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My first scene here :P

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Jun 20, 2011
Sarah is a hanyou a creature that is half demon and half human. Her father is a wolfdemon whom she does not know. Her mother died when she was 6 years old. Being what she is she has no place to go as humans see her as an abomination while demons view her as a disgrace to their race and a weak little vermin that could never be confsidered more than a pet. She knows nothing about her father but most likely he left her because he thought the same of her. Trying to find a place to call home and trying to find the homeland of the wolfdemon clan her father belonged to she wanders the lands trying to escape any danger.

((I like rape, master/slave and romance. The pairing is up to you but i like the idea that she meets her fulldemon halfbrother or her father who take advantage of her trusting nature or her first heat season. JUST send me a pm so we can discuss further details))

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