Batgirl: Arkham's New Arrival

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May 17, 2011
Room number 2... Little Miss Batgirl, thought Pamela, opening the door to the small padded room where the new celebrity patient was being kept. At least that was what Doctor Joker called them anyway. The most famous (female) faces of Gotham City, (in)voluntarily checking in to his clinic to be cured. Cured of what? Joker didn’t ever say. Pamela Isley - known as Poison Ivy outside of her civilian life – was one of his first patients, and because of that had been lucky enough to be promoted to nurse a few weeks ago. She got to check up on the patients and help during their surgeries. Unfortunately, after having been on the operation table one too many times of her own, her mind wasn’t as sharp as it used to be, and had taken the red-haired woman about three or four attempts to line the key up with the hole of room number 2’s door correctly.

Inside, the captive had been kept in total blackness since admission. The naked light bulb above swung gently yet never sprung to life, while she was restrained in the corner by an old Arkham straitjacket, a discoloured shade of white with some dried red stains. Her costume remained in-tact except for the cape and mask, both of which had been cut off to reveal her pretty face. Wedged between her teeth was a red rubber ball, secured in place by numerous straps which went over, under and behind her head. The inevitable drooling was already happening, and Pamela couldn’t quite be a little turned on at the sight of how helpless Batgirl actually was.

Batgirl’s source of light came from the narrow hallway outside her padded cell, showing the woman in the doorway’s attire. A pair of high heels, tights, elbow-length gloves and a leotard all decorated in various shades of green... there was no question who it was. On top of all of that: an unbuttoned nurse’s uniform. Something which Pamela never wore. The direction of light disguised her face in shadow for now. “The Doctor would like to see you now...” She sung, taking small steps towards Batgirl; the heels sinking in to the softness of the cushioned floor. “He’s going to make you better...” By now, Ivy was crouching down in front of the young fellow red-head, her face now in view. And there was something horribly wrong with it. Her beautiful face ruined and disfigured... her mouth muscles pulled, stretched and shaped uncomfortably... Ivy was smiling. But it wasn’t a natural smile... it was permanent. It looked almost like... the Joker.

“...Just like he did with me.”
She had sat in darkness for some time now, and ironically she still couldn't see a thing due to the complete lack of light. Unable to move her arms as they were wrapped around her and unable to screen as something kept her mouth full she had no choice but to grope around the room as best she could and all that she felt was cushioning. How she got here she couldn't remember, but at least now she knew it was some sort of padded room based on what she could feel. Then without warning light rushed in and her eyes burned before she could close them to shut out the terrible whiteness.

After a moment she could finally bear to open here eyes enough to make out the female figure in front of her, and as the image swam in her vision colours slowly returned to a somewhat normal state. Though she could hardly make out the person just in front of her she knew who it was the second she spoke and she tried to say something but all that came out was a muffle mutter. Not only that but by comparison to her somewhat well dressed captor she was a complete mess, hair frazzled from when she tried to feel around the room, costume torn in various places, and the front of her now visible straight jacket covered in drool.

