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Looking for some fun

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Jun 20, 2011
I know, big surprise, but anyways here it is. I looking for someone to role play with. I only role play with female characters, and no I don't care if you're a male playing a female. Anyways I guess I should tell you what I'm looking for. Wait, light bulb, first a bit about me. As you can guess I'm male, been role playing for twelve years and I consider myself to be pretty good at it. As for what I look for in someone who is looking to role play with me. I just ask that you type up enough to keep it going, avoid one liners....please, and try your best at spelling. I'm far from spelling greatness myself.

Now to the good stuff, what I would like to role play. Right now I have a small craving for OC star wars, don't care too much about the time but I do have two ideas. One is just as order 66 goes down and involves a jedi and a clone who refuses to follow order 66. Either can be male or female. My other idea takes place in the old republic, where a younger jedi finds out that his/her master is actually and powerful sith warrior.

That all I have right now for plots. I have one last craving, a big one. I have an artist that I really like their work. If you were to play a character from this list I would love you forever <3. Here's the list.

Well thanks for stopping by, feel free to have a cookie on your way out. *waves good bye*
angelduskgirlcat said:
Your welcom,I will pm you a list of my rps I love to do 1x1 only with a male rping partner ok.
Sounds great to me. I'll be waiting.
I'm new to the site but not to RP, heres a link to my intro post, to give you a bit of an idea, if it doesn't scare you away, lol, hit me up.
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