Kera's little search thread.

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Keralyn Jade

Jun 11, 2011
Hello, hello!

My name is Keralyn Jade, but feel free to refer to me as Kera. I've been recommended to this site by someone finding me on Gaia Online, and I must say, this place seems very promising! I'm excited to get started.

1. I only play Hetero. Sorry, but that's how my writing goes.
2. Intimate scenes must be tasteful and realistic. (I do not do incest, furries, etc. Also, I do not like my characters partaking in anal.)
3. Quality over Quantity. I don't like labels upon if you're literate or adv.literate. You must know how to tell a story and keep that story going. That is what I ask of you.
4. I'll post as frequently as I can, which may be several times a day or once a day. Basically, if I'm more excited about the roleplay, I'll roleplay often. If I'll do my best to contact you if I am unable to roleplay for an extended period of time.
5. And most importantly, there has to be more to the roleplay that sex or else it gets pretty bland to me.
6. I'm pretty open minded, so feel free to PM me about your ideas and I'll 'yay' or 'nay' them. Please don't be offended if I refuse.


One Night Stand.
My character goes crazy the night before her first day of work in a new city. She hits it off with an attractive man and ends up going to bed with him...only to find out the next day that he's her boss. And he has a spoiled, arranged marriage fiancee. Great.

Stormwalkers, Firewielders, that sort:

I've more so a vague idea of a roleplay. The modern world I'm thinking of is a world where some folk descended from magick, 'touched by the Gods' so to say. Some say it's a simple mutation, but others shun the fact that there are those with unnatural abilities. Unbelievers, so to speak. Some of these people are stronger than others, some weaker, depending on the potency of the blood of the god within them.

There's a certain goddess, however, that is trapped with her minions beneath the Earth and wanting out. The only way she's going to get out from her prison is if her daughter, a Stormwalker (a being able to channel the elements of a storm), opens the gate. Unfortunately, her daughter wants nothing to do with her. So this goddess begins luring her daughter to the opening of her prison, in hopes of persuading her.

Meanwhile, the rest of the walker/wielder world is terrified of her release. They send mercenaries, assassins, you name it, her way in hopes to destroy the key to Earth's destruction. One of which, if you so deem it, may be your character.

Or, your character could surprisingly be a kind of wielder that doesn't have magick work on him/her.

The possibilities are endless.

These pairings pertain to beings being 'touched' by Gods, thus having powers. In some pairings, I'll only play bolded characters.

Animal Shifter x Human/Element Wielder
Animal Shifter x Animal Shifter
Dragon Shifter x Human/Element Wielder
Human/Element Wielder x Human/Element Wielder

Kingdom Roleplays
-The Usuals

Modern City Roleplays with Twists
-Photographer x Model, etc.

Futuristic Roleplays
-Space Piriates
-Assassin x Innocent Bystander
-Assassin x Target

Also, throw me your ideas and I'll gladly take a look at them! This is all I have right now, so feel free to suggest something to me.

Please PM me, for I don't know if I'll see your post right away. Many thanks!


And now, I wait patiently. :3
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