TF2 RP anyone?

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Izzy mask

Oct 17, 2009
Hello, I am new to the site but have been RPing for a long time and consider my self literate (I normally replay with 1-3 paragraphs depending on the rp). I don't have any really set plots, just more of vague ideas. We can make up a plot together is you send me a message. I'm open to any idea's you might have, don't hesitate to ask.

I have a hard craving for a Team Fortress 2 RP, or a RP with characters loosely based off it. I would play a female version of one of the classes... or as pyro.

A TF2 Rp can go many ways, it could be almost pure sex, or we could focus on character interaction (Since you have such colorful characters to play with.)

If you want to do TF2 RP we can talk over each other kinks and figure out what would be best.

I have an idea for a more plot heavy TF2 RP.
The contact with HQ has been cut off, they no longer respond to any messages, the supply trains have been coming sporadic and unpredictable. They are some times left for weeks with out a resupply of food coming in. It is starting to look as if the bases have forgotten them, leaving them for dead. But, every day the fights continue even as both bases are slowly dieing.
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