The Breaking of the White Queen and the Taming of Shadowcat

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Catalyst, as he liked to call himself, was a mutant. You knew the story, kid turns 13, hits puberty, and through a genetic fluke, a misplaced chromosome, or his parents living too close to radiation or something, that kid gets super powers. At first he fears them, is afraid of what's happening, but then the X-Men come to your doorstep and tell you that they can help you, teach you to use your powers and control them to help people or even just live a normal life. Millions of mutants in the world though... they couldn't get them all, right? Some would have had to slip through the cracks. Well, Catalyst was one of those kids.

High school had been hell. Mutant bigotry ran amok among teachers and students and nothing could be done about it because no one even tried. Catalyst was never helped, he had to learn to fight for himself quickly and that wasn't easy. At first, Catalyst's power sucked. He produced oils from his hands. That was it. If you needed to trip someone with an oil patch, Catalyst was the guy for you! It was so lame and so... stupid. He was picked on for being a mutant, but his mutation didn't give him any power or fame... it just made a mess.

Until one day he evolved. Catalyst had gotten into a community college where an incredible attractive Social Science teacher berated and humiliated him. Maybe it was the anger, or the stress, or who knows what, but something changed in him and Catalyst shot something new, something that he had never tried before, straight into the teacher's mouth. It had been a mistake, really but... the results were undeniable. The teacher died, right there. The seemingly harmless oil... could be altered. They weren't just grease or lubricant oils that he produced... they were chemicals. Chemicals that could do things, things that no scientist could ever come up with, and Catalyst could control them and their effects.

He had a superpower.

He had tried the super-hero thing for a while, but it blowed and didn't get him any recognition, power or sex. Catalyst wandered for a while, trying to figure out what he could do with this power, when it hit him while watching the news about the X-Men fighting a mutant gorilla or something: revenge. The X-Men had never helped him and his life became hell, they owed him. Nothing serious, he didn't want to destroy them or anything, he wasn't evil... he just wanted his just desserts.

And that dessert would be Emma Frost. Knocking the X-Mansion's defense systems with a chemical that acted like an EMP in liquid form, Catalyst covered himself in a goo that blocked psi-emissions (he had never tried it before on a real telepath) and injected her with a chemical he created that knocked a person out and blocked their powers. Some girl he didn't know saw him and he hit her with a liquid that electrified upon air contact and knocked her out too. Taking, the now two, prisoners into an RV he had hidden away a few miles off the grounds, Catalyst drove away with his new prizes. Bringing them to a building that he had bought from a former psychiatrist, who had used the place as a mental facility, Catalyst injected the two women with more power blocking solution before chaining their ankles to a wall. He then injected them with a solution to wake them up, while their powers were still blocked.

Now, he and the X-Men would be even.
Emma was the first to awaken from the unpleasant (and unscheduled) nap that had been forced upon her. Her senses took a few seconds to come back to her, but by that time she had already realised that something was horribly wrong. This wasn't the X-Mansion. This was somewhere else... somewhere she didn't want to be. She looked up towards the strange man, and frowned.

But she began to frown at something else as well. Her telepathy... she couldn't... it was blocked! Emma couldn't dig in to the man's mind, nor manipulate him at all. She was trapped to her own faults, like an ordinary human. The former White Queen attempted to stand, but the short chain clasped around her ankle prevented it. "Who are you?" She asked, straightening her back and attempting to remain in at least some kind of dignified pose even whilst in this bit of bondage. "Another little kid who doesn't realise how big a mistake he's made by trying to kidnap an X-Woman? My friends will be here very soon, you know." Or so she thought, anyway. Emma never liked to be in a position like this, she didn't like these kind of games. If Emma wasn't in control, then it made her feel uncomfortable.

To her left, Kitty was beginning to wake up. The younger girl wore the standard blue-and-gold X-Men attire, while Emma had dressed herself in a smart skirt-suit, white as usual. Shadowcat's gloves rubbed at her eyes, quickly noticing the ankle bondage. However, her mutant powers didn't work! She couldn't pull her leg through the metal! "Huh... what's going on?" She asked drunkenly, obviously still feeling the effects of the substance that knocked them out.
Catalyst smiled as Emma Frost started to awaken, all haughty and regal like all the stuck up bitches in high school. She was just like a petulant teenage girl, but with a better vocabulary and big fake tits. They needed power, to feel like they were better than everyone else, because if they weren't then that meant they were shit. He was going to knock Emma Frost down a few pegs and show her the grimy little slut-cow she could really be.

"You're right, I am some stupid kid. Only 19 years old, my family never loved me, blah, blah, blah... you want me to tell you who you are? Normally, with your powers, you're a superhero, an X-Man, a defender of mutant rights and kind," Catalyst explained in a sardonic and demeaning tone before he slowly walked up to Emma and grabbed her by the throat and started mauling her breast with his other hand. "Without your powers, you're a stuck up whore in a slutty outfit who needs to have her mouth full of cock and her ass fucked by a pipe. But we'll save that for later. So tell me... who's the real pathetic one in this room?"

Throwing her against the wall with a little shove, Catalyst made sure his covered Emma's neck with a light sheen of aphrodisiac goop that would soak into her skin and make her feel just a little hotter, just a little more turned on, though nothing too drastic. Yet. Walking over to the other X-Man, who he thought he might have recognized from another team or something, Catalyst leaned down and took advantage of her slightly drunken state to coo and calm her down before shoving his tongue in her mouth with a sloppy kiss. His saliva was acting as a drug now that would have similar effects to ecstacy but with less hallucinogens and more lack of inhibition.

