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Can I be YOUR wet dream? (Updated craving 7-6-11)

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Jun 19, 2011
Hey, I'm Mia, or Yourwetdream, nice to meet you. I'm just making this to let you all know that I'm looking for RP's, with plots soon to come. For now, I would like to please whatever my partner is craving...

Here is my RH: Portz

I prefer to RP in threads and PMs, so PM me if you're interested...

current craving!!!: Genie x Bottle finder, this RP can go wherever we want is the best part!
RE: Can I be YOUR wet dream?

That's kind of a short request! Well, if you're bored and you feel like Instant Messengers may be an option, send me a PM!
RE: Can I be YOUR wet dream? (Updated with a craving) 6-22-11


Also, I'm so sorry to everyone who I stopped responding to, my Internet went out for awile...
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