In her head she planned to break free, regardless of how tired she felt from being restrained so for a period of time or how much her jaw hurt from being forced open, and even her blurred vision wasn't much of a concern. She could see it now, as soon as Ivy got close enough she could spring up and bring her down with a quick kick or two and then make a run for it. She was ready and waiting, but her plan never came to fruition for the second Ivy came close enough her eyes widened and her lips began to shake, never before had she seen such a frightening image... Never could she imagine Ivy looking like that and to her own surprise she let out a scream into her gag, a scream that was stifled by the words that filled her ears shortly after Ivy's face filled her view, and for the first time she felt an uncommon feeling of shock and disgust mixed with horror. Worse her body wouldn't respond, her mind yelled at her to escape but that shock only compounded the weakened and sore state she was in, forcing her to neglect the horrible creature in front of her and attempt to simply push past her and run. So with weary legs she bolted up and ran at Ivy, trying to knock her over in the process by shear momentum.
Ivy frowned when the young Batgirl screamed at her, and the former villainess knew that she was screaming at her face, and the way that Joker had changed it from a pretty face in to a uncomfortable grin. Sure, it had taken a long time to get used to it, and it scarred her lower half in a way that she could always feel it, and was a constant reminder of what he had done to her. But Joker had methods, and he had convinced her that what he had did was good for her. And crazily enough: he had broken her so much that she was starting to believe it.
Batgirl's sudden charge knocked Ivy off-guard, especially considering that the soft ground below wasn't stable enough to walk on with high heels. Ivy knew that the new prisoner wouldn't get very far, as she had made sure to keep the corridor door locked so it was impossible to get through it. Slowly getting herself to her feet, Ivy scrambled to the padded cell door and watched the woman's pathetic attempts at trying to run away. "You think you can open those doors wearing that jacket, Batgirl? Why don't you come back and sit on your wheelchair... the Doctor's going to be very upset if you don't turn up for surgery." She spoke, gripping the handles of the chair and taking one step back: pushing the wheelchair after Batgirl in order to knock her off her feet.
Ivy's words had only provoked her into a wild flurry as she battered the door trying to open it with her arms which couldn't move and even her mouth which was equally useless due to the gag. She tried to ram it with her side but her legs almost buckled under her when she hit and the door hardly even shivered. She turned around looking at Ivy, her eyes a mix of hate and fear, the wheel chair stood between them and the door kept her trapped, the hallway being too narrow to get around the once beautiful woman. She didn't care, she put her back to the door not willing to give up, not willing to find out what Ivy meant by "surgery". She would not allow herself to be turned into a creature like Ivy and with feet planted firmly on the ground she mumbled through her gag as best she could that she wouldn't allow herself to be taken. Even as disheveled and pathetic as she looked now she still had a the fighting spirit in her.
Ivy stopped when there was very little room left between them. The feet of the chair was mere inches away from Batgirl, who was causing Ivy a bit of a headache. "Why do you have to fight? Don't you know he's going to help you?" She asked, one of her gloved hands absently going up to feel a part of her smile. "He does a wonderful job." It would become clear to the crime-fighter that not only was her face scarred, and no longer normal-looking, but her mental health had severely deteriorated. Brainwashing, caused by some unknown method. Ivy would never have spoke like this when she was back in her natural habitat: surrounded by her loving plants and flowers. Here, she was lucky to have a single plant in her room at night. It was all that Joker let her have. She... hated him for that? She didn't know...

The nurse giggled - because of her face being in a permanent smile, the only way of knowing she was actually laughing was from the sound - at Batgirl's attempts to speak to her through the ball gag. It only caused more saliva to slip down her chin, adding to her humiliation. Squeezing past the wheeled-chair, Ivy lunged for the Batgirl, determined not to give up until she was sitting in the chair and strapped in.
Listening to Ivy her shoulders slouched a little, those words were terrible to hear for the young hero. Despite being a crime fighter she had always had a strange respect for the female criminals like Ivy. Of course she didn't respect her lifestyle choices and would have much rather had Ivy being a productive member of society instead of being locked away, but Ivy was still a strong female and to see her like this was heart breaking. How could Ivy be broken like this, she was so strong, and her ideals so set, but now Ivy didn't even seem herself and that laugh sent a cold shiver down her back.

She wanted to say something, to talk Ivy out of all of this and hope that she remembered who she was before all of this happened to her but the gag prevented all of that, all that came out was "Ifva remfer ho ue aw" and a large glob of drool that ran down her chin and onto her chest to join the damp spot there. Before she could make another attempt to reason with the other woman Ivy was upon her and she was busy trying to avoid the chair. The straight jacket made it impossible for her to put up a real struggle as it threw her off balance each time she instinctively tried to use her arms to defend herself and the strap between the legs made any drastic motion with her legs very bothersome as the strap would dig into to her body. One thing was clear in all of the squabbling, she was losing the fight.
On an afternoon in the past, an old Poison Ivy and Batgirl would have fought in different circumstances, with the outcome probably different. Batgirl, without her restraints, was an acrobatic fighter who could have ran circles around Ivy. But in this scenario, things were going against young Batgirl. While she still put up a fight - much to Ivy's annoyance - the inevitable happened. The prisoner was thrown in to the chair, and the leather straps were tightened around the various parts of her body. The ankles. The stomach. There was no more escaping, no more fighting. The Nurse stood in front of Batgirl, this time without fear of an attack. "You need to get better... I want you to get better, Batgirl. I hate seeing you like this..."

