Hateful Love [Yami and myself]

i C h e c k e r s

Jun 19, 2011
The sharp sound of sizzling could be heard from the kitchen. A blonde 'curly brow' cook was sauteing a new dish with various vegetables. He was working on a 'healthier' menu than what the pirate ship usually had. Sanji was this cook's name and he was the head (and only) chef on the famed Straw Hat Pirate's ship, Going Merry. Sanji was usually seen as the hot headed, lady lover, perverted cook, but there was truly another side to him that only one person had seen; the homosexual ero-cook. "Marimo.. Why don't you get over here and help me. I could use some of that wine your wasting down your throat." Sanji said to the green haired swordsman who was sleeping off in the corner of the kitchen/mess hall. The blonde wiped the sweat from his own brow and concentrated on his cooking. This dish had to be prefect to not only his dearly beloved Nami-swan and Robin-chwan, but also for his true heart taker; Roronoa Zoro.

The way the two had gotten together is quite an odd story. It was after that battle with the stupid fishman, Arlong, when Sanji started to develop feelings for the swordsman. The determination within the green haired swordsman's eyes was unbelievable and Sanji was so moved by it. Of course, to admit he had fallen for the swordsman was to admit defeat. Sanji was literally heartbroken at the sight of Zoro on the verge of death. At the end of the whole battle, Sanji couldn't get his mind off of that swordsman. The party of Nami's village was amazing and Sanji even got to confess his feelings to Zoro. For some reason, the swordsman has the same feelings for the cook. So therefore, their relationship started and they have been close ever since.

Now, you may be thinking why the heck Zoro and Sanji fought so much. Well the answer is simple, men become closer through fights now don't they? The horrible nicknames that were given to each other were simply their own way of saying 'dear' or 'sweetheart' or perhaps 'love'. The two didn't want their relationship shown and shouted to the world; especially Sanji. He never thought he'd be a homosexual; ever. Well the sea is a mysterious place... now isn't it?
Zoro yawned and sat up. Rubbing at the back of his head, he snapped "Shut up Ero-cook! I'm trying to take a nap! Keh." He rolled over onto his side, giving Sanji his back. Zoro had already finished the delicious wine. While he wasn't quite drunk, he had a good enough buzz going that he was relaxed. Zoro also made it a point to ignore the other male, figuring that the Ero-cook was just making food for Robin and the devil woman- Nami. Sanji still fawned over the women even though he and Zoro were in a relationship. It honestly didn't bother Zoro since to Zoro, Sanji was just using him as stress relief. Not that Zoro wanted his relationship revealed to the world either. Zoro was bi. He knew that, he accepted that, but he never talked about it.

Sanji on the other hand was a lot more secretive so Zoro had agreed to hide the relationship which he wanted, but it still irritated him to no end. Zoro slept on the bench at the table, the empty bottle lay on its' side on the table. Zoro didn't care that the bottle was empty. Let the stupid ero-cook be angry. Worst thing they could do was fight or Sanji could exact revenge by shoving the bottle up Zoro's ass. Not that Zoro thought about it at all.
Sanji sighed and continued his cooking. After a few more minutes of the sound of sizzling, Sanji turned off the stove and walked over to Zoro. He looked down at the other and sighed. 'This guy was just so ridiculous some times.' He thought to himself. Sanji then rolled his eyes and looked out of the porthole looking window and out towards the deck. He saw his captain taking a nap with the doctor and the sniper was no where to be seen, most likely making some sort of invention under deck. Sanji's beautiful ladies were just starting to sunbathe. A smirk came upon the cook's face and he pulled down the small curtain that shielded the window. He then locked the door and walked over to Zoro. "Oi Buzz kill. I swear your going to get it for freaking drinking all of my my best wine." The blond hissed down at the swordsman. Sanji then leaned down and kissed Zoro's cheek. "Oi Marimo. You know I cooked that stuff for you right? You've gotta lay off of that booze crap. It'll kill you." He whispered into the green haired swordsman's ear.

With that, Sanji moved away from Zoro and sat down at the opposite bench. He leaned against the table and lit a cigarette. He pondered upon many things and ever so often looked down at Zoro. Sanji, too, was jealous of Zoro. He knew that Zoro loved him, but there was always some hidden sense of insecurity when it came to the idiotic captain, Luffy. Sanji always seen how Zoro and Luffy were so close. They would have each others' back through all the battles and even to death. This made Sanji especially jealous of his beloved Marimo. Why couldn't he and Zoro have that special relationship? After all, a captain and his first mate were supposedly the closest on the ship, but Zoro had claimed he had no feelings for Luffy other than him being his captain and his nakama. Still, Sanji could only believe what he wanted to believe.
Zoro ignored Sanji and rolled over again in his sleep. He growled in his sleep, voice husky with sleep, or perhaps, lust "Luffy. Stop touching that!" Zoro sleepily swatted at an imaginary hand around his hip area before he continued sleeping, too deep asleep to realize that Sanji had been talk to him. As the ship rocked, the bottle on the table rolled back and forth, responding to the movements of the ship.

