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A Fight For Dominance (FxM, FxFuta)

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Jun 12, 2011
Hello bluemoon! I normally would go into an introduction thread to begin, but I felt more like throwing myself out there early, as I am here to RP. For as much as you need to know, I'm a literate of several years, about six, and well versed in English Grammar and Spelling. Anyway, down to what matters!

I'm looking for a character earn the ownership of my character. It's an odd request, but my actual username represents my character's name, and thus will be more or less my main character through most RPs I do. Normally I prefer open public ones, but for this specific request I require someone to prove both in literacy and in skill to dominate my character in a single 1x1 RP.

But what does this mean?

Basically, we will have an RP were our characters will engage in combat. If you're character succeeds, which me fighting back will be heavily based off if I like your RPing style, will become property of your character.​

What I require:
  • An Actual Progressive Character on your end.
  • No God-modding.
  • Either male or futa. If futa, I strongly prefer the cock and balls combo.
  • Someone who is online at least once every two days.
  • A paragraph or three, I usually mirror my partner.
  • A good sense of detail.
  • To PM me your request, your character, and your idea for the match up.

Here, in a nutshell, is my character:


There were few who could withstand her. Many fell by blade, few lived without missing a limb. One of the few guardians of the night elves that carried a blade in favor of a bow, who preferred to eviscerate her enemies, instead of pierce them. No matter what kind of creature, may it be orc, troll, ogre, or even the demons of the outlands, she remained undefeated. A woman of un-matched skill, she believed, proposed this challenge, this trophy. If one could defeat her, surpass her skill in conflict, she would abandon her vows of protecting her people, and pledge herself to her challenger.

Many condemned her for such boasts, and when confronted by those fueled of anger at such taunts, she merely replied as such: She will attract only the strongest, and defeat them in the glory of Elune. Then they questioned if she would comply with the deal, if beaten. She herself could only answer: Nobody has defeated me yet, have they?

A mistress of combat, a warrior of her people, she would only be found in the treasured front lines, aiding her fellow sisters in glorious combat. On days of rest, she trained in their forests. She was never caught without her blade, never off guard, never in retreat.

I hope to hear from you. Also, I will only be accepting one applicant as the true master of my character. It's a contest, of sorts ;P

All are welcome to try!

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