Soon, she was being pushed through the remains of the old Arkham Asylum towards the operation rooms. It was a shame to see the once-proud landmark of Gotham City reduced to a state of decay, with glass smashed and wallpaper peeling from the walls, many of the staircases had been destroyed (with several floors even being inaccessible). "It's nice to be home, isn't it?" Ivy asked - she had spent considerable time here on several sentences - as they wheeled in to the operating room.

And standing there, amongst what could only be described as torture devices, was the craziest man that had ever walked the streets of Gotham.

The Joker.
Fighting against the straps as best she could Batgirl didn't have much time to enjoy the scenery, she was far too busy trying to break the leather bonds that held her in place. What was Ivy talking about, how could she possibly think this was better, even broken she couldn't imagine Ivy being so docile to the fate that had befallen her. Panting behind the gag she felt helpless in both the straight jacket and the wheelchair, almost like she really needed to be wheeled around being unable to move on her own free will anymore, outside of spasm and jerks that were absorbed by the straps and gags. All she could do was hope that Ivy would somehow snap out of it all, for she had become exhausted fighting the straps that held her in place.

Yet her exhaustion quickly faded and her struggles resumed as soon as they entered the operating room and she saw who stood there. His face was the only thing worse than Ivy's disfigured visage and his reputation was even worse. She glared at him with hate and struggled against the chair furiously, with a constant mutter of incomprehensible language coming from behind her gag. She hated him, and being before him so helpless flared her heart into a frenzy. She wanted to kill him for what he was trying to do to her and for what he had done to Ivy, so much so that her utterances managed to even sound like "I'll kill you!" being shouted through a wall of rubber in heated exasperation.
The Joker approached Batgirl and bowed his face inches away from her reach. "Oh... now that's not very nice, is it? Did you not check your calender? You're supposed to call me if you're going to miss your doctor's appointment!" This man was unpredictable, a sense of humour that no one but himself found funny, a smile which gave no indication about what he was thinking right now. He could be your best friend one minute and shoot you the next. His white doctor's coat displayed the name Dr. Joker as his identification, while various tools poked out of his pockets. "Not to worry. You're here now. Let's get you on the bed so we can get started with your check-up. Miss Ivy, would you please help me lift her up?"

His assistant nodded, and the pair of them worked together to transfer her from the wheelchair to the bed, where she was once again strapped down and unable to move. For the first time as well, the Joker removed the ball gag from her head, unbuckling the straps and tossing it to one side. It finally gave her the chance to speak without having her words lost in gag translation, although a strap across her forehead meant she was unable to lift her head up.
She felt violated laying there immobile before a psychopath and his latest victim, and now she had the looming threat of being his next victim. "I'll kill when I get free!" She shouted out one last time as the gag came out, her jaw stiff from being forced open so long that it was still hard to talk. "What did you do to Ivy you monster!? You'll pay for it!" Were here next words, as she knew she couldn't allow him to see her fear now for it would only provoke him further and there was no pleading for mercy with this monster. All she could hope for now was that either someone would save her or that this first torture session would be light enough for her to manage her own escape later, but now she had to be strong or risk a terrible fate.

"Batman will find me! My dad will come for me!" She screamed out as if it was supposed to mean something. The truth was that nobody would be looking for her, not for a stretch of time as she was scheduled to leave by plane shortly before she was captured and only went on one last patrol before her departure due to a crime happening not to far away and knowing that Bruce would be too far away at a gala to stop it in time. Still she had to be convincing, she had to play the part that there were people who thought she was missing and not just off on charity work in some remote parts of the world. "You can't get away with this, they won't rest until they find me and this is the first place they'll look for a rat like you! Back in his hole!"
"Oh, now what will Batman think when you break his golden rule?" Joker spoke in a patronising voice, referring to the Dark Knight's insistence of not killing anybody. Where was the fun in that? Surely he must have been sick and tired of continually chasing after people like him and Ivy, instead of just pushing them from a tall building and letting them fall? "Ivy? Oh, Ivy loves it... don't you?" He stroked the woman's chin, although she suddenly flinched at his touch. For a split second, Batgirl may have seen a flicker in her eye that indicated she wasn't really happy with what he had done to her. But what ever he had drugged or brainwashed her with, it once more took hold. "Poor Ivy... when I stepped all over her plants, she got upset. I had to make her smile again..." The thin trail of water dripped from the corners of her eyes at the mention of her plants. Joker had completely destroyed her home, burning everything with a flamethrower. It was the reason why she broke so easily, as if everything in the world that meant something had been taken away. Like a mother watching her children die.

