WANTED: One (more) person for an extremely kinky Rp.

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Jan 29, 2009
Hello all. This is a very specific need I have. I need one female, or male willing to play a female, for an extremely kinky Rp. But you got all that from the title. The other day, one of my Rp buddies and I had a discussion about an Rp. We got so excited about these ideas we started to put them together into a little story. Now, there are some blanks, and a few little holes. But the end result (as I understood it. She might think differently) is below. We have the Father and Daughter 1 covered. We need a second daughter to start this. It can either be played through YIM or Threads.

Kinks included:
Risk of Pregnancy
Excessive Cum
Exaggerated Body Parts (Cocks and Vaginas primarily)

(There will undoubtedly be more, these are just what I can think of right now.)

The Plot:
A man has two daughters, whom he loves very much. The family is quite rich and live on in a large manor on the outskirts of town or city. When his teenaged (Legal for the site. 16-18) daughters leave town for a week, he immediately gets to work on a home improvement project that’s been in the works for years. He has been feeding all three of them equine growth supplements, and now his cock is enormous. The only women who could possibly handle it are his daughters, whose constant ingestion of the same gene-altering food has given them huge, dripping pussies. They arrive home from their vacation and their father hurries them to their rooms. It’s late and the lights in the house are dark, so they only notice a few things that are out of the ordinary.

It’s 6 am. A klaxon blares, waking the girls up. The TV in their bedroom clicks on. Dad’s face. “Hello girls. I hope you slept well. Today is going to be one of the most exhausting days of your life. I’m hoping it’s also one of the most satisfying.” He said. “This is a game of hide and seek, on a massive scale. I’m hunting you girls, and you have a 20 minute head start. There are plenty of traps installed around the house, so you should watch your step. If I catch you, I’m going to get you pregnant. The game ends when both of you are knocked up. If you escape for 24 hours, you win.” He said, before the screen shut off. Their doors unlocked. It was time to play the game.

This Rp will not be terribly realistic. The main thing is the house. That’s essentially my character. I also play the father, and if he’s triggered, the dog. I will draw up some kind of guide or blueprint or something, though on I’m going to know it, I suppose. Maybe I won’t then. The entire house, and much of the yard, is trapped. There are multiple safe zones, where one or both girls can hide for a while. The basement is enormous and mazelike, and filled with it’s own hazards. Most of the traps are sexual in nature. Some of them are more like keys, which unlock doors, safe zones, other keys, or items.
So. We have the house and father. We have one daughter. We need one more. Is that you? PM or post in the thread. Sooner or later I will be posting a more general search thread, so if you like the idea but the position is taken, feel free to PM me about any other Rp. I love to hear your ideas too!
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