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As Day Fades

Feb 7, 2009
"Huh? This is...the address, but..." Naruto blinked. He scratched at his head, trying to recall what had been written on the slip of paper. In true Uzumaki Naruto fashion, Tsunade had handed it to him this morning, instructing him to arrive this afternoon, and in that short span of time he'd managed to lose it. Well, maybe not lose it lose it, as he knew where it was. "Aah! Stupid Akamaru," Naruto exclaimed, bringing the hand down from his yellow spikes and balling it into a fist. Complete with a stomp, he recalled how he'd been arguing with Kiba, stupid Kiba was winning, Akamaru barked a response, and when Naruto bunched up the paper he'd been holding and threw it at the dog's nose, Akamaru ate it! "Stupid Akamaru," he repeated, grumbling the words now with narrowed eyes. But, just as the emotion had come it was then gone, and Naruto found himself staring past the front double gates of a brand new, enclosed complex.

"Eh, this's gotta be it... But, wow! Granny Tsunade's been busy!" As he pushed open the large door and stepped through his eyes darted from one thing to the next. There was a large mansion-like complex straight forward, but before that a gorgeous pond! To the left were a line of houses. To the right were a line of houses. And it looked like the place reached back a bit beyond the center area too? ...This was just as big as the Hyuuga family's area of Konoha, or the Uchiha's! The blonde barely remembered to close the door behind him before darting excitedly over to the first of the houses to the left. Popping his head in, "Woo! Hellooo~?" Naruto grinned. He poked his head into a few rooms quickly, all of them finished though unfurnished. "WOW," he said, grinning more now at the echo, "this sure beats my apartment! Is this one...?" Stopping, thinking, for as long as Naruto ever stopped and thought, two seconds later he was running right back out of the house, leaping off the single step from the front and darting left, poking his head through the front door of the next one. "Or is this one mine? Hheeellloooooo~?"

The Hokage had been vague. Following the end of all the fighting recently, and the alliance between the various ninja villages, Tsunade had announced two things: first, that all offensive missions would be ceased until further notice, with a focus on Konohagakure's defense, rebuilding, growth, strength, and most importantly, its peace, and second, after that announcement almost a week ago to all of the village she had pulled Naruto aside just this morning for something private. She'd mentioned she was going to make a follow-up announcement tomorrow, but for today she wanted to inform him of it first. All she'd spill ahead of time was the address she'd written on the slip of paper, that he was expected there this afternoon, and that he was going to be given 'comfortable living arrangements.'

And how! Grinning, Naruto stopped and knelt by the pond to watch a frog. This place sure was somethin'. Was Tsunade really giving him one of these? Everyone in Konoha had been wondering for awhile now what she was having this all built for. He surmised that the big place in the center was for her, and the rest...people she liked? Maybe for some of the higher-ups in the village? Naruto shrugged; so long as he got one, he didn't mind about the rest! "Maybe she's not all that bad," he said to the frog, holding his hand out, fingers crooked. "If she's really gonna give me a place like this to stay, I guess I can put up with living so close to her, heheh..."

But he still had to find her. Where was she, anyway? Naruto could feel several sources of chakra in the building up ahead, all of them familiar. "She's not alone?" His head tilted some, but he paid this little mind. Standing, scooping the frog up with him, Naruto walked up to the large center building and ascended the short staircase. A moment later he was inside its doors, frog in hand, walking down a corridor.

When he entered the main room he found it to be just as large as you'd expect for a building of this size, and very open, with only a few columns on either side for support. The long, open mat of the floor was perfect for everything from taijutsu sparring to holding meetings. But, what he saw had the teenager stop completely in his tracks, surprise and confusion painting his face. The place had been decorated with colorful, sheer silk scarves, stretched out all over the floor, hanging from the columns, the ceiling, forming a small, sheer 'room' with several people inside. There were small, flickering candles everywhere, and interesting scents of incense burning all around. Naruto took a few steps over so he could see inside this sheer tent, standing at its entrance now, dumbfounded, just looking to the people inside. Sakura-chan, Ino, Hinata, and...Temari, were all sitting on pillows? And there was Tsunade in the center, sitting on a bed of about a dozen or so of those same, decorative pillows.

"...Uh...Granny Tsunade?..."
Peace had finally returned not only the Leaf Village, but also to the rest of the world. The wars and battles that had plagued the region in recent years were finally over and people could sleep easily. Unfortunately that peace had come at a terrible price. Every Ninja Village in the region had been severely depopulated. The non-ninja inhabitants had either been killed or fled in fear, whilst the ninja population had been reduced by the constant fighting to a mere fraction of its former glory. Even now that the Leaf Village had been completely rebuilt bigger and better than every before, it was practically a ghost town. Non-ninja wouldn't return out of fear that the lack of ninja would lead to them being an easy target for any passing raiders.

It was due to this sad state of affairs that Tsunade had come up with her plan. It was certainly radical, and almost certain to prove unpopular with some, but in the end it was the only way and her ninja would follow their orders, after all, this was to be an official mission. In order to rebuild the strength of the Leaf Village, Tsunade was suspending all missions taking place more than just a few miles from the edge of the village, and female Kunoichi were not to leave the village at all. From now on, every ninja in the village would have but one primary mission, to breed. By making the remaining strong ninja have as many babies as possible as quickly as possible, Tsunade had estimated that the Leaf Village could be back to full ninja strength in as little as 15 years, when the first 2 or 3 generations were old enough to have been trained and graduate as genin. The plan hadn't been announced yet, that was to come tomorrow. Right now Tsunade had to put the first part of the plan into action.
Whilst for most in the village she would choose the one on one pairings, trying to ensure the strongest possible offspring, there was going to be one exception to this. Naruto.