"They won't find you, sweetie. Don't worry. You're safe here. Ivy, could you please pass me over my tools?" There was no answer from the plant lady, who seemed to be in a daze. The Joker frowned, and snapped his fingers repeatedly in front of her face. "Ivy! Hello!" Finally, it seemed to work. "I said 'tools'. Not 'drool'. You're starting to dribble a bit, my dear." He passed her a cloth to wipe herself up, while huffing that he had to go and get the box himself. "Now. Let's make you a little more relaxed, shall we?" He asked, undoing the strap between her legs and slowly pulling apart the spandex of her crotch.
Not giving into his taunts she stayed quiet knowing that arguing with the Joker would only make things worse. She saw the expression on Ivy's face and knew there was hope, maybe she could bring Ivy back and the two of them could escape this hell. It wouldn't have been wise to try to appeal to Ivy now, not with him right there to stop her but as soon as his hands reached between her legs and she felt the costume give way she couldn't hold back. "Ivy! Help me! Stop him! Remember who you were! Remember your plants! Don't let him do this to me, don't let him do this!" She screamed in panic as the spandex finally gave way to show her panties to the two people hovering above her. She could hardly see Ivy from the corner of her eyes but still tried to make eye contact, ignoring the deformities she wanted to let Ivy see the expression of need in her eyes and face, maybe even help the other redhead realise that she needed her now like her plants needed her in the past. "Ivy, don't let him defile me like he did your plants!" She finally managed to choke out, a desperate gamble when all else seemed to have failed her.
Joker rolled his eyes at her desperate attempts to rally Ivy in to her cause, as if shouting was going to snap his beautiful assistant out of her brainwashing and get her back to normal. "Okay, okay! So I may have trampled over a couple of plants. It was only in self defence!" In his toolbox was a pair of scissors, which he used to cut away her underwear and expose her private area to both himself and Ivy. "Nurse, could you please shut Miss Batgirl back up? When I can't concentrate, I start making mistakes. And you certainly don't want me making any when I've got nasty tools in my hand..."

Ivy nodded, seemingly ignoring her cries. However, there was a definite sign of fighting behind those eyes of hers. "I... Joker said I've been... spending too much time with my plants. Maybe he's... right?" She choked it out, stuttering her words as if they were being spoken by someone else. She obeyed with his order, and a piece of duct tape was placed over her lips to keep them sealed.

"Now!" Joker laughed, picking up a rather sexually-shaped object from the box. There was no question about what it was: a sex toy whose purpose was to go in one place. Slapping on a pair of yellow rubber gloves, Joker dipped a pair of fingers in to a white tub and lubed the long shaft of the object. Dangling from the end, appeared to be some kind of pump which was designed to inflate this object. "Open up!" He smiled, sliding the large length inside of her sex, filling every inch of her interior.
With her final screams being cut off by Ivy she could only lay there looking at the woman who loomed above her and hope that something had gotten through to her. She couldn't see her own womanhood behind the straightjacket and straps that held her in place but now she wished that she hadn't shaved it clean as was trendy at the time. Still she gazed at Ivy with begging eyes and whimpers that were actually muffled words.

The muffled whimpers turned into a long scream followed by gasping as the foreign object slid into her body, even with the lube it was a burden for her to take in and almost caused her to orgasm from the pressure. She couldn't close her legs, not with the straps holding them in place and her eyes rolled back, unable to look at Ivy any longer. It was a strange feeling, never before did she feel so full and it made her feel as if her legs were spreading on their own trying to push the object out, yet it was already partially stuck inside her due to the massive size. Behind the duct tape she panted trying to take in air through her nose, the whole process leaving her winded and light headed.

