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RP Noir [Het, Lit, IMs]

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Jun 10, 2011
Brief Introduction
Lately I've been dying to do some RPs set in 1940s America. More specifically, film noir style RPs. I've had very little luck with this genre in the past, but I'm hoping somewhere here is willing and able to give it a shot. Before you read on, I have a few requirements:

I'm very literate and require someone who is as well. If you have constant mistakes with your spelling and grammar I'm not the guy for you.

Length isn't nearly as important as literacy, but I do like sizable posts. I try to give around 2+ paragraphs per post, and in general the more I get the more I give. If you can inspire me to type out larger posts full of vivid details, I'll be hooked.

With this being an adult RP site, yes, there is going to be sex at some point in the RP. That said, it's not my focus. If you're looking for pure smut and come to me with a really good idea and amazing posts I'll probably indulge you, but I'm mostly looking to write a good story. To me, sex scenes are just one part of the big picture. So if you're looking to write with me be prepared to help develop a plot.

Location of RP
I'm looking to play on messengers only.

That said I have a couple of specifics I think would be fun, as well as a few...I guess archetypes that can be put together rather than generic pairings. Male roles are mine, female roles are yours. So if you see anything you think you'd like let me know and we'll work something out. Contact me on site or just go ahead and message me on AIM or Yahoo. Whatever you'd prefer.

Contact Info
AIM: AVividWorld

Male Roles
Vice Detective
Private Investigator
Corrupt Cop
Chief of Police
Homicide Detective

Female Roles
Hollywood Starlet
Criminal's Wife/Girlfriend
Criminal's Relative
Burlesque Girl
Everyday Girl
Femme Fatale

P.I. x Criminal's Wife
After being fired for accepting bribes, a disgraced cop has decided to become a private investigator. Things are rough until the wife of a gangster shows up at his office. She suspects her husband is having an affair and wants proof. During his investigation the P.I. confirms her suspicions and she decides to take revenge. She steals a large sum of money from him and returns to the P.I., offering a generous cut if he will help her skip town. Though it is dangerous the lure of money is too much for him to resist and he agrees to her request.

Corrupt Vice Detective x Famous Woman
New York is a big city with a lot of opportunities, especially for those willing to take the risk of getting on the bad side of the law. A vice detective has recently taken up selling narcotics. Why not? His job gives him access to a steady supply and he knows who most of the big players are. He can also re-direct police attention if the heat becomes too much to handle. Things become complicated when a famous woman (singer, dancer, starlet, politician's wife, etc.) starts getting her fix from him and, in the process, stops buying from a local syndicate. With the gang out to get the two of them and nowhere to go, the detective must prevent the death of his high profile client, bring down the syndicate and make sure his fellow officers remain in the dark regarding his side business.

Corrupt Homicide Detective x Everyday Girl
Nobody in Hollywood is clean. Unsatisfied with the salary the city pays him a homicide detective has been selling home-made blue movies to wealthy private collectors and underground adult theaters. Though some of the girls know he is filming them (and expect payment for it), most of the time the camera is hidden behind a mirror of one way glass. When a string of murders breaks out he begins to notice a trend; all of the victims are girls he has filmed. Wanting to solve the case and keep his side income flowing without giving himself up he decides to seek out the killer on his own time, and in the process has to protect his most recent "co-star", even if she isn't exactly thrilled to learn she has become an unwilling adult star.
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