
Pixii Stixx

Sep 13, 2010
Lily sat in the library. Her books spread out everywhere. It was definitely too late for students to be out of their beds, but she couldn't sleep and homework seemed like her best option. No one ever seemed to catch the young Gryffindor when she left her room at night. Probably because of her prefect status and her reputation of being a goody good. She sighed softly and ran a hand through her long, red hair. Why was sleep evading her? Had she offended it? It was a silly thought, but then again it was a thought that a girl had at two o clock in the morning when she couldn't sleep.

Leaning back in her chair she turned attention outside. It seemed pretty calm and serene. The moon seemed to be smiling at her. She bit her lower lip and looked back over her work. She was quite proud of this essay. One of her best in a long time. She dipped her quill in the bottle of black ink and continued in her curly script hoping to finish up and then head to bed.
James told the Fat Lady the password and she looked around in the empty corridor with a tired and cranky look on her face before the portrait hole swung open and allowed him entry into the Gryffindor common room. Tonight had been one of Moony's "bad nights" and the Marauders had gone out with him to help ease his troubles as per usual, but James left early because he had Quidditch practice in the early morning the next day. It was hard to pull away from the fun though, Wormtail had been really twitchy that day, so he was only getting in now at 2. About to rip the Invisibility Cloak off, James saw that the fireplace was lit and a young lady was busy writing.

"Evans?" James quietly whispered to himself, the excitement at seeing her, her hair pleasantly and comfortably uncombed and in her jumper, seeping out without Sirius's overbearing presence. Deciding he could use a bit more fun before bed, James quietly walked up behind Evans and lowered his head right next to her ear before harshly blowing on her earlobe to startle her, holding back his chuckles so as to not reveal himself.
Lily didn't hear the portrait swing open or close. She was too immersed in her essay. 'So in conclusion, the mandrake root is not only a useful herb to keep in your garden for medicinal purposes, but in the event of an-' The young Gryffindor jumped making her leave a long line at the end of her n. She grabbed her wand and turned facing her assailant. "Potter." She muttered only slightly annoyed. "You could have given me a bloody heart attack, or worse! I could have hexed you out your pants off!" She said rubbing her temples. It was too late to be up anyways. A thought occurred to her. "Wait a second. What were you doing out of the tower after hours?" This could be considered the pot calling the kettle black but she left it.

Her green eyes looked the other Gryffindor over. He looked tired. More so than normal. She wondered what he could have possibly been out doing. Lily crossed her legs and leaned forward. This boy had been her enemy for years it seemed. The first moment she had seen him after they had arrived at Hogwarts he was tormenting her [i[then[/i] best friend Severus Snape. She tried to keep him from her mind as much as possible since the 'incident.' No matter how much it hurt her, she couldn't trust him to stay away from the damned dark arts. It hurt her to just think about what could end up happening to him. But he had chosen his way as she had hers.

"So, aside from giving beautiful Gryffindors heart attacks, what are you doing up?" She asked again. She accented the word beautiful so he knew she was only being facetious. She wasn't actually one of those girls who went around fussing over being beautiful, or exceptionally stylish. Lily Evans had her own sense of style and that suited her just fine. She watched him expectantly. She was actually curious. Now she couldn't be sure if it was the sleep deprivation or if she was actually curious. But nevertheless at the moment she wanted to know.
Evans reacted rather entertainingly to James's little prank, but he was disappointed when she recovered so quickly. He had been kind of hoping she would jump more and fall or something, causing a ruckus for James to make fun of, but instead she bounced back like she always did, with grace and style and with every hair in place like she had just had her hair washed. Picking up some of her papers and looking through her essay, James admired once more how small and tight her writing looked without being girly like some other people James knew (Moony).

"Me? Just taking a walk around the grounds, surveying the place for any sneaky Death Eaters or other such evils, as any brave Gryffindor should do," James said with a big toothy grin, slapping the papers down in a disheveled manner, slicking his hair back again while he went to the fireplace and incited the flames to kick up with a flick of his wand, hopefully impressing Evans with his silent spell-casting.

"You know, for a 'beautiful Gryffindor,' you're rather drab Evans. Studying late into the night? Boring," James teased, sitting in a soft chair across the room, his leg swung over one of the arms.
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