The event put her into a daze and she felt herself swing from side to side, no she wasn't swinging, her vision was simply swimming again as a tear escaped her eye. She no longer wanted to see Ivy or the beast, she just wished it would end soon and for the fullness to leave her, that fullness that made her feel bloated uneasy.
Unfortunately for Barbara, if she thought that the object had filled her up; she was in for a nasty surprise. Well, with the Joker there was always surprises. And not good ones, either. With the medical dildo (what ever made it 'medical', only Joker knew) pushed in as far as the young woman's interior would let it, he picked up another one from the box and once again stroked it's length and coated it with the same lubricant as the previous object. There was no prizes for guessing where this one was going to go. Access to her rear was limited because of the way she was lying, but that didn't stop Joker from fiddling around under there. Soon, he was pushing the object in to her second hole - with a little more difficulty.

"Does that feel nice, Batgirl? You're making Ivy jealous!" The pushing was finally over, and the crotch strap of the straitjacket was re-fastened back to it's original place, now with two new objects underneath it. Picking up the two dangling pumps, the Doctor licked his lips and pressed once. Then twice. Three. Four. And inside of her, the dildos were expanding to a near-torturing discomfort. When ever Batgirl moved, or even twitched an inch, she would feel them. Her innocence being ripped away just as easily as the spandex had been.
If the first dildo sent her into a daze the second one woke her up and rather quickly. She couldn't move, not with the first one in but somehow she tried to fight against the second one that soon made her scream with wide eyes as the pain in her rear was unimaginable. She found anything to do with anal to be abhorrent and now she was being ripped in half from behind by an object that felt like a burning knife being forced into her. Her face turned red and tears streamed down her face, for a minute everything went white even. After he had forced it all the way in she was screaming, phantom pains running across her body and a bit of blood dripping from her now filled rear.

At first she felt nothing the pain was too much for her to notice the strap being fastened around her crotch or the first pump but the third pump caught her attention and by the fifth she couldn't feel her legs, only the throbbing pain in between of her legs and the heavy feeling around her midsection remained. She had orgasmed twice now and her body writhed in a mix of agony on pleasure on the table. She looked like a broken doll in a puddle of her own sweat, tears, and droll.
Joker seemed to be pretty pleased with himself, and when he looked at Ivy he smiled in reply to her own grin. "I'm glad you're enjoying this Ivy... I bet you're glad it's happening to someone else now, aren't you?" She nodded slightly, and that was the end of her reply. Batgirl's pathetic screams and cries for her to remember who she was were beginning to take it's toll, and Joker was well aware of that. Maybe he'd have to give her another treatment session very soon to stop her from thinking like the old Poison Ivy. Disappearing out of their viewpoint, Joker began rummaging around in the corner of the room for something, tossing things over his shoulder as he continued towards the bottom.

Poison Ivy looked down at Barbara, stroking a gloved hand over the silver tape which silenced the poor girl. "You'll get used to it." She whispered, holding one of Batgirl's hands tightly as her other one stroked the crotch to indicate that she was still currently undergoing a similar (albeit unnecessary) treatment at the hands of the Joker. However, she had adapted to walking - and even jogging - with a dildo inside of her.
All she could do was look up at Ivy and let out a croak of exhausted torment. She felt like she was about to split in half and seeing the slight bulge around Ivy's stomach only made her fear how she looked with the inflated objects inside of her. The only comfort she could take in all of it was that Ivy was coming too and maybe later she could have some hope of escaping with her aid. That is if her legs worked again by then or she could get the objects out of her body, but without the pumps attached it was unlikely she could deflate them enough to pull them out.

The rummaging made her nervous and she couldn't restrain her emotions, not as long as the throbbing in between her legs assaulted her front and back. She whimpered stress fully as the sounds stopped, fearing what madness the Joker had prepared for her after the last assault left her so crippled on a mental and physical level. The violation hadn't even sunk in fully and already she wanted to vomit from what had happened to her, the constant press inside of her openings not helping matters.
"Alright Ivy, leave her alone. Go and see how Selina is doing." Joker said, pestering her away and pointing towards the door. Ivy returned to her state of enslavement, and nodded, leaving the room so that it was just the clown and the bat that were left. "Well now it's just the two of us, maybe we can have some fun? How about some music?" He reached over and pressed the switch on the radio, and almost instantly the sound of background jazz began to play. "Yes... that's better. Now let's see... we'll get rid of this tape." The Joker flicked the corner of the silver tape, peeling it back slightly before pinching it with the tips of two fingers. Then, with a quick flick, he pulled it off her lips, making it as painful as possible.

