Hidden Desire in the Village of the Leaf [Me and Stickyfun]

Apr 3, 2011
It had been approximately two-and-half years since the young blond had set foot upon his home of Konohagakure. Two years since his best friend's betrayal, since he left to become stronger, and since he had a chance to see the people that mattered most to him in this time. A lot of things had changed with him including his maturity, intelligence, strength, and ingenuity, but one thing that changed for the better...or the worst depending on who you asked during his time with Ero-Sennin and that was his healthy appreciation for the opposite sex. During their travels he was forced to read the smut of a book his sensei wrote, but he found the details kind of boring...at least until he was given a real world demonstration in a red light district as "training."

It was this newfound interest that brought Naruto Uzumaki to the situation at hand. After taking a small walk through the village he had come across Shikamaru and his friend Gaara's sister, Temari...and he couldn't keep those eyes from wandering over her delicate frame. The sun-nin was beautiful, sexy, and had a rough, demanding nature about her that naturally pulled at the male...and before he realized it he was watching her go about her daily duties as ambassador between the Leaf and Suna. This particular day he happened to catch her on her lunch break, and decided to make his presence known, jumping down from the building his was at....unable to hide his particular interest in his eyes.

"Ohayo, Temari-chan!"
For some reason Temari couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. For a few days now she just had a feeling someone was watching her, following her, but whenever she had checked she had found absolutely nothing. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but the nagging feeling had just kept on knawing at her and wouldn't go away no matter what she did. The only time it ever seemed to go away was when she returned to her hotel and ensured that the windows were closed up. Well, if someone was stalking her at least they weren't bad enough to be climbing to her window and looking in at her it seemed.

"Hm?" A few days after the feeling started however, she heard a voice from infront of her, blinking as she looked up to see a blonde boy dropping down infront of her. "Hm? Who are...oh...you're Uzumaki-san aren't you?" She hadn't recognised him at first. The last time she had seen the boy was years ago, he had been so much smaller then, though no less loud. As she observed him however, she saw a strange look in his eyes.....could he have been the one following her...? Nah. A loudmouth like this wouldn't be able to keep quiet enough to stalk someone for several days. "So....can I help you or anything...?" The girl raised an eyebrow, taking a bite of her lunch as she continued watching him. She had to admit, the boy had filled out somewhat over the years....certainly not too harsh on the eyes.
If only Temari understood just how much of a master of the element of surprise and stealth the younger blond was; however, being underestimated was always a point in his favor in all sitatuations. Trying to lure the beautiful woman toward his desires would definitely fall into one of many times people would say, 'never underestimate Konoha's number one most unpredictable shinobi.' He knew she was currently enjoying her lunch break, and a small, barely noticable flush burned against his skin before flashing her a rather fox-faced grin. "The one and only Uzumaki Naruto!"

Upon realizing he wasn't going to be receiving a rather warm reception, seeing as she almost didn't catch who he was, saddened pout fell on his face. Whether it was feigned or true was something that would be undiscernable. "Ano, I was just wondering if I could join you for lunch...catch up on some things going on in Suna and the village, orrr you know...hang out or something." Thinking quickly he hopped down infront of her and smiled, those eyes seemingly flickering between innocent and daring. "Unless you're afraid of my awesomeness, Temari-chan?"
Temari watched Naruto with what could only be described as a bemused expression. What was he talking about? "Who actually introduces themself as 'the one and only'.....?" Temari raised an eyebrow, casually taking another bite from her lunch as she continued to watch him, noticing just how much he seemed to be watching her aswell, a little more than she was completely comfortable with really, but hey, she was good looking and she knew it, she guessed there was no harm in letting him look for the time being.

"Join me for lunch? You? Join me? I hardly even know you..." Temari blinked, then took another bite. "....Hang out? Why? Hang out and do what?" Temari wasn't exactly familiar with the concept of just 'hanging out'. Back home she was always working, and even when visiting the Leaf Village she was always working due to her job as ambassador, she had never had the time or the friends to simply 'hang out' as it were. "...Afraid of your awesomeness? Are you actually serious....? Oh come on, what the hell are you anyway?" She rolled her eyes and looked back to her lunch. She might not have said yes, but she hadn't exactly said no either.....not directly anyway.
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