There was no doubt that Naruto was the strongest ninja in the village, and as such it was absolutely vital that he have many many children, building a strong Uzumaki clan that would become the guardians of the Leaf Village. For this reason, Tsunde was going to give Naruto special treatment. Rather than simply receiving one woman, Naruto would be allowed to take and marry several, being the only one in the village to be allowed multiple wives.
The first was to be Sakura, Naruto's long time crush. It seemed only right that they be together. Besides, Sakura obviously had feelings for the boy herself, so she wasn't going to be against the idea.
The second was to be Hinata. The poor girl was head over heels for Naruto and so she would be certain to be all in favour of this plan. Besides that though, it would be advantageous for the new Uzumaki clan to also have the Byakugan at its disposal. Not to mention Hinata was by far the curviest girl in the village. She may have taken great lengths to hide her assets, but the truth was that Hinata's chest comfortably exceeded even Tsunade's own.
The third girl was to be Ino. Whilst not a particularly exceptional ninja, Ino was very popular and there was certain to be....'competition' for her. By giving her to Naruto the potential fights over her would be avoided. Sure, Ino was likely to be against the idea but she would come around eventually.
The fourth girl was somewhat unusual...Temari of the Sand Village. Tsunade had shared her plan with Gaara a few days ago and he had been in agreement it was the best thing to do. He liked it so much he was going to institute a similar program in his own village. As thanks, he had 'given' Temari to the Leaf Village, though it had officially been a 'permanent reassignment' to show the commitment that the villages had to each other. Temari was an exceptional ninja, so she would be certain to produce very strong children with Naruto.
Of course none of the girls had any idea about any of this, they would find out at the same time as Naruto, before the rest of the village.

And then of course...there was Tsunade herself. She could never ask the ninja of her village to do something she was unwilling to do herself. So, to show she was serious she would be the first to take part, the first to allow herself to be impregnated with Naruto's child. Of course she didn't intend to marry Naruto like the other girls would, she would bear his first child and then return to focusing on ruling over the village, helping to rebuild as they began to undergo a population boom.

"Ahhh....there you are Naruto..." Tsunade smirked as the boy finally arrived, moving aside the silken curtains that were strewn about the main room of the mansion. The boy was completely clueless, thinking he was here just to receive a large estate. He had no idea it was also to be his job to fill it up with new ninja. Upstairs there was one master bedroom with a bed large enough for Naruto and his four wives, whilst the rest of the estate would be for his many many children. "Come Naruto....join me over here..." Tsunade patted the spot beside her, then beckoned for Naruto to come towards her. She was wearing her regular clothing, though it was a little more open than usual, showing off even more of her cleavage than before.

Once Naruto was beside her, Tsunade smirked and licked her lips softly. Although this was all for the good of the village, she had to admit she was excited too. It had been so long since she'd had the touch of a man...far too long. "'re here today to take part in a very special mission that is vital to the survival of the Hidden Leaf village. Participation in this mission is not voluntary, and refusal will result in permanent imprisonment..." She leaned a little closer to Naruto, her chest starting to press against his arm. "We must rebuild our village....our population....and so that is why..." She slowly moved a hand to Naruto's thigh, beginning to stroke up towards his crotch. "...The four of you are to become Naruto's will bear him many children....for the next 20 or 30 years, all of you will be in a virtual permanent state of pregnancy with Naruto's child. And just to prove I'm serious..." Her hand suddenly gripped Naruto's crotch "....I will be the first to bear Naruto's baby.....I will take his virginity infront of you all to show you how it's done, then he will take all of you in whichever order he chooses. You girls will satisfy Naruto's every sexual urge, his every desire. From this moment on, as Hokage, I officially declare you all to be the wives of Naruto Uzumaki..."

Tsunade glanced around at the girls, all of them in shock. The newly titled Sakura Uzumaki, Hinata Uzumaki, Ino Uzumaki and Temari Uzumaki just staring in disbelief, whilst Tsunade continued to stroke Naruto through his pants. "Mmmm....I'm sure the nine tailed fox has given you quite the impressive package hasn't it Naruto....? Yes....I think you'll far exceed the average down here...."

Wait. Wait...what?!

Naruto came over to Tsunade's side when she beckoned him do so, yeah, and he unceremoniously plopped his butt down on one of the elegant looking pillows. The blonde indeed noticed the Hokage's ridiculously ample cleavage, and trying to be coy about it, though in true Naruto fashion his 'glance' was more of an awkward stare for a few solid seconds before looking to her face, he did indeed 'sneak a peek.'

At Tsunade's words of a mission Naruto's face dropped the slight smile he'd acquired from looking at her boobs, becoming something a bit more serious. At her mention of how grave of a mission this was to be for Konoha, his brows knit together, ready to undertake it before he even knew what it was. ...And, when she told him, told them all what it was, Naruto just...


Dream sequence! Sonofabitch! Was this entire thing... Why couldn't Old Lady Tsunade have been giving him a nice new house for real?! And here she was, another dream where she was rubbing his thigh...then it moved to his crotch, gripping firmly, as her breasts pressed against his side, wrapping around and practically swallowing up his right arm. Naruto let out a long, low groan from the depth of his throat as he felt Tsunade's hand on his crotch. Her palm was pressed to his sac, her slender fingers wrapped entirely around both balls, cupping them, while her wrist rubbed against his dick through the material of his pants, quickly urging it to life. He blushed at it, but he didn't feel the least bit shy in arching his head slightly and letting out that pleasured groan, lilting his eyes and smiling some from the touch.

Tsunade would probably be quicker to kick him there if he knew he was dreaming about her like this! hehehe. And Sakura-chan...sometimes Naruto wondered if Sakura-chan became a medic-nin just so she could fix whatever on him she decided to break!