"We don't need that anymore." It was rolled up in to a small ball, and punted towards the bin. "Now we're going to do a little work to that face of yours. Make you as gorgeous as our dear Poison Ivy." The grin didn't happen after just one trip, it would happen over time, putting the poor girl through hours of painful surgery in order to keep her face in a permanent state of happiness. What he would be using was reminiscent of the old-fashioned braces that some unlucky kids used to have to wear. Rather than a wire that just went over the teeth, these things would come out of their mouth, and strap around their head like some kind of medieval torture device.

And that's what Batgirl would be wearing. He held it up in front of her, and dangled it above her eyes. There were a number of hooks, which were designed to pull back the corners of her mouth, while another one would pull her nostrils upwards to give her a pig-like snout, to further add to the humiliation. All of this was connected by a series of metal wires that went around the head, and attached to a metal headband that would run around her forehead. "Now... you're going to have to promise not to eat candy while you're wearing this!"
The pain of the tape being pulled away hardly registered on her, she felt too nauseated from the previous tortures and all that came out was a weary moan of pain. She was sad to see Ivy leave, as the other woman had managed to sooth her at least a little but now she was alone and the Jazz music made her dizzy, adding to the impression of being anesthetized after the heavy stress her body endure moments prior.

Her heart sank when she saw what he held above hear head and all she could do was whimper "Please... no... please... ". She tried to hide her emotions earlier but now she was too exhausted from it all and could only beg him not to do it. The device was terrible and she could only imagine how he would secure it to her as it didn't seem like it could stay on fully without penetrating her skin in any way. "Please..." She called out one more time her body wriggling around, unable to even put out a decent spasm in such a weak state, but even this movement sent a cramp through her body as a result of the dildos and forced her to tears. She couldn't handle it anymore, he was about to mutilate her and every move she made cause her terrible pain, all she could do was cry in front of him, cry like a little girl and the humiliation of it all was soul crushing but at least she felt like she was using her face one last time before the thing would be attached to it.
As usual, regardless of the situation, Joker was grinning back down at her. So much for her putting on the tough girl routine earlier. Threatening to kill him, and all that nonsense. In the end, she had been reduced to being a little girl, crying and begging him to not do it. "I'm sorry Bats, but it's got to be done. Do you really think I'm getting any pleasure out of it?" He asked, placing a hand on his chest and closing his eyes. "Breaks my heart having to do it." A teasing lie, obviously. Joker had never given her any reason why she was actually here, that she had did anything to deserve this. She had only been doing Gotham good, and now one of it's famed caped-crusaders was about to be no more.

The head-harness was secured around her head in a number of steps. The first step involved fastening the metal band around her forehead, screwing it together at the back. It pinched, but was barely noticeable. Secondly, one end of the nose-hook was attached to the metal forehead band. It slipped in to her nostrils, and the Joker tightened it up until it was yanking back her nostrils. Thirdly, the two hooks began pulling her mouth in to a smile, and as they tightened, they kept pulling further and further up until Barbara displayed a smile similar to Ivy, yet no where near as prominent. "See? Painless." He grinned.

It wasn't.

"Now... I think that's us done for today. Do you want to go and meet your roommates?"
She cried and pleaded through the whole thinking offering him anything to stop and let her go. In the end it didn't matter and her face was locked into a smile as the hooks dug into both her nose and mouth the sensation was agonizing and once her face was locked in it tried to settle normally but was painfully kept in that terrible smile by all of the hooks and straps. They didn't allow her to close her mouth normally so now drool would leak from the side constantly and she'd have to breath through her nose in a strange gasping manner. The one thing that she managed to notice in the discomfort was that Ivy's nose wasn't altered much if at all but her nose was forced up into a sort of snout.

"With are you doing thisss to me'th" She said as her sobbing slowed which revealed the forced lisp the headgear caused, and thus adding to the little girl demeanour she was forced to show. It was the least of her worries, her body felt broken between from front to rear opening, her tummy was turning over on itself, and her face in burning pain as the hooks restrained it from getting into a normal shape. A strange slurping sound left her as she attempted to suck in the drool that was about to escape, or maybe it was a strange sob, the two were hard to tell apart to an outside observer with the headgear causing her to sound so foolish.

