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Beat Me! A 1x1 Search!

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Jun 8, 2011
Hey there! I'm Janglin! And I sure do love a good BDSM-centric roleplay! I'm always unsure of what to put in these requests threads, so let's start off with some rules/guidelines?
  • You must be literate. Let's go ahead and say 2-5 paragraphs per post?
  • You must be willing to work on plot. I thrive on the build-up, sexual tension, and torture. Hehe.
  • Please realize that I like being friendly with my roleplay partners. I like chatting and just being goofy. However, I do not want to become your e-girlfriend. If you are looking for an e-girlfriend, you are in the wrong place.
  • Please state your limits before we start roleplaying. I do not want to overstep your bounds. I'm one kinky bitch.
  • I can roleplay on here, on AIM, or email. Your choice. If you need my AIM, just ask!

Now, on to what I like! I decided I would make one of those Rabbit Hole things and made a pretty expansive list of my kinks. So, if you need an idea of what i'm into exactly, that's a good place to start. However, don't let my list limit you. If their is something not listed there and you are curious if I am into it, just ask!
Also, let me stress. I love male, female, or transpeople as roleplay partners! :heart:!

As to what sort of plots I have in mind . . . I will admit I don't have very many specific ones in mind (we can always work something out!). I know for a fact that I am looking for something strongly based in enslavement, if that helps ideas come along. I also have a soft spot for teacher/student, boss/worker, killer/victim sort of relationships. Oh, and incest . . . I love incest roleplays. And tentacles. Those are nice, too.

Now, before I dig myself a hold I cannot dig myself out of, I shall leave this thread at that. Post here, AIM me, PM me . . . whatever works best for you!

I do hope this thread yields some results!

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