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Seeking to Dominate or to be Dominated M/F F/F

What do you prefer, being the dom or the sub?

  • I don't care so long as there is some pain involved

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Crimson Cataclysm

Jun 8, 2011
Welcome to Cataclysm's lair, I hope you find what you are seeking for.

I'll keep the post short, no need to bog people down with lots and lots of information about me. I like to play the more dominant characters in any rp I do, being the sub is a nice change. I am mostly interested in rping over Aim or msn however I am more than willing to try a PM rp if the rp seems interesting. Though I wish for an adult role play I still wish for a strong plot and a good story, pure sex gets boring rather fast. If you wish to get to know me we can talk while we rp, it's nice to get to get to know your partner. What I really love is to do a roleplay where we alternate in the roles of dom and sub. Though I am quite happy being dom or even sub if the other doesn't appeal to you. Also, I should add, I'm interested in either M/F or F/F pairings, sorry, I'm not in to M/M.

If you wish to roleplay with me add Cataclysm1227 to aim. Please start any messages with the words "To Serve" or "To Dominate" (Depending on which you feel more comfortable with). Just so I can tell why you're contacting me. If possible Aim is my preferred messenger.
Alternatively, add me on msn :

If you've read this far, good. Now for the list of roleplays. Note that in these roleplays any of the two could be the dom. (mostly) I am interested in roleplays which have an enjoyable and compelling plot and an ongoing constantly evolving story. If you're not wanting to plan out a good plot with me then I'm not the rper you're looking for. It's not something that needs to be in an rp but I do quite love degradation and humiliation!

Demon x Demon
Demon x Human
Demon x Hunter
Hunter x Hunter
Vampire x Vampire
World of Darkness Related (Really Want To Rp)
Bounty hunter x Jedi
Sith x Jedi
Sith x Sith
Sith x (practically anything else)
Bounty hunter x (any thing else really)
Bounty Hunter x Bounty Hunter. (maybe a rival or a student)
Human x Human. (Many many possibilities for us to brainstorm, we could come up with something good.)
Futuristic Bounty Hunter x Target

Something World of Warcraft related (I really want to do a Warcraft roleplay with a dominant female Orc or Troll. Please some one roleplay this with me!)

Something based around the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, not got any solid plot yet but we can brainstorm!

Warhammer Fantasy. : Quite a few good ideas that could be used here, something we can discuss further.
World of Darkness: Again, many to pick from here, we'll have to brainstorm. (Really Want To Rp)

Something Naruto Related (Really Want To Rp)

Something Spartacus related. The tv series Spartacus Blood and Sand. There are many idea stemming from this one.

Something Super hero/villain related (Really Want To Rp)

Repo! The Genetic Opera

A military setting, either within the military or some form of merc group. They can either come across some one or it could be one of their grunts.

Apocalyptic setting: I'd love working some sort of story in with a Zombie invasion or some other kind of mass genocide setting.

Tied in with the one above something Borderlands style. Not exactly Borderlands but an apocalyptic world and an rp that involves overt he top raiders and bandits. Either two members, them kidnapping some one, a new recruit, there are quite a few ideas floating around!(really want to RP)

Something rather twisted and quite dark, probably some horror setting. No plots but I'd love to brainstorm one.

Another of my favourite ones is a bounty hunter of mine who also owns a slave trading business. He captures girls that would sell, these need not be human. Him and his crew train them and sell them on. This is a great setting for an rp as over the course of the rp there will be several different slaves brought in who need training in various ways, also due to there being several masters and mistresses working there it makes it easy for some switches. (This is the start of the story I wrote which inspired the setting)

The other thing I've been considering, if we find other's interested is we could make any of these rps (or most at least) in to a group rp and maybe have a thread for it. If you're curious about any of them, please, get in touch, we can discuss them. Also, if you have ideas that are not on there which have a good plot and you think I may be interested in, please, let me know. I love a good original plot. What's the worst that could happen?
RE: Seeking a Dom x Sub Roleplay

I have been away travelling the last couple of days so I am sorry for those requests I did not accept right away
RE: Seeking a Dom x Sub Roleplay With A Good Plot!

I added you and will send you a message when I see you online! :)
RE: Seeking a Dom x Sub Roleplay With A Good Plot!

Great, can't wait to hear from you, I've not been on the last few days due to some IRL issues, you should be able to find me soon though.
RE: Seeking a Dom x Sub Roleplay With A Good Plot!

Awesome! Are you on right now?
RE: Seeking a Dom x Sub Roleplay With A Good Plot!

We will catch each other! :)
RE: Seeking Roleplay Of The Domination Variety With A Good Plot!

Quite in a starwars mood, I'd be willing to come up with an idea for it not already stated.
RE: Seeking Roleplay Of The Domination Variety With A Good Plot!

I've still yet to have a good Warcraft one, preferably where I get to play a troll or an orc.
RE: Seeking Roleplay Of The Domination Variety With A Good Plot!

I am back from my year long trip and should be more active! Really craving Naruto. Message me!
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