Beyoncé began moving and struggling furiously, panic showig in her frightened eyes. While Jennifer looked around, fear showig, but she simply stood there, afraid. A man started talking to them, more specificly to Beyoncé. She didn't know what was happenig, but she couldn't talk back to his crude remarks. She could only pull away from his hand and make muffled noises, when really she wants to scream.
Drake watched the two women and grinned as they struggled around. "There is no point in trying to resist. you are far from getting help or being rescued." He licked his lips looking at both of them before he had a guard over and whispered something to the guard. The guard nodded and called a few more over and they untied the women from the cells and pulled them out. They had them brought to a back room, stripped and changed into different outfits more suiting to show off themselves. Once changed they were brought to a room, and forced to lay on a bed on top of eachother and tied down onto eachother then tied to the bed. They were gagged with eachother's panties and vibbed while waiting for their new master.

Drake walked in and looked at the two, running his hands along Ms.Lopez's stocking clad legs before trailing his hands over Beyoncé's hose clad legs. "mmhm looking good my pets, Now learn this the more you cooperate the more you will be rewarded, but should one of you resist, then the other is punished. So what one does will affect the other."

(The girl's Outfits: Beyoncé:
and Ms.Lopez's:
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