Naruto grinned. It was part lusty, part just glazed over. As Tsunade firmly fondled his crotch he just sat there like that for a minute or so, enjoying the sensation, quickly growing to a full length against the underside of her hand. "Mmmm," he sighed, eyes finally fluttering back open. He looked to the four girls sitting in a line, each on their own pillow, like a thing to be presented to him. "Sakura-chan..." Yeah, she would toootally kick his ass if she knew he was objectifying her in dreamland like this! But, so long as it's all just a dream, he might as well take advantage, right? "Uzumaki Sakura," he grinned even further, teasing, "I want you take off Ino's pants, and kiss her butt!" Ohmygod, that was even WORSE than thinking about her sexually!
Tsunade gasped as Naruto's cock grew inside of his pants, unable to help licking her lips when it finally seemed to stop, straining against the fabric so much that she thought he might rip his way out of his clothes. "My my Naruto...." Her hand slowly began to stroke up the covered shaft, making its way to the tip and giving it a gentle squeeze. "What have you been hiding from the village all this time....?" She chuckled, then watched as he reacted with pleasing groans and moans, he was certainly getting into this rather more easily than she had imagined. She thought he might have had questions or freaked out, but he just seemed to accept it. He hadn't known what was coming had he? there was no way he could know. She hadn't told anybody about this plan except Gaara, and he would never have revealed it, he had sworn he wouldn't.
Ahh...that was it...that look on his face...Naruto thought this was all just some kind of dream. Tsunade had to admit it could be fun to mess with the boy before revealing that this was indeed reality....but she needed him to accept this as soon as possible. She'd just have to ensure he knew this really was real.

Before she could do so however, there was something of an interruption to her train of thought, Naruto's mouth causing trouble as it usually did. "Wh-Wh-what?!?! N-no way!" Sakura finally got the composure to speak after Naruto had made his demand of her, jumping up from her pillow and getting onto her feet. "No way in hell am I doing that Naruto!" Sakura glared at Naruto with a look that could kill, Ino soon joining her. "Yeah! Just who do you think you are?! And Hokage-sama! How can you ask us to do this?! There's no way! I'd rather quit being a ninja than do this!" "Me too!!" Sakura immediately voiced her agreement, though that was when Tsunade shot them both a glare that more than trumped their own.
"As I said..." Tsunade's tone had suddenly become very serious "....this mission is not will do this, all of you will go through with all of this, or you will be imprisoned until the day you die. There is no 'quitting' being a ninja. The four of you will be Naruto's sex and breeding toys from this day forward.....understand?" Her stare was more than enough to satisfy any objections the four girls might have had, Sakura and Ino timidly sitting down with soft whimpers. " as your new husband says...Uzumaki Sakura and Uzumaki Ino..."

With only slight hesitation this time, Sakura and Ino began to shift, Sakura reaching for Ino's shorts and slowly pulling them down and out of the way, revealing Ino's bandaged up mid-section beneath in place of underwear. The blonde Ino slowly turned around, before Sakura stared for a moment, then leaned down to give Ino's kiss a quick peck through the bandages. "Th-there! Happy?!"

Tsunade chuckled slightly, then suddenly gave the tip of Naruto's cock a rather harsh squeeze, enough to cause him a little bit of pain, and enough to demonstrate that this was no dream....this was completely real. "Now then Naruto....why don't you take off those pants and show these girls what they're going to have inside of them for the rest of their lives?"
Naruto grinned. And he giggled some, watching Sakura have to kiss Ino's butt! The whole 'imprisnment' thing Tsunade was saying would have bothered him any other time, but here the Hokage was firmly massaging his cock and his sac, which encouraged his mind to be in a very different state. The thought of having the five of them here 'eager' to please his every whim...Naruto didn't have the willpower to do anything but embrace it. Four young, firm, beautiful kunoichi, and Tsunade's ridiculously curvy body, with her enormous, milky breasts...mmmm...

"No!" Naruto's grin grew a tad more wicked. He paused to groan pleasurably from Tsunade's palm firmly rubbing at the head of his shaft through his pants, but soon continued, "Nnngghhuhh...mmmnn...S-Sakura-chan, n-not good...not good enough... mmh... Take off the bandages...and, and kiss it for real...hhnnn..." His hips started rocking in tune with Tsunade's rubbing. Naruto's head even lulled to a side, laying against Tsunade's shoulder while he enjoyed her attentive petting. "Lots of kisses! ...Good ones! Mmn. And Ino, stick your butt out for her! Enjoy it! And," with his head laying there his eyes moved to the other two girls. "Hinata...I want you to start touching yourself." He would never say these things to them in real life, but here, in his dream, Naruto was wholly empowered. Grinning, giggling, he looked from one girl to the next as he just relaxed, giving in to the fun of the moment. "Mmm...Temari can just watch for now," he commented, moaning again immediately after, and right beside Tsunade's ear.

It was hard to pay even that much attention to his four new wives with how Tsunade was touching him - and that was a crazy thought in itself. There were four beautiful, fit teenage girls in front of him, two busty, one half-naked, and Naruto couldn't pull his attention from Granny Hokage for more than the briefest of moments as she firmly petted his crotch. The way she pressed herself to his one arm, too, practically swallowing it within her heaving bosom... Naruto's body shivered with delight when his free hand dared to delve into the top of the older blonde's gray top. He didn't pull it off her shoulder, but fully groped her unrestrained left breast within the cloth as he brought his hand down, brushing that loose cloth of her top over her tit, until it was tucked under, the left side of her chest now exposed, hanging free. Though, it didn't hang free for long, that same hand cupping it eagerly, her hardened nipple like a warm dagger in his palm, and her warm, supple breast spilling out all around his fingers as they did their best to encompass the daunting mound.