To Zoro, Luffy was nothing more than a friend, a nakama. Sure there was some romantic tension there on his end, but that was all that it was. Tension. It wasn't something Zoro would ever acknowledge or act on, seeing as Luffy had no interest in the matter anyways. Still, Zoro knew better than to tell Sanji this. The jealous bastard would probably lash out at him for admitting that. Zoro didn't see what the big deal was anyways. He was with Sanji, what more did Sanji want from him? it really was ridiculous and stupid for the Ero-Cook to be so demanding.
A hand stopped the bottle and picked it up. The cook took the bottle and stood up once more. The stupid marimo had fallen asleep again and he was dreaming about something either troubling or of pleasure. Sanji took the bottle and placed it down on the counter where it wouldn't fall down onto the floor. Then the blond took one of Zoro's booze bottles and popped it open. A smirk came upon Sanji's face again and he moved over to Zoro. He jerked the swordsman awake and turned him over so he was laying on his back. "Oi. Don't fall asleep. It's rude to not listen to people who are talking." He hissed down to Zoro. Before the other was able to reply, Sanji took a whole mouth full of the alcohol and 'attacked' Zoro with a lip lock kiss. He pushed the alcohol into the swordsman's mouth and looked straight into Zoro's eyes.

Jealousy was something that could never be controlled. The reason why Sanji suddenly acted would be unknown to him, but it was truly out of his need for Zoro. He wanted him to know that he didn't belong to anyone else; especially that idiot captain of theirs. Sanji did have a love for his Nami-san and Robin-chan, but he wouldn't let them get in the way of Zoro. That was ridiculous and something Sanji would never think of. When it came to relationships, Zoro always came first to Sanji, no one else. The cook was really demanding and he was actually quite selfish too. Zoro only could give the needy blond so much, and Sanji just didn't understand that.
Zoro opened an eye as he was flipped over. Looking up at Sanji, Zoro let out a snort, only to be muffled as the kiss had him other wise occupied. The alcohol didn't help either. Zoro threaded his fingers through Sanji's golden rod yellow hair as he kissed the male back just as passionately, his eyes narrowed to slits while they kissed. For the most part, Zoro didn't mind Sanji's possessiveness. It was just too troublesome to fight about. Although, there had been a few times where he'd contested the other male's jealousy, but for the most part, Zoro had been very relaxed under Sanji's aggressive dominance. Letting their tongues battle, he only broke the kiss when he couldn't breathe any more.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he asked with a scowl "Happy?" Zoro wanted to go back to his nap if Sanji was done.
Sanji smirked down at Zoro and let his tongue fight the battle. He was never done with the swordsman. Sanji really wasn't called the 'ero-cook' for nothing. This guy had such a twisted mind and Zoro knew it too. Sanji allowed Zoro to back away from the kiss and he glared down at the swordsman. "You think I had enough?" He hissed down to Zoro. Sanji placed his hand on Zoro's forehead and let his fingers comb their way through the surprisingly soft green hair. Sanji wiped his own mouth from the drool and the alcohol and he looked down at Zoro. Sanji's free hand moved over to Zoro's white linen shirt and trailed down. He then lifted the Swordsman shirt from the haramaki and traced the swordsman's finely pronounced abs. Sanji then leaned down and bit Zoro's ear. "Let me become satisfied you bastard." He whispered to the other.
Zoro let out a growl of protest. He snapped "Oi teme! You kissed me! How much more 'satisfying' do you need." Zoro reflexively tried to back up, even though all he had left to back up against was wall. Zoro shifted to sit up, not caring that his abs were revealed. He tilted his head to the side as Sanji bit his ear. Resisting the urge to moan, he shifted to get to his feet. Pushing Sanji back, he let his shirt hang over his haramaki. He then set about tucking his shirt in underneath his haramaki and into his pants once more. The stupid ero-cook didn't need any more 'satisfaction'.
Sanji then sat against the wall and glared up at Zoro. "Oh? Usually you'd let me play.... What's up your ass today?" He growled up at the swordsman. The blond lit a cigarette and started to smoke it. He need to seriously calm down before he started to get the urge of fighting Zoro. Sanji looked up at Zoro and rose to his own feet. The blond then moved around Zoro and made his way to the stove. "Leave if you want. Go rape Luffy, 'cause I know you were dreaming of that." He said harshly to the other. Go ahead and break Sanji's heart, it's not like he'll never get his revenge. Sanji blew out the toxic fumes away from the food and just closed his eyes. He leaned against the counter and continued to smoke. This jealously thing was just killing him, so he needed to back away for a moment and have a smoke. The one thing that couldn't mentally brake Sanji's heart was smoking. Sure, it would kill him in the end because of cancer or something like that, but at least he'd have a thing to retreat to in case his primary source of relaxation ditched him.
Zoro snorted. He said "Me? Rape Luffy." He let out another snort. He said "Luffy has no interested in that kind of thing." Zoro sounded amusd at the last sentence. Before he could stop himself from saying something antagonistic, he snarled "I might just submit to Luffy to piss you off Er-cook!" Zoro muttered obscene curses under his breath as he left the room. Zoro walked out onto deck before he scaled the bird's nest to go to the room he in there that he usually hung out in. Once inside, he shut the door and pulled his swords from his waist. Resting them against the wall, he lay down on his side, swords within reach as he started to doze off again.
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