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Looking for Yaoi and Hetro rps (plots and Pictures)

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Jun 12, 2011
So I'm looking for some short and some longer termed roleplays. I do not have the best grammar and I'm not great at spelling but I do use spell check. Now before I get on to pairings plot and so forth I would like to list the things that are very important to me in an rp.

*Details, now this doesn't have to be tolken over the top but its nice to know what a characters wearing out it fits their body, whats in the room around them and so forth.
*3 or more sentances, I can't stand oneliners and I get discouraged if people repeatedly use two sentance posts.
*Fexibility, understand I have a life and I may not always be on, if I'm going to be gone for longer then three days I will let you know and I would like the same courtesy shown to me.

Now for the pairs pictures and Plots:

Another quick note I'm either dominate or submissive I'm a switch who can lean either way, I will mold to your character but I have the most fun when the other person is willing to mix it up.

Currently Craving Yaoi, or a chance to play a couple of my male switches

Fandom Pairing: First one listed is the one I would like to play.

Dragon Age & DA2
Female Mage Hawke/Fenris
Male Mage Hawke/Fenris
Female any Hawke/Sabastin
Female Grey Warden/Sten

Tenjho Tenge

Ronin Warriors

Final Fantasy Dissidia
Zidane/Anyone (I don't count myself talented enough to play other characters from Final fantasy)

Pairings in general that I'll do:

Slave or Pet/Master
New student/Mentor
Neko(or something like that)/human

Pictures and Plots:

1) This is really just a smut plot though maybe can be worked into something longer. It was halloween and Character A(me) had gone to the campus frat boys halloween party. Somewhere in the night between drinking and party games things got hazy. When clearity began to return they noticed they were no longer at the frat house but in a gothic styled room. Looking out the window was like looking out into a movie with a victorian styled mansion durring a dark stormy night. Opening the door they found nothing but monsters from every myth and legend. Monters that only had this night to have fun with the humans. Now how this can be extented is that Character A gets trapped there in the house having to wait till next halloween to get out, all the while at the mercy of the monsters in the house.

Now the human in the middle of the two unknown race guys is the one I'd like to be. (Yes this is one of the few times I wish to be a full on sub.)

3) Mind you this picture is mostly because I'm really craving something with a naga.

4) There is a whole bunch of pictures with these two. I would love being the blonde and I'm trying to figure out some plot.

5) Last one for now.
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