Shuddering from the continuous touch of her hand, Naruto's breaths came quiet and steady, warmly dancing against the skin of her neck. 'Now then Naruto...why don't you take off those pants and show these girls what they're going to have inside of them for the rest of their lives?' Finally he answered her, "Why don't you?..." Generous indeed, he was a full seven inches straining against the fabric of his pants, aching already for a release. "Mm...mmm...G-Granny...I want you to stroke it...hhn...I want you to suck long now...wanted to cum inside you, s-so long..."
Tsunade groaned softly as Naruto's hands began to wander, slipping inside of her robes and grasping at one of her large, heavy breasts, her hard nipple sticking out into his palm, every touch sending shivers through Tsunade's body. A side effect of the technique she had used to make them so big had also radically increased their sensitivity. " my really are bold aren't you..." Tsunade's hand was slowly moving to unzip Naruto's pants, gently tugging them down a little, along with his boxers, to allow his cock to spring free. " big and hard Naruto...." Tsunade nibbled on Naruto's ear softly, then suddenly gave his cock a painful squeeze, it was time to make him realise this was reality and not a dream. "Now're not sitting here being so bold just because this is a dream are you....? You have to know by now....this is completely real...." Tsunade used her free hand to tilt Naruto's head up to look into her eyes, giving him a glare that seemed to confim what she was saying.

Ino and Sakura fidgeted and looked at each other, being hesitant at first, but then seemed to remember the Hokage's potential wrath from earlier. They really did have no choice. Slowly, Ino began to remove the bandages around her waist, loosening them enough at the top that they simply fell away after a few moments, revealing Ino's lower body. Her ass was tight and smooth, absolutely perfect, whilst her pussy was completely hairless. After a little more fidgeting, Ino got back onto all fours, then stuck out her but, whilst Sakura leaned in to start kissing Ino's ass cheeks.

Hinata meanwhile was whimpering softly from the command she had been given. She wanted to please Naruto but....something like that? It was so embarassing. Still, she didn't have much choice. One of Hinata's hands went up slowly to her chest, then grasped at one of her breasts through her thick jacket, causing her to gasp sharply. She had only ever touched herself once before out of curiosity, and that had been back when she was 14, years ago. Her other hand slowly slid down between her legs, gently starting to rub at her pussy through her pants, another sharp gasp escaping her lips as she began to rub herself through her clothing.
Naruto giggled, and then he grinned. The nibble on his ear felt as silly to him as it strangely felt good. He liked it, he thought, shivering a bit with delight. Just as soon as it came though, she was squeezing down a bit too hard on the head of his cock. He winced a little, but didn't push her away. "E-easy there, Granny..." When she turned his face to hers and insisted this wasn't a dream, he just smirked. Lovably dense as ever, he grinned, grabbing Tsunade's exposed nipple and giving it a tweak to get back at her! He giggled again, then looked her in the eyes, still grinning, "Uh-huh, whatever you gotta listen to me now, right? Old Lady Tsunade~," he mused. "So start sucking!" Grabbing her by one of her blonde tails, Naruto pushed from the back of her head, urging her face down to his crotch. "And make it good!"

Of course this was a dream! There's no way something like this would happen any way else! And, since it was a dream, that meant he could get away with things like telling Tsunade to hush up and suck his balls! And the stuff he was telling the other girls to do! His 'wives'!

He watched Hinata starting to touch herself through her clothes, timidly but obediently. He'd always wondered about her, how she could be so busty, so curvy, and yet so shy...not that Naruto minded, but he sometimes had to wonder if she ever did anything sexual with herself, like everyone else. With the way she was touching herself now, it seemed she had an idea of what to do. And, grinning to her as he watched her play with her tit and rub her crotch, it was somehow hotter that she was doing it through her clothes. ...Though, of course he looked forward to seeing her bare-ass naked in due time! That thought was one of the numerous reasons he was stiff as a board right now for the Hokage to enjoy!

And then there was Ino and Sakura. Naruto wasn't...he wasn't really sure why he was embarrassing his Sakura-chan so. If Tsunade wasn't here in this fantasy then it would probably be his pink-haired crush he would imagine getting a blow from. But for some reason she was sitting over there with her part-friend, part-rival, and while he knew he'd never get away with anything of the sort for real, ever ever ever, there was something vengefully amusing about embarrassing her now in dreamland.

He watched the blonde rid herself of her bandages, and Naruto felt a whole new level of shiver course through him when he caught a glimpse of Ino's hairless vagina. ...That was his now, huh? ...mmmm... He watched as the girl dropped to her hands and knees and stuck her butt backward, presenting it to the other kunoichi, and he watched as Sakura again reluctantly placed a kiss on that firm, flawless derriere.

"N-now Sakura-chan," Naruto stumbled slightly, his face a serious blush, from this, from Tsunade, from the whole damn thing. This was bold, even for him, but he was so aroused, so in the mood that he couldn't be bothered to care. "Ask Ino if you can eat her...hhn...mmn...a-ask her nicely..." He bit his lip a little, grinning, excited. "Then, Ino, y-you answer~"
((So so sorry for the delay x.x I've been busy a lot lately, and the search system is giving me problems and not showing all my roleplays x.x))

So....Naruto didn't believe her? Well....he'd believe this was real soon enough. Maybe she should just let him believe this was a dream for might help him to enjoy things a little more in the beginning. When he suddenly ordered her to start sucking though, she was caught a little by surprise, even more so when he grabbed her head and pushed her down towards his cock. Well, just this once she would indulge him....but the second he fucked her and got her pregnant that was it, she was going to be removing herself from this new little family of Naruto's....unlike the other four girls she wasn't married to him now. Oh poor Naruto....still oblivious to the fact he really did have four wives now....
Parting her lips slowly, Tsunade took the head of Naruto's cock into her mouth first, teasing at the tip with her tongue before closing her lips around it, beginning to suck on it gently. It had been a while since she'd done this, but her natural talent for it soon kicked in, her lips ever so slowly beginning to slide a little further down the shaft of Naruto's throbbing hard erection.

