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SugarPlum's Fandom Search!

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May 1, 2011
Well, Uhm, I am really craving some fandoms at the moment, so hopefully I can find someone willing to do a few with me ^_^

First off - Rules
*Literacy - Please be able to post more then two decent sized paragraphs. Please ;-;
*Characters - I want to play the female characters for these pairings, there maybe one or two exceptions.
*Pairings - They will mostly be Het, with the exceptions of some Yuri/Yaoi.
*Pictures - I do like looking at them, so if you can find a really good one of the pairing, please post it! :3
*Where? - Either threads or PM's is fine with me.
*Plot- I love plot. I want it. So please include it. I love smut too though :)

(I think that's all. Sorry this isn't pretty, I'm trying to keep it neat XD)

Fandoms -

Bleach - Orihime x ANYONE (Favs are; Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, Aizen, Ichigo, Kenpatchi.) Rangiku x Gin, Momo x Toshiro

Naruto - Sakrua x Sasuke

Ao No Exorcist - Shiemi x Rin, Shiemi x Yukio

Gurren Lagann - Yoko x Kamina, Yoko x Viral

Burst Angel - Meg x Jo

Hellsing - Seras x Alucard

Ouran High School Host Club - Haruhi x Tamaki, Haruhi x Hikaru, Haruhi x Kyouya

Samurai Champloo - Mugen x Fuu, Jin x Fuu

Supernatural - Sam x Dean, Castiel x Dean, Dean/Sam/Cas x OC, OC x OC

Heroes - Claire x Sylar

True Blood - Sookie x Eric, Sookie x Alcide

Dragon Age - Fenris x Hawke, Alistair x OC (Main Character)

(There could be more, but that is all for now. Please PM me or Post here if you're interested~)
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