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Bimbofication anyone? Like, please? Hehe

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Jun 14, 2011
Hi all! My name is Christy, new to the site. Typically I enjoy Rping on either my Aim or Yim screen names (Maiesiobreed for both) so if any of this tickles you please don't hesitate to send me an IM sometime if you're interested!

Well lets get to the crux of the matter. It's been a long time since I've played a nice bimbofication scene. Here are a few scenarios I have been toying with....

1. A world renowned thief is hired by a rival perfume company to infiltrate the compound of "ScentEx" a world famous perfume venture. Of course, she is caught by the owner of the company and instead of turning her into the authorities, he/she decides to use the thief as a guinea pig for some new "scents". Each perfume would have a different effect on the thief...mentally and physically. (I'll go over some of the changes at the bottom of the post)

2. A college womens lib major knocks down an old woman on campus and doesn't help her up because she's late to class. Unfortunately for her the gypsy's daughter/son goes to the same institution, see's the whole incident, and decides to punish the very haughty, self-esteemed filled girl in the way she'd hate the most. Bimbo time!

3. A college student continually mocks her roomate (this would obviously be for another female rp'r) for being so nerdy and loserish, until she decides to give the uppity student a taste of her own medicine.

Ok....those are just three ideas off of the top of my head. In all of the scenes I typically I enjoy my character to retain her mind and will throughout the scene. I love playing a character who hates what's happening to her, but is powerless to stop it.

Lets get to the fun part and talk about transformations I enjoy! :

1. Body transformations - Ok, everyone likes this one! Ridiculous breasts, pinched in waists, inflated "pamela anderson" like lips...those are some fairly obvious ones. But I also like widened hips, making the girl only be able to walk in a "come fuck me walk" (imagine rolling hips, feet crossing each other with each step, swaying butt) or how about something where whenever she bends over she is forced to do so straight and wide legged, making her show off her butt each time? How about something that makes her constantly be on her tippy toes, making high heels her only shoe option? How about if something is placed in her mouth she is forced to suck on it no matter how hard she tries not too? Use your imagination, creativity is really sexy to me! I love playing something I haven't done before.

2. Hair! - I love this one. Making it much longer, curlier....oh and definitely turning it into another color. Blonde, hot pink. Styles also, personally I love something where a spell makes my hair grow into pig tails or ridiculous braids (a la Lara Croft). Very hot!

3. Tattoos, piercings, etc - Unwanted tattoos and piercings are great.

4. Speech - Another one of my favorites. Making my character speak in a lisp because of her huge lips or being forced to speak in a valley girl dialect are so hot!

5. Clothing - What's a bimbo without good clothes? Like anime, dress her up like a hentai star. How about the old catholic school girl look? Anything's possible!

6. Pregnancy - I know this isn't for everyone but it's one of my favorites. What can be bad about a very pregnant bimbo? Nothing, that's what! Now this....this is one of my very favorite ideas that I haven't gotten anyone to play yet. How about a spell that makes the user more and more pregnant the hornier she gets? Just getting turned on...small belly, maybe three months along....Incredibly horny? Close to popping with get the idea. The bump would disappear when not horny, so she'd constantly be fighting to control herself. Good luck with that!

Well those are just a few of my likes. The only dislikes you need to know are as follows (Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, scat) Pretty standard really.

So if this interests anyone, please send me an IM at Maiesiobreed on either AIM or YIM. Also you can send me a message.

Looking forward to playing with someone!
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