"Ah!" Hinata squeaked when she pinched at one of her nipples through the thick layers of clothing she was wearing. Even through all that her hard nipples were poking through, just like the rest of her breasts they were rather larger than normal. Still, nobody knew just quite the extent of Hinata's 'gifts'....both Naruto and Tsunade were sure to be surprised when the former Hyuuga did finally remove that coat....but that wasn't something she was going to do until Naruto ordered her to....

"Wh-what?!" Sakura and Ino both looked up at Naruto for a moment when he made his next request, a look of refusal crossing their faces for the briefest of moments, but then they were reminded of Tsunade's could they not be with her sucking on Naruto's cock like a pro right infront of them? The two girls looked at each other for a moment, almost as if communicating through looks alone, before finally the two seemed to accept that this was their fate now. Not only were they Naruto's wives they were his sexual playthings for pretty much the rest of their lives, destined to be little more than breeding machines. "I-Ino....can I....can I..." Sakura's face was as pink as her hair as she attempted to get the words out....god this was would be embarassing enough if the two of them were alone, but with all these others around too? "Can out....?" Ino seemed almost surprised that Sakura had managed to get the words out, then suddenly found herself in difficulty to form a response. After a few moments hesitation however, she managed a slight nod, and barely managed to mumble out the word "Yes" before looking away, slowly sitting down on her backside and spreading her legs, Sakura beginning to slowly advance.

Just off from the group, Temari was still sat with a look of shock on her face, staring at the sight before her. The Hokage was sucking cock, two girls were about to start eating each other out infront of everyone and another girl was sat rubbing herself through her clothing. Just what the hell had she been drawn into here?!
(Hey hey, no worries. As you can see, it took me a few days before I noticed there was a reply as well.)

"Uhhnngh...nnngghhnn..." Naruto groaned openly, low, long and guttural. He didn't try holding it back in the least. Why should he? She's just begun, but already Tsunade was giving him the most fantastic head. His fingers dipped into the back of her hair, entwining themselves with her blonde strands, wordlessly urging her down more. Not that she needed it. And he was hesitant to remove her from her own pace, because already, even already it just flt so goddamn amazing... "Mmmhhnnn," he gasped out in an exhale. Still, there was the urge in the back of his head to grab her by the hair and forcibly just fuck the Hokage in the mouth. ...Would that be disrespectful, considering her station? It's not like she wasn't already sucking him off, though.

Naruto grinned at the thought. Maybe later. For now, it just felt too good. Too good. "Mmmhhmmnn..." Every exhale was a heavy, heated breath, followed by a sharp intake that saw a rise in the young ninja's chest. He could feel her palm enclose around the base of his shaft, slender fingers squeezing firm, and it caused him to throb, pulsating within her grasp. He could feel her head bobbing up and down, her tongue swirling around the head, her lips wetting his length, abandoning it to the cold only to soon envelop it with her warmth again... God, it was just all so amazing... "Ngh," Naruto gasped. Part of him had to wonder if another minute or two of this would send him over the edge, blowing hard into his Hokage's mouth. ...Was that against the rules? He didn't say anything yet though. Of all the things Naruto was, sexually experienced wasn't one of them. Paired with a buxom blonde expert like this, the boy didn't know what else to do than grip his fingers into her hair with one hand, gripping the pillow he sat on with the other, to breathe, and to let his Hokage do her thing.

He leaned back some, leaning on that free hand as he looked to each of the other girls. It was hard to watch anything but the bobbing blonde head in his lap, watching it move up and down at an already steady pace as he felt the coolness of the air as she abandoned his dick with every rise, and the envelopment of her mouth's warmth every time she dipped back down. But he had to look away else he'd blow way too quick; not like any of the other sights before him were much better, though. First, naturally, he looked to Ino and to Sakua, the blonde sitting bottomless on her pillow and leaning back on her hands, legs spread apart for her pink-haired friend and rival. And then there was Sakura-chan down on all fours, having just received permission from her best friend to eat her smooth, bald cunt...

Naruto shivered. "Tongue her deep," he breathed. His own loins twitched; Naruto barely resisted from bucking upward into Tsunade's mouth. He just held to her hair, gently massaging into the strands as he watched the two off to the side. "G-get her off, Sakura-chan," he stammered. Then, to the blonde, "Don't...don't be shy. Push her face in. Tell her what to do. Mmn... Make a mess, all over her..." God, Sakura-chan would KILL him if she knew he was fantasizing about crap like this! ...Ino would probably tease her friend incessantly, Naruto thought with a brief smirk.

That look was short lived. Next his blue-hued gaze traveled to his next wife, to Hinata. God, her crotch looked so damp...and her nipples were straining against the material of her top... As much as Naruto wanted to see her body, as much as he wanted to see all of the girls here naked, he was so overwhelmed with what was going on already. And there was just something hot about her touching herself with her clothes on. "H-Hinata," he stammered nervously. She was beautiful, and he liked her, and with her bust and her hips she was obviously a hottie, but at the same time Hinata was always so timid that Naruto had to sometimes wonder if he might break her in half if he ever shouted too loudly or something. "Um...H-Hinata, I want you to c-cum...just like that...just...with your clothes on, and stuff... Can you do that for me?"