Who else could he have here was her first thought when she heard that there were "roommates". Did he mean Ivy? No, wait, he said Salena early, no, it couldn't be... It just couldn't. "Roomthates?" She asked nervously with another sob and whimper.
Joker couldn't stop laughing when she was trying to speak with the metal brace keeping her mouth open, and once more she was drooling uncontrollably. Just as well she still had control of her bladder, because cleaning up saliva was one thing but cleaning up other things? He shuddered at the thought. He passed off her questions with a grin, and began clearing up the mess he had made, as well as wiping away some of the drool with a towel. The clown never bothered to tell her who her room-mates would be, although she'd find out soon. Joker was going to wheel her in to the "TV room", where they'd all sit and watch each other drooling over themselves. Strapped in to wheelchairs, not being able to move or talk in coherent sentences - what fun they'd have!

With perfect timing, Pamela returned from her rounds and kept her eyes on the state of Batgirl's face. It was a similar process to what Ivy had to go through, although eventually there was no need for the brace and head-piece. Joker's gas did all the work to keep it in place. "Selina's in the TV room, Joker."

"Excellent. Could you unstrap our patient for me and put her back in the wheelchair?"

Ivy nodded, and began unfastening the belts that held her in place. With the last strap loosened, Ivy turned her back to prepare the wheelchair, leaving Batgirl unrestrained and unsupervised for a second.
She could only lay there and focus on breathing as Ivy returned and unstrapped her. However, as soon as both the Joker and Ivy turned their backs to her she was ready to try anything for a chance of escaping that hellhole before anything more could be done to her. She moved slowly at first, making as little sound as possible, all of which could be hidden by the sound of her rather loud breathing that resulted from the wicked braces. As she neared the edge of the bed she was sprung into action, or what she thought was her springing into action, because as soon as her feet hit the floor she felt a shock of pain spread from her rear and go up her back, another similar shock ran from her womanhood and up her front.

Before she knew what happened to her she felt her legs give out and she collapsed on the floor before curling up into a ball and sobbing. In her distracted state she hadn't realized how much the inflated dildos spread her body apart and when she tried to stand normally only seconds ago they showed her that she wouldn't be able to stand normally as long as they were inside of her. It felt as though someone had punched her in both her butt and stomach at once, and now both openings throbbed painfully as she tried to keep her legs spread enough for the dildos to have room.

Worse was coming as Ivy put her into the chair the anal dildo was forced deeper into her and she let out a scream and orgasming almost instantly. No matter how she sat in the chair the object in her rear jabbed into her and any bump would send her over the edge into an orgasm followed by a terrible stinging pain.
"Silly girl." The Joker muttered, knitting his eyebrows together loosely as she had attempted to make a run for it. He wasn't sure whether Ivy had turned her back deliberately so that Batgirl could make a run for it, though surely the plant girl wouldn't have been so stupid as to have released her while he was in the same room? Although... she wasn't exactly thinking straight any more because of the doses of toxin, so that probably had something to do with it. Anyway. Barbara was soon restrained in to the wheelchair, and was on her way to the TV room, which was midway between the operating rooms, and the padded cells.

Joker pushed the chair, with Ivy walking beside him. He didn't seem to be talking much at the minute, but maybe that was because there were things on his mind. What she had said earlier was true. The big, bad Batman would be coming here when he found out that Batgirl was missing. Maybe it'd be a good idea to find somewhere else to hide out?
"Here we are, the TV room. Oh look... one of your friends is already here!"

Sitting in a wheelchair of her own, in a similar set up (including the horrible head-gear) was Selina Kyle, known better as Catwoman. Batgirl's chair was rolled up and clamped so that she was facing the drooling woman, whose eyes were wide open at the sight of Joker's latest capture. Catwoman attempted to speak, but quickly remembered that she was just making a fool of herself by trying to talk with this in her mouth. The hooks at the corners of her mouth were pulled up a little higher than Barbara's, indicating her treatment had lasted longer. It also gave Batgirl an idea of what she looked like (as Joker hadn't supplied a mirror, yet). The nose... the grin... it was all the same.

"I'll leave you two to have a little chat, hmm? Ivy... we need a few words." He glared, leaving and locking the door behind them. The television wasn't on, so much for a television room.
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