"Hey gorgeous, why don't you tell me your name?" he asked in a much softer and loving tone than the one he had given Emma, even comfortingly rubbing her shoulders and whispering in her ear.
The White Queen began to choke as he grabbed her throat, suddenly feeling a little too defenceless for her own liking. She sniggered when he started to play the tough boy act, saying that she needed her mouth to be full of cock. Oh please, did he really think that was going to happen? She hadn't realised what he had done, and when he turned his attention on to Kitty, she yelped a little as she was thrown against the wall. Emma gave a half-hearted attempt at breaking open the ankle-chain, but it was no use. She didn't even have super-strength when she did have her powers.

Kitty looked towards her captor, and with the combination of the new toxic substance swimming away inside of her, she was already putting up much less resistance than her blonde-haired companion. "K-Kitty..." She whispered back to him, "Kitty P-Pryde..." The young girl pulled back away from him, but her movements were slow, and her eyes looked as if they were having trouble focusing on anything. She shifted along the ground until her back hit the wall, and she couldn't move any further. One eye looked over to Emma, who's breathing had changed a little because of the 'goop' that had been rubbed in to her neck. "Why... why are we here? What are you going to do with us?" She asked, clearly not listening to the man's rant at Emma a few seconds before.
The effect of the drug was hitting Kitty Pryde pretty hard, but clearly she had some training fighting against these things because she hadn't become a drooling mess yet, she was just a little off. These X-Men were tough nuts, and Catalyst wouldn't have it any other way. He placed his hand on Kitty's shoulder with some oils that would cause her body temperature to rise and turned to look at Emma while he held his hand there, waiting for it to sink in. She was breathing hard and pulling against her chains feebly. He didn't need to be a telepath to see past the tough-as-nails look on her face and know that she was afraid. Without her powers, she was just a haughty woman in stripper-wear.

"Don't worry Kitty Pryde, I'm here to make you feel much, much better," Catalyst explained softly before he placed a kiss on her forehead, his saliva being more of that ecstasy-like chemical. "Now, just sit back, relax, and wait while I tend to Miss Frost for a moment, alright?"

Leaving Kitty alone now, Catalyst walked over to Emma and immediately shot out a barrage of liquid from his hand that covered her and soaked her in a matter of seconds. The liquid served to shrink her clothing and make her already revealing outfit all the more tight and uncomfortable. Oh, and it had just a touch more of that aphrodisiac substance too, just for good measure.

"Would you like to place a little wager Miss Frost? Prove your captor how wrong he is about you?" he asked in a leading tone.
"Mmm-hmm..." Moaned Kitty, who had closed her eyes by this point and was enjoying the sensation she was currently feeling. What ever it was, she didn't seem to question that she was starting to relax and no longer was she afraid of this strange man or the surroundings they found themselves in. Her hands didn't tug at the chain, and she didn't even seem to attempt to use her powers again. The young mutant just smiled, and did as she was told.

Emma was mentally fighting the effects of the substance that had infiltrated her system. She knew that she wasn't a slut, that she wasn't going to lay down and accept what he was doing. But at the same time, her body was giving in, betraying her to this... young man. When the liquid came at her, she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, groaning as her clothes began to shrink. People would have whispered under their breath that it was probably impossible for Emma to wear tighter and more revealing clothes, but here she was.. chained up and getting closer to becoming naked.

"You... are wrong." She said, having a much harder time concentrating as she became more and more turned on. This was him, he was making her feel this way, she couldn't let him win. "I bet you... haven't even... slept with a woman before... is this the only way... you can do it?" She tried to smile, but her lips wouldn't budge except for her words. Her hand suddenly descended to between her legs.
Catalyst smiled as he watched Emma struggle to even find a little fighting spirit. This was his favorite part, the part where their strength slipped away and they realized there was nothing they could do against his power. It wasn't mind control or hypnotism, those were things that were done to you and you could try and fight them. This was practically hormone control, turning the person's body against them, their only weapon in the battle for control and they lost it and had it turn against them.

Kitty wasn't quite lost the way he wanted, but she was a fun little experiment too. The things Emma was experiencing, Catalyst had tried on other women, multiple times, so it was a routine that was well practiced, well-oiled. He was trying something new with Kitty and she seemed to enjoy it, laying there drooling like an idiot.

When Emma began to reach down and touch herself, Catalyst immediately shot out a stream of liquid like a whip to hit her arm turning it numb and unable to move.

"Nuh-uh Ms. Frost... that would be unfair... no starting without me you little cheater," Catalyst said like he was chastising a little school girl, even following up by leaning over her rubbing her head like she was a child. "You're right about me Ms. Frost, I am kind of pathetic, and this is the only way I've ever had sex with a woman..."

At that moment, Catalyst reached down and tugged on Emma's left breast, easily tearing the too tight material and rubbed an acidic, burning-like substance that had an extremely high, fast-acting, but short-lasting dose of the aphrodisiac, right it into her nipple, even getting a tiny bit to sink into the crease where milk would come out if she were lactating.

"But I've been told it's way better than 'normal sex'" Catalyst said in finger quotes as he now looked into Emma's tortured face. "So, if I'm pathetic, with you're dirty slut for brains, you must just be cum-dumpster."

Catalyst now just looked at her face, into her eyes, trying to hold her determined stare while the aphrodisiac attacked her system for a minute or so be fore wearing off.
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