There was another, still. He had one woman blowing him, two girls lezzing out, a fourth masturbating right in the middle of it all, and still there was another! Naruto looked to his new wife, to Uzumaki Temari, and as he blushed, and as he breathed, as he tried to concentrate on something, on anything that didn't involve filling his hottie Hokage's mouth with a load of jizz, he thought on what he could give this yet another buxom blonde to do. "T-Temari," he breathed, "I want want you to come take off Tsunade's clothes...a-and mine, too..."
Tsunade couldn't help but smirk slightly around Naruto's cock, letting herself drool all over it, slurping up every last drop of pre-cum she could suck from the boy whilst her tongue expertly worked the shaft. But everytime she felt him getting close, everytime Naruto was about to approach the point of no return, she slowed or stopped, constantly bringing the young ninja to the cusp of orgasm then practically tearing it away from him so he would practically be starting all over again. Oh it had been a long time since Tsunade had done this, but she most certainly still knew how....if needed she could keep up like this for hours without ever letting the man cum....but there wasn't time for that. Whilst she was certainly taking pleasure in this, she wasn't here for pleasure, she was here today for more practical reasons.
"Mmmmm...." With a humming moan around Naruto's cock, Tsunade began to pick up the pace, her head bobbing up and down quickly, her tongue practically wrapping around the shaft whilst her hands began to play more roughly with his balls, seemingly thinking she had teased the boy enough and now wanting to taste his first dose of cum.

Sakura growled inwardly as Naruto 'ordered' her to tongue Ino deep....oh how she wanted to just punch him...but the Hokage would stop her....hell...even when the Hokage left...if Sakura did attack Naruto it would mean imprisonment for the rest of her life. And besides....Sakura knew all too well the dire situation of the village.....the Hokage was right....they needed new ninja, they needed strong ninja....and this was the fastest, if not also most perverted, way to do that. Before she could consider it much more though, Ino's hands were on Sakura's head, obeying Naruto's command. She gave Sakura's head a tug, then slowly pulled it in towards her exposed crotch. Both girls were clearly nervous, and yet.....they were also....curious. With a nervous twitch, Sakura slowly leaned forward, extending her tongue outwards slowly, then making contact with Ino's skin, the blond girl gasping loudly, almost jumping on the spot as Sakura went to work on her pussy, slowly and curiously lapping at the flesh.

Hinata whimpered in pleasure, just nodding in response to Naruto's command. She was somewhat relieved that she wasn't going to have to become naked...not yet anyway at least. "Ahhh...." Hinata started to rub herself a little harder, her fingers pressing against her crotch through her clothing a little harder, the wet patch beginning to grow and become more visible. "Ooooh...." Hinata wasn't really making much effort to suppress her moans of pleasure, whilst her fingers squeezed at her large breasts a little more, pinching at her hardened nipples.

Temari was almost beginning to hope Naruto had simply forgotten about such luck. Her first instinct was to tell him to fuck off, that she, a princess, would not be treated this way. Unfortunately she had seen the Hokage's earlier threats....and knew she was more than capable of carrying them out. With a growl of frustration she stood up, starting to walk over and reaching out slowly, beginning to tug unceremoniously at Naruto and Tsunade's clothing. It seemed that the sand princess was going to be the hardest girl to tame....but then again perhaps that meant she'd be the most fun too.....
The blonde's teeth had to clench down around his lower lip, which half stuck out of his mouth, bearing a slight quiver to it, one you'd have to look to really be able to see, as well as an even slighter whimper, one you'd have to listen to really hear. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to tell Tsunade to stop. He wanted to tell her to go faster. Each time she slowed down considerably he felt his shaft linger for about a minute, welling up with a longing that could be considered somewhere between pleasure and pain at his denial. Yet each time she sped back up, his fingers still laced throughout her long blonde strands, he was hesitant to urge her on any more than she was already doing, for fear of getting off too soon. The ninja whimpered from the feel of her hot mouth. He groaned and raised his hips off the pillow, giving a very slight buck whenever her fingers squeezed around his hairy ballsac. He listened to the sound of her slurping, rhythmic and melodic. He could feel her drool dripping all the way down, plentifully covering the base of his shaft, dripping over his balls, down the inside of his left thigh, and he could even feel the excess starting to dampen the pillow where he sat.

She really, really knew how to give head.

"T-Tsunade...I..." He whimpered. He breathed. With another feel of her slender, feminine fingers gripping the entirety of his firm, heavy sac, Naruto gave another slight buck into her palm, blushing profusely. "T-teach them...please...teach them all, like this...t-to do this...nnnghhu~"

His fingers were digging hard into her hair, as they were digging hard into the pillow, but he made no effort to alter things in any way. He was just sitting there, experiencing her. Experiencing a blowjob from his Kage. God damn.

Whenever Naruto's gaze could afford to focus on anything, he sought out the other girls in the room. Hinata was blushing just as bad as he was but she was obediently rubbing her crotch and rubbing her chest. Part of him, inwardly, had to giggle way back in his mind as he thought of how much she would blush when she was sitting there afterward in panties filled with her cum... As it was Naruto locked eyes with the once-Hyuuga, gazing into hers for a few, unspoken seconds while she shamelessly masturbated right in front of him. Then there were the two sitting left of that, the bottomless Ino getting her twat licked by her still-clothed best friend. Naruto had to bite down hard on his lip when he watched this, watching the pony-tailed blonde shove that head of pink hair aggressively into her crotch. ...God. His angle wasn't the best to really see, but it was still so, so fucking hot. "Ino...I-I...ah...ha..." Naruto managed to grin. His eyes fell shut. "Tell it you want more? U-zu-ma-ki Ino..." He blushed. "Tell her...tell her everything you want her to do..."

