First off, I'd like to apologize for my recent long absence. This year has been a hard year for me. In a nutshell, I fell off a rock climbing wall and suffered some major muscular damage that caused me to miss a lot of school and then spend a lot of time playing catch-up. Following that, my graphics card died and I had to send my computer in for repair, which took much longer than expected. I had hoped to borrow my sister's laptop every so often, but she keeps that attached to her hip. >_> By the time the computer came back I was scrambling to complete assignment and study for final exams, and in the same month prepare to move.
Ended up being quite ill for the past few months and have finally figured out why and am now dealing with those health issues.
Also, I had a few of you on my MSN, but all of a sudden I was sending spam emails, having bots added to my friends list, and was pissing off my friends with my virus emails.
I deleted any contacts that were not the few people I know IRL, as I have a very poor memory when it comes to which email belongs to who.
I need to shake off this bad juju somehow.
So, if I left you hanging I do apologize. I didn't mean to.
Ended up being quite ill for the past few months and have finally figured out why and am now dealing with those health issues.
Also, I had a few of you on my MSN, but all of a sudden I was sending spam emails, having bots added to my friends list, and was pissing off my friends with my virus emails.
I need to shake off this bad juju somehow.
So, if I left you hanging I do apologize. I didn't mean to.