But he could only spare the pair so much attention. Naruto felt another grip of Tsunade's palm and another self-impalement of her throat upon his throbbing, thick, meaty cock. He bucked up into her mouth, groaning gutturally from the very depth of his chest. Somewhere along the line he felt Temari come over and start tugging at his clothes, first removing his pants the rest of the way, then undoing and removing his shirt. The blonde ninja made no effort to hinder this, much as he didn't make it much easier in how he sat and writhed. In short time he was sitting there completely naked, tanned skin covered in a layer of lean, strong muscle seemingly over every inch. Even his forehead protector had fallen to the wayside. Shortly after the last bit of clothing left his body Naruto literally fell onto his back, body arching, chest and ribs raising up as both hands now embedded themselves in his Hokage's thick head of long hair. He groaned. He bucked up into her mouth. Unable to hold back even just a little bit more, Naruto held her throat so down on his fucking dick there was no way she could avoid just gagging on it at this point. He held her there, feeling her firm massage to his sac as the musky semen she'd gathered within started to shoot in hard, hot, pearly white streams, filling her hot hole with his sperm.

He laid there throughout his orgasmic throes, body shuddering, eyes clenched shut, his voice just the weakest, mewling little whimper...surrounded by his friends, by his new his his five personal fuckdolls, each of their vaginas his for the taking...
((So so sorry for the delayed response! Life has been incredibly all over the place for me lately. I'm doing my best though, promise! Hope you can bear with me ^^ ))

Hmph....Tsunade knew he was close and knew he'd want this all the time.....but no....she was going to let the girls learn to do this for themselves. Once she got a baby in her she was out of here to leave Naruto to his new wives, and to realise this was reality and not a dream. Still, she'd need to get the edge off the boys lust if she was going to get a half-decent fuck out of him. Her sucking intensified on his cock, slurping hungrily with an aching desire to get the boys hot cum out of him. "Mmmmm...." She slurped hungrily, bobbing her head up and down Naruto's hot, hard shaft as her tongue wrapped around it, expert hands squeezing at his balls. Then finally....finally she was rewarded. She tasted the first spurt of Naruto's cum, swallowing it eagerly, along with every other drop he pumped out, making sure it all went down her throat, swallowing like a pro.

Sakura was now licking Ino's pussy a little more eagerly, the pink haired girl finding herself rather....enjoying the taste, as odd as it sounded. Still, she wasn't going to say that, not to Ino and most certainly not to Naruto! Ino couldn't quite suppress her groan of pleasure, though she quickly bit her lip to cut it off, her body shivering as her friend and rival licked at her hairless pussy. "Nnn...." She panted as the wetness between her legs increased, her juices beginning to glisten in the light. She had heard Naruto's command but....well....she was so busy suppressing her moans of pleasure she couldn't tell Sakura anything. Even if she stopped suppressing her moaning, she wouldn't be able to speak, not with such pleasure running through her body. It seemed Sakura had a natural talent with her tongue....on a womans body at least.

Hinata had been watching Naruto when he came, gasping as she watched his hips thrust, watching Tsunade swallowing....oh god. Hinata felt her own arousal growing, beginning to pant and groan heavily as she felt her own orgasm beginning to approach as she rubbed herself through her clothes. "Nnngh....ahh..." Her whimpers of pleasure were so cute. Her grasp on her breasts through her clothing was getting a little more rough, her rubbing through her pants getting harder and faster, her eyes closing as she began to approach the point of no return, almost ready to cum at Naruto's command.
Naruto's whimpers were soft, weak and pathetic, and he wasn't the least bit abashed over them; his hips bucked several times into Tsunade's mouth without even meaning to, simple as a natural reaction of his nerves as she summoned forth and swallowed a mouthful of sperm down into her belly. He could feel her cheeks hollowing around him. He could feel her blonde hairs straying and tickling at his skin. He could feel the way her hand cupped and massaged his balls throughout the entire orgasm, and after it, when his body set back upon the pillow and his mewling voice started to subside, Naruto cupped his palm over top his Hokage's, hoping she would keep hers there to help coax the next load forth.

His chest rose and fell. His lips panted. How much had Temari taken note of? How much had Hinata? Did Ino even get to see? He hoped each of the girls had been taking notes during that, his mind, hell, his entire body not only in love with the relaxation he'd just been given, but eagerly hoping to get sucked like that again. "Mmmmm...mmm..." The ninja grinned as surely as he breathed, stroking his other hand through Tsunade's hair. She'd probably take to her back soon, he thought. Or did she want to ride him? Or fuck on all fours like an animal? Whatever happened next, Naruto just grinned, knowing he was seconds away from being in his Hokage's pussy while her fingers massaged his hairy blonde sac toward a second erection.

Casually he glanced over to the two girls dyking out, realizing then that he'd actually forgot all about them for a moment in his bliss! ...Mmm, Tsunade was good. With his grin fading to a warm, relaxed smile, Naruto eyed up Ino's bare lower half, only really able to see the outside of her left leg and the part of left side of her buns from this angle, but that was enough. He could see the pink tuft buried between her legs, moving about little bits at a time, and he could see every tiny shift in Ino's face. "Make her cum, Sakura-chan," he spoke huskily, still holding Tsunade's slender fingers wrapped around his sac. "Mm...Ino...don't be shy... Shove her face aggressive!" Naruto actually even giggled.

To him they were just requests, but to the girls, hopefully considering Tsunade's heavy hand, there would be no difference between a request and a command when it came to their new husband - the man whom would be fathering their new clan, whom they should all be deeply honored to be a part of. Maybe later they'd come to realize that though, with time. Heck, Naruto didn't even realize it yet. This was all some amazing fantasy to him, one that just kept going on and on.

And on.

He had more beautiful kunoichi in front of him than he knew what to do with!

"Hinata," his eyes moving to her next. "You''re getting pretty close, huh?" His face softened, and his smile was indeed warm and friendly, though that didn't deter rom any of the extreme perversion of the moment. "Can you get off, Hinata? ...Uzumaki Hinata? Just like I did?" Then, suddenly grinning very, very wickedly, "Can you make a big, slutty mess?"

But he wasn't done, not even then. Temari, of the Sand... There were so many pussies before him, so many many asses, so many many curves that Naruto had beaten off to for years, that someone as voluptuous and simply gorgeous as her seemed to be getting lost in the mix. "Take your top off," he said suddenly. Lustily. Huskily. Staring into her dark green eyes, "I wanna see your tits...Uzumaki Temari." Licking his lips, grinning, growing more and more in love with his newfound power, Naruto kept the gaze locked, "Present them to me."
((Sorry for the late reply x.x This one somehow slipped through my net with the search system down ><))

Ino wanted to pretend she hadn't heard Naruto's command...but she had and she figured Tsunade probably knew she had....which meant she had little choice really but to obey and satisfy Naruto's desires. God she couldn't believe she was doing this....let alone that somehow she was even enjoying it. Hearing Naruto giggle like that....god what she wouldn't give to just punch that face and storm out of here...unfortunately she was well aware that if she so much as tried she would be stopped by Tsunade, then either imprisoned or simply restrained to be used as Naruto's fuck toy and breeder. Well....might aswell try to make the most of a bad situation right? With a silent sigh, Ino slowly reached up one hand, placing it gently on the back of Sakura's head, before suddenly pulling her in harder, letting out a sharp gasp of pleasure as she did so.
Sakura was caught off guard, not expecting Ino to be quite so following of Naruto's order, now getting a face full of Ino's pussy, her tongue being shoved a little deeper into her friend and rival for a few moments before she was able to adjust. Her first instinct was to pull away, but Ino was holding the pink haired Kunoichi's head firmly in place. A moment later Sakura realised that was probably for the best....if she tried to pull away then Tsunade would likely not be happy....

Hinata really couldn't take anymore of this. Hearing Naruto speaking to her like that, in ways he only ever had in her absolute wildest dreams, it was just too much for the shy girl. Her hips started to buck against her hand, panting as she squeezed one of her breasts, then squealed in delight as she fell backover onto the floor, her waist lifting up. With a cry of pleasure she began to cum, the patch of wetness between her legs growing rapidly as juices poured out of her, absolutely soaking her pants as she continued to rub at herself, twitching with pleasure on the floor from the most powerful orgasm of her life to date, and that had simply been from touching herself infront of Naruto....

Temari twiched as she was told to remove her top, then when he called her Uzumaki....she couldn't help clenching a fist for a moment, until she spotted Tsunade again, the fist quickly relaxing once more, though not before Naruto would have been able to see it. "....Fine" She practically hissed the word at him, before starting to unceremoniously remove her top, doing her best to make it as un-sexy as possible.

Tsunade licked her lips as she swallowed the last of Naruto's cum, just chuckling slightly before pushing him into a laying position on the bed. " then....I think it's time you became a real man Naruto and knocked up your first woman..." She smirked as she moved to straddle him, trapping Naruto's cock beneath her, the shaft rubbing up against her pussy lips. "Mmmm.....before this day is done, you'll have pumped a big, hot load into every woman here, understand?"
Even with as amazingly as the Hokage sucked dick, Naruto's mind couldn't overcome the lust that resurged through him, urging his shaft promptly back to attention, and urging his thoughts to be nothing short of lewd. The young ninja's perversion and stamina were both things he was well known for, and even if he'd gotten off really, really hard once, it was still only once; if he couldn't get off at least three more times in the same sitting, Naruto probably wouldn't even recognize himself.

When Tsunade guided him to lay on his back he did so without argument. The blonde shivered as he looked up, letting his eyes settle first on her sweet snatch, on the vagina that was going to expertly squeeze and milk as much semen as it could hungrily get, in hope of bearing him a strong, healthy child. God, there was something so hot about sexism. His blue eyes traveled upward to her belly, to that soft-looking skin that would house and nurture their child, then to the two beautiful, buxom breasts that would no doubt fill with milk. ...He wanted some. Naruto decided then that he would drink from all of his wives, but when the time came, he already knew he wanted to taste Tsunade's milk too. God damn, just the thought gave the boy a pleasurable shiver.

But she wasn't the only one here with him. His eyes went to Hinata, and he smiled to the girl sitting there in post-orgasmic bliss. "Temari," he muttered out, staring at Hinata's crotch. Naruto wondered just how much of a mess the girl had made of herself. "If you're married to me then that means everyone here is your sister-wife now, yeah? I want you to help Hinata off with her pants and gently lick her clean." Naruto smiled wickedly toward those brilliant byakugan eyes. He flashed a quick grin, but then tilted his gaze, over to Sakura and Ino. ...God, it was so hot seeing the two hot-headed best friends dyke together. "Grind more Ino. I want you to get off hard, OK?" Then, to Sakura, "They're all your sister-wives too... Sakura-chan, your sis Ino-chan isn't going to let you breathe again until you get her off good. ...Can you even hear me buried in there? hehe"

Naruto was grinning. This was all so much fun! Plus, he'd never get away teasing Sakura like this for real. Not anything like this. This was a girl that still had a habit of punching him if he called her beautiful.

Back to Tsunade, he couldn't even look up to the woman's face, far too enthralled with the pair of torpedo-like breasts that hung down over him. They were gorgeous, from their size to their shape, from her areolae to her nipples. He wanted to fuck them and cum on her face. Or on her belly. Or on the tits themselves. Or up her ass. Or her mouth again. And then there was the vagina that hovered over his saliva-slicked length... "It can take awhile to tell if a woman is pregnant or not, huh?" He grinned now, finally raising his blue eyes to wickedly meet with hers. "Weeks...sometimes a month. Shouldn't we have lots and lots of sex together to make sure I get you knocked up